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A: How to know when TextField in a WKWebView is Tapped

Kyle LiuYou can detect keyboard show/hide events by observing the global notification center. NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWillShow), name: UIResponder.keyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(k...

I was looking for something specific to WKWebView
The events get triggered even when a textfield is activated in a WKWebView, so you can add it to the view controller that's presenting the WKWebView if you're not subclassing to isolate it. Try it with code and you'll see.
Your misunderstanding what I’m saying. I know how to use notifications, I use them in several live apps on the AppStore. I’m looking for something specific to WKWebView and not the vc thar it’s in.
AFAIK such thing doesn't exist specifically for WKWebView, keyboard events are global in iOS, it doesn't care whether it's from a textfield or web input form.
So, as a workaround, you can subclass WKWebView and add those observers to detect when a keyboard shows up when the webview is presented, it's the closest thing to UITextField delegates without trying to do hacks with evaluating the javascript/DOM structure of the web page.
Let give me a quick scenario where it makes a difference. If I need to do something when the keyboard is raised/lowered when a regular textField is tapped, I can listen to textShouldBeginEditing and didEndEditng to when that textField starts and and stops. I can identify exactly which keyboard it is. But if I want to avoid that same thing from happening when the textfield in a WKWebView is tapped, I have no way of distinguishing that the textField was tapped via the WKWebView. That's where this equation stems from.
So you're trying to detect which entry fields are being activated in the WKWebView?
Read the first comment by @iphonic
You said "I can identify exactly which keyboard it is", do you mean to distinguish between keyboard activated by WKWebview and keybaord from another UITextField?
Not which fields, I just need to distinguish when the keyboard is triggered from a textField in my vc or the WKWebView in my vc. My vc has a textView, textField, and a WKWebView.
Yes, exactly what you asked
Ok, may I ask why you're trying to distinguish them? Since you already know that keyboards get triggered from textview and textfield.
When textview and textfield gets triggered, you know exactly when that happens already, so save a global state flag somewhere.
Then by detecting the keyboard events, if textfield & textviews haven't began editing, then you know the only trigger is the WKWebView.
It's not elegant but it's a process of elimination.
Since there're only 3 things that can trigger the keyboard on that screen, the textview, textfield, and wkwebview. So if keyboard gets triggered, and textview & textfield are not editing, then that leaves the wekwebview
I had to use a Bool that only get sets if the textView or textField is tapped. That Bool is set to true in ShouldBeginEditing and false in DidEndEditng if either of them are tapped. WKWebView doesn't;t have anything like that so the Bool is never set to true when a textField inside of it is tapped. That was the only way that I could tell the difference. It 100% works, but it seems unnecessary. WKWebView should have something to tell the difference
What you described is exactly what I did. Not elegant at all.
Then you already implemented it, the WKWebView code doesn't have anything like that which is officially supported. You probably can play around with javascript/dom evaluations but that's a lot more complicated than the solution you already have I think lo.
Yeah, Apple didn't build anything like that yet unfortunately.
Yeah, I know don't anything about Javascript
Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.
Np, you probably can inject some javascript into the webpage you're presenting to see if there can be a callback, but I don't know enough about js to hack it either.
Now that you have more context into what I anted to do what you should do is delete your answer and simply say that "WKWebView does't have what your looking for". I'll accept it because you actually answered my question by saying "Apple didn't build anything like that"
ok, will do, thanks.
np. Thanks for you help!
Np, good luck!
Maybe be a little bit more specific in your answer so that it helps other people
Like "Those delegate methods are't supported by WKWebView" or whatever
Don;t delete your answer, just change it. I'll accept it so that you get the points
If you want to get down the rabbit hole of javascript...
Might be worth for a hackathon or something lol

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