#include <xc.h>
void main()
unsigned char i;
unsigned char DATA;
unsigned char RESULT;
for(i=0; i<10; i++)
New to programming and cannot seem to find the problem with the above code. Code is sup...
Please do not post code as an image - reasoning. Copy it as formatted text into the question.
The RESULT variable is uninitialised. So code that reads it is using indeterminate value. Set it to 0 at the start. There is also an extra ; at the end of the for line which means the next line is not actually in the loop body.
Please provide a textual mre ( minimal reproducible example ) right here. Then it will be much easier to explain the other loop-oddity in your code, which in my opinion prevents the code from ever achieving any intended result.
"have changed it to i=0" Please show that.
A mre would require to explain the use of "xc.h" instead of the usual includes.
If you get an error message (of StackOverflow editor) and need help with it I will be happy to try. Please quote it in full and verbatim. "not properly formatted" is not an error which I know. I offer to do an edit to your post in which I prepare a code block in which you can simply copy paste your code. I will just do that. If you do not like it you can undo it via "Rollback" when you click on the blue "edited" beneath the post.
"result shows a 0 instead of 50" Please explain where you see that result, because I do not see any code which would cause output to visualise that. This, in combination with the loop-odditiy confuses me. I almost have the impression that the code you show cannot be the one you describe.
@kaylum why is it wrong to add a "RESULT = 0" line before the for loop instead
Is there a difference in setting DATA to 5 with DATA = 5 rather than DATA = 0x05. Whats the difference between hexadecimal and decimal when initialising?
One is hex one is decimal. For values < 10 it will have the same effect. For values > 9 only if you know what you are doing. Please explain where, how and when you check your expected result.
@kaylum With only unsigned char RESULT = 0; the result will only be correct once. Only with luck the expected result is in the variable. Otherwise it will be higher than desired. I still wonder how/when/where OP checks the result....
I never said it is wrong. Just not sure what your code is meant to do (it doesn't seem to make sense to just run the inner loop forever). But yes you can set to 0 there too.
@Yunnosch Put a breakpoint at the last line and debugged the program to view variables. Dont know if thats the correct way to display if output is correct
How often do you reach that "last line"? It should be "never" (for the last } ), "often" (for the second to last }) or "often times ten" (for the RESULT += DATA;). Do you always see the same value?
And that is why I asked so very very often when/how/where you see the result....... Congratulations. Now, count how often you reach that until the program ends and report which values you see. Then you will probably also understand what I meant by "loop oddity" several times.
"Dont know if thats the correct way to display if output is correct" Well it is, say, "unusual". Most beginners use some output code, e.g. the all favorite printf(). You however seem to have a special environment, which is why I asked about "xc.h".
If you provide all that information which I asked for, it makes the question clear and answerable. I will happily vote to reopen and even upvote it, if you provide all of it in the question post. Have fun.
I cannot tell you that (how to output) for an environment which includes "xc.h" without explaining and uses the loop oddity. Because both are indicators that you are in an unusual environment. Is there a HelloWorld for that special environment which you use without explaining it? Because trying a HelloWorld is the answer to the question "How do I output something in my environment?"
If you intend to only improve future quetions you are taking a risk. Because a) better try now, with the hints you got b) this negative-scored question will be in the way sooner or later c) if you do not practice incorporating feedback comments now, it will be extra hard next time. And, frankly, your track record of picking up on good (if I say so myself) feedback comments is .... patchy.
Main reason why you think I was not picking up on the feedback comments is simply because there were too many and I didnt respond to some, yours included. Its not necessarily something that needs practice. I'll just make sure to address every single one in the future