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Q: Getting the same prediction for each training point within the same batch

sergey_208When I was analyzing my results, I did observe an odd behavior. After a couple of training steps, the prediction vector was getting the same value for the corresponding input vector. For example, if the batch size is five, all five training points get the same prediction. I did extensive debuggin...

If you make a simple notebook on Colab and post a link here, that would be helpful. I don't mind taking a peek, but I'm too lazy to copy-paste the code.
@InnocentBystander Hi, thanks for your time. Here is the link…
Here is my link ;)…. Look at the last cell. Layer 0 weights are all 0. So, any input gets replaced with a constant. That's why you get the same prediction
Yes, I had already observed that. I am trying to figure out the reason. When I work on a real data set with a completely different loss function, I observe exactly the same behavior when having the same layer types. I even added He initializers and kernel regularization for the weights. Also, I use leaky reLU in the original code, however, nothing changes.
If you don't mind me asking: (1) why are you using identity activations and non-neg weight constraints? (2) you realize that you are trying to map noise to noise in your example, so your model won't be able to learn much, right?
I am using identity activation to utilize the pure linear transformation, which is related to linear programming. What do you mean by mapping noise to noise?
your inputs and outputs are random numbers. you are trying to train your model to predict noise out of noise
You're right, but as I mentioned I observe the same thing in my real data set. I shared that code block in my post as a minimal working example.
@sergey_208 "working" would be a stretch here :)
You're right again lol
In essence, I first normalize my data based on mean /sd, then use three dense layers with identity, leaky relu, and identity.
I utilize both weight and activation regulizations. In addition, I use He initializers. However, the weights become all zero after a while.
OK. But I still fail to see why you need the two extra identity layers
dense/identity + dense/relu is the same as a single dense/relu
y = (x * w1 + b1) + (x * w2 + b2) is the same as y = x * w3 + b3 where w3 = w1 + w2 and b3 = b1 + b2
Well, don't I obtain direct linear transformation thru identity activation?
In other words, I get extra parameters to learn which only multiply my inputs without creating any non-linear transformation.
Looking at your example, in the first case, I have more parameters, in return, more power. Am I mistaken?
you get more power from complexity/non-linearity of the model, not number of params. however, most of the time model complexity comes at the expense of more params
image a model where you have 10 dense layers with ident activations. this model is still just a linear model
*linear regressor
That is correct, but it does not explain why I get the same predictions. What is wrong with having a linear transformation at certain steps.
My goal is to learn an optimization model. Thru the identity activation, I intend to capture the linear relaxation and get a lower bound on the optimal solution. I don't know if you are familiar with the optimization theory, but in a nutshell, that's what my goal is.
you do not gain anything by adding them and only unnecessarily slow down your model
I see. What is the goal of identity activation?
and I suspect your weights get zeroed out due to non-neg weights constraints
That is what I suspected at first, but when I removed those, I faced the same issue.
By the way, the reason why I generate non-negative weights is to preserve the convexity.
For instance, after removing the non-negativity, I got;
9/10 [==========================>...] - ETA: 0s - loss: 1.0422

true: [[0.262716532]

pred: [[-0.554332316]
I even further ran some experiments. When I have the only reLU, then I get zero predictions eveywhere. Do you think that I might be doing something wrong with the way I define my customized loss function?
Actually, I highly suspect that there is something wrong there because I copied your example and added my loss function. I am getting the same error.
I am back
@sergey_208 the goal of identity is to have no activation ;)
it's only useful when you have a function that requires you pass in an activation function
Yes, that's actually my goal at least in one of the layers.
in fact with Dense layers, if you want identity/no activation, you can just skip it altogether
but again dense with no activation followed by dense is pointless
Ohh okay. I did not know that. Do you have any references regarding this? a link or a paper?
I'll have a meeting with my advisors and need to properly explain why my implementation fails lol
So If I only have a single dense layer with relu activation, will I face the same problem?
Like what exactly identity layer is doing, and I'm getting all same predictions in my example.
Not sure. Sorry I am not familiar with optimization theory beyond what I've just googled. Gonna disappear for a few min to try something
can you tell me/show me real example of your input and output data?
So it is all integer variables as input and a single integer output. That is why I generated the random numbers as all integers. I can send you the txt file if you want.
It does not upload here. Let me find a smaller data set.
It is not uploading here. I'm trying to find if I can add it online and get a link
do you know how can I upload a txt file? I tried some online sources but there is a space issue.
how big is it?
1.48 MB
oh... google drive?
and share the link?
or or
This is a very small data set but it should work
First row: The second entry is the input dimension, the third entry is the number of samples
In each row starting from the second row, the first 435 (input dimension) is the input point. The last element in each row is the output value.
def __init__(self, file_name): = file_name;
file_content = open(file_name, 'r') #`r` for reading
i = 0;
for line in file_content.readlines():
fname = line.rstrip().split(' ') #parse the line into a list
if(i == 0):
temp = int(fname[0])
input_dimension = int(fname[1])
num_Instances = int(fname[2]) #number of instances
my_arr = np.ones([Instances,(2* dimension +1)], dtype = int)
i +=1
arr [i-1,: 2* dimension +1] = fname[:2* dimension +1]
i +=1
[training_points,redundant, output] = np.split(my_arr,[ input_dimension,2* input_dimension],axis=1)
do I ignore all columns past 435?
there are 871 columns
and the last column are the labels?
you still there?
Check this out. It's obviously overfitting on the 80 training samples, but it's definitely not predicting the same value
9 hours later…
Hi, sorry I slept and for some reason, I did not get any notification.
You're right. 0-1 values are used for another purpose different than the neurol network.
1 hour later…
I see your results, but I am still curious why the network produces the same predictions as the original setting. T
4 hours later…
How dare you sleep?!... ;) I ended up doing the same :)
@sergey_208 maybe take my example as a starting point and start adding to it. I still suspect it's the non-neg constraint that causes it.I don't know/understand/too lazy to know/understand your problem enough to figure out why you want it done the way you did
I take it back, I've added non-neg constraints and I see much higher loss, but still somewhat meaningful predictions:

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