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A: Postgres create view with column values based on another table?

jbootI think this is what you were talking about, right? WITH scores_plus_weekly AS (( SELECT id, user_id, 'Weekly' AS type, created_at FROM scores WHERE created_at BETWEEN '2021-05-10' AND '2021-05-17' ) UNION ( SELECT * FROM scores )) SELECT row_number...

Thanks for the answer and the detailed explanation! Question: is it possible to not have to specify the diamond/clay? There are quite a lot of types, so manually adding them would be hard.
I simplified the example a bit, but the best approach would be to have another table that holds an integer value like order, that ranks your labels in the correct order. E.g. (label, order) VALUES ('Diamond', 1), ('Gold', 2), ... ('Clay', 6), etc. You can then join that table by label name and take its order field as input for sorting.
I see. TheImpaler said something about using the RANK() function for the ranking, any ideas on how that could be combined with this solution?
I'm not entirely sure what he had in mind, but it's another function that can be used on a window (the OVER (...) part). It counts differently; it starts at 1 and sticks to that number and only increments for each new partition. You can get similar results as with row_number, or it could be used as 'preparation', useful input for a followup query.
I see. I'm trying to understand the query: what exactly does the first row_number() do?
It counts the rows and numbers them. The window after it tells when it should restart numbering (the partition part) and in which order it should increment (first by type, then by count in descending order). I removed the PARTITION BY TRUE part as it's redundant when it contains an ORDER BY clause. Partitioning by TRUE is a simple way of saying there's only one partition (e.g. don't reset the counter of row_number).
This part ORDER BY CASE "type" WHEN 'Diamond' THEN 0 WHEN 'Clay' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END, what's the 0 and 1 used for?
To tell Postgres the order (sort by integer)
It can be replaced with the extra type/label table as discussed earlier.
Why is the orderBy needed in this case?
I've changed my original answer and it's only needed in one place; the first column "id". It's to keep the order of the labels in your question. If you would simply sort by "type", then you get the "Clay" first, then "Diamond" and then "Weekly"
Oh I see, so if I didn't want the IDs to be sorted, would that part be removed?
Not removed, replaced with ORDER BY "type"
Otherwise it'll just sort by count
I see, alright thanks a lot!
You're welcome

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