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A: Iterate through 2 dates using bash script on mac

David C. RankinYou are close, but if you want to increase start_date until it matches end_date, you need to add to start_date, not end_date. You can reorder, and you should be able to simply add 1 day to start_date each iteration until it matches end_date. (I'll leave it to you to check that end_date falls afte...

thank you for this answer. However, I have copied the code you have used above and I get this error when running the file:- usage: date [-jnRu] [-d dst] [-r seconds] [-t west] [-v[+|-]val[ymwdHMS]] ... [-f fmt date | [[[mm]dd]HH]MM[[cc]yy][.ss]] [+format] It doesn't seem to like the '-d' part of the code.
Okay, you have Mac date command. Give me a second and I'll update the question.
@newbiecoder - change the date command to start_date=$(date -v "$start_date +1d" '+%y-%m-%d') Let me know if that works on the Mac from date(1) OSX man page
This now gives the error:- +1d: Cannot apply date adjustment usage: date [-jnRu] [-d dst] [-r seconds] [-t west] [-v[+|-]val[ymwdHMS]] ... [-f fmt date | [[[mm]dd]HH]MM[[cc]yy][.ss]] [+format]
@newbiecoder - it looks like start_date=$(date -j -f "yy-mm-dd" "$start_date" -v +1d '+%y-%m-%d') will work I wish I had a Mac to test on. (sorry, forgot the -v)
hi, apologies, this also doesn't work. I really appreciate the help you have provided so far. no worries, I can play around with it a bit more and see if I can come up with a solution
You made sure you had the -v +1d that I forgot the first time? I thought providing -j -f "yy-mm-dd" "$start_date" would set the date to the desired date in start_date. If that's not happening, I'm confused on how to tell Mac date which date to use...
I don't think quoting is the issue, though you could try removing the double-quotes.
I have yes. It's confusing as to why it's not using the date I'm providing and taking the date of the mac itself.
Taking the current date makes sense -- that is what date does by default. The problem is what do I have to do to tell it to use another date instead of the current one. That's where I was looking at -j -f Let me read further in the man page.
could you provide the page link that you are using please
Let's do this in 2-lines instead of one. Remove the current command that sets start_date and add these two lines date "$start_date" and next line start_date=$(date -v +1d '+%y-%m-%d')
(you can just comment the current start_date line out with #)

#Increase start_date until end_date
while [ "$start_date" != "$end_date" ]; do
echo $start_date
start_date=$(date -v +1d '+%y-%m-%d')
this doesn't work either :( line 9: 21-12-25: command not found
Make that date $start_date for the first of the 2 lines
The date command is the start of the line following by $start_date. line 10: -v: command not found
now getting this error
Grrr... I'll have to follow up in the morning -- I'm out of ammo. I'll go mark my answer as GNU date and set it inactive for now.
thank you for your help that you have provided so far. I really appreciate it :)
No worries, just frustrated. I've been scripting for 20+ years and it is frustrating to the stumped by differing dates ....
Good luck with your scripting.
it is! I have looked at all the solutions I could find online and nothing is of use to this mac.
If i find a solution I will be sure to let you know :)
You got a deal!
6 hours later…

let counter=0

while [ "$loop_date" != "$end_date" ]; do
loop_date=$(date -j -v+${counter}d -f "%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00Z" "$start_date" +"%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00Z")
echo $loop_date
let counter=counter+1
this is what I did!
took a while but got there in the end.
thank you for your help!!

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