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Q: Outlier removal using the minimal cost function hiding the second image

KINYUA TIMOTHY NJIRUUpdate After receiving no response for the question I posted yesterday, I did my own research on how to complete the Matrix entries for Matrix A and Matrix B so that my method would calculate and return a Transformation that would align a certain image B to A, I found a research paper from this s...

Found a research paper that has the derives already, now it is just manipulating the co-ordinates in the loop
A[3,3] and B[3,0] haven the wrong sign when compared to the paper (equation 4) cited above. Is it intentional? If so, have you double checked that it doesn't introduce an error?
@S_Bersier, what values should I use instead?
If you don't have any reason for this change of sign, then I would recommend to put: A[3, 3] += +2; and B[3,0] += +2 * shp1[i].Y; Just like in the paper.
@S_Bersier, Why the positive sign before the value, its the same as A[3,3+=2?
Of course. It was just to emphasize the sign. You can write: A[3, 3] += 2; and B[3,0] += 2 * shp1[i].Y;
Modified, still the same result
Following the conventions in the paper: RES is the vector (a,b,t1,t2) you're looking for. And I don't see how RES = A.Inverse * B can be the same if A has changed , unless y1 is always zero. It' doesn't make sense. But if you want, we can continue this discussion on chat. OK?
Yes if you look at what is going on in the research paper, the transformation you hae sated above is whats being calculated
The inverse of the matrix on the left side times the matrix on the left side will give us the transformation of minimum cost needed to remove the outliers
So, can you output the resulting (a,b,t1,t2) with the signs in A,B as before and as in the paper? Because, they can't be the same.
The transformation values are assumed to be zero first so we can derive the values of the two matrices and express them in equation form
"a" and "b" can't be zero otherwise every (x2,y2) is mapped to (0,0). Isn't it? I suggest you start with (a=1,b=0,t1=0 and t2=0)
Can you derive using your values and then substitute the the entries in the m,atrix array and see if works please? or you can derive and then give me a list of the equations for each entry I try, Thank You
The matrix entries are yours plus the modifcations I gave you: A[0,0] +=2*shp2[i].X*shp2[i].X+2*shp2[i].Y*shp2[i].Y;
//completing the remaining entries for matrix A
//it is important to note that matrix A is 4 by 4
A[0, 1] += 0;
A[0, 2] += 2 * shp2[i].X;
A[0, 3] += 2 * shp2[i].Y;
A[1, 0] += 0;
A[1, 1] += 2 * shp2[i].Y * shp2[i].Y+2*shp2[i].X*shp2[i].X;
A[1, 2] += 2 * shp2[i].Y;
A[1, 3] += -2 * shp2[i].X;
A[2, 0] += 2 * shp2[i].X;
A[2, 1] += 2 * shp2[i].Y;
A[2, 2] += 2;
A[2, 3] += 0;
Trying these out, did you derive using your the 1 for value a that you introduced?
Same result bro, pasted you entries in visual studio
Sorry. In order to help you more I would need the data you use and your complete program - assuming that I can compile it... I really don't see how I could help you more.
I have the handout, updating post with the rest of the prgogram
Post updated with complete program code
OK. I'll have a look at it. It might take a while.
First mistake: On line 171: You have: "PCALib.Matrix Res =(PCALib.Matrix) Ainv.Multiply(Ainv);" But you should have: "PCALib.Matrix Res =(PCALib.Matrix) Ainv.Multiply(B);"

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