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Q: Get value from child process

Jack KingIs it possible to get value (always integer) from child process (which further uses exec() system call) without using pipe, writing to a file or shared memory process. We can only use following system calls fork, exec* family, ato* family, printf, sprintf, malloc, free, wait/ waitpid, sqrt, exit ...

Are you limited from using any sort of traditional IPC? Because, sockets come to mind.
How about reading the stdout from the child process? Such as via popen? People may be able to give better suggestions if you provide more context.
Yes, we can only use fork, exec* family, ato* family, printf, sprintf, malloc, free, wait/ waitpid, sqrt, exit
There exists many ways of inter-process communication.
But I think you need to explain more about what you need to return, and when. What is the actual problem you need to solve? Why do you need to "return" a value from a child process? What kind of value? Please read the help pages, take the SO tour, read How to Ask, as well as this question checklist. Lastly please note that your question currently is an XY problem.
@Someprogrammerdude updating
@daring: please edit your question if the original wasn't clear enough (as indicated by people having to ask you questions). A question should be complete without having to read through comments (which might get deleted or simply not appear).
And the child process code has the same limitations as the parent process in terms of available system calls?
A very silly way would be to encode the return value in 7 bits. If the high bit is set, it means the next 7 bits in the value must be obtained with another fork+exec call.
Nowhere in that description does it say you can't use other standard functions.
The natural way to communicate between parent and child processes, and to send arbitrary data between them, is to use pipes. For your use-case simplified using the popen call to create the child process. With the list of functions you show, it's only possible to communicate values in the range 0 to 255 (inclusive) using the exit status. That's it. Please edit your question to include the full and complete text of your assignment.
@rici question updated
The original problem does not impose any IPC limitation.
@jxh use of system calls is limited to above mentioned list
@Daring But it doesn't seem to be a restriction stated in the original problem. Where in your problem set are the restrictions being set?
@jxh this is my solution… for root.c and similar one for other two files.
@jxh You must only use the below mentioned APIs to implement this question fork exec* family strcpy strcmp ato* family printf, sprintf round strtok wait/ waitpid sqrt exit
I assure you I have no such limitation. I am asking you where in your problem set are you facing such limitation?
Please copy-paste (not rewrite) the full and complete assignment text, including any requirements and limitations, into your question. If it's from a book then you can rewrite it of course, but also include a photo of it. And please take some time to read the help pages, take the SO tour, read How to Ask, as well as this question checklist.
What's the chain supposed to do with the result? If the answer is "print the result" then you only need to communicate in one direction, because any process can print a result. (Think recursively. It's a good habit.)
255 is as good upper limit as any.
And, you have added more allowed calls in your comment than what you originally listed in your post.
@jxh original image added
@Someprogrammerdude original image added
With the limitations in place, the only way to communicate with the parent process is through the exit status, Which limits your results to the range 0 to 255. Ask the teachers if this is intended, and if they say yes then implement it using the exit status.
Also note that except the actual mathematical operation. all three programs needs to perform the exact same things, which you can put into a separate source file to be built with all three programs. This extra source file could even have the main function, and just call a do_operation(int value) function defined in the three "program" source files.
@rici gave you the solution. Each program shares the same chain code. However, the first program will drop itself from the chain when it exec's the next program in the chain, but it includes the rest of the chain, and the computed result as the last arg instead of the original number.
@Someprogrammerdude Is it possible to break down the claculation in such a way that return vaule is always less than 255
If written properly, you don't even need to fork.
@jxh after discussion with teacher, he said that operation should be same as file name i.e. root.c should only do root operation on input number, square.c should do square and double.c should do double. This mean we need to fork()
You just need to exec the new program.
@jxh yes but the problem is how to get value generated by program called by exec()
You pass the new value forward.
@jxh hmm, I will try that now
if you want to pass an int you can use wait, wait receives a pointer of type int where it will store the return value of the child process.
The point of the comment by @jxh is that you don't return anything, but rather do the operation of the value, then pass the result to the next program in the chain as an argument. All this talk about returning values and communication messed up my thinking. :)
@Uriel.Gi The problem with that is that only 8 bits of that integer is used for the exit status.
@jxh please clarify which program does what in the simple chain root square 2. It seems that the intention of the actual teacher is something like this: root executes square; square reads 2 from the command line, and returns 4; root gets 4, calculates the root of 4, and prints 2. Your suggestion seems to imply that square calculates the root, but this is ruled out by the problem statement.
@n.1.8e9-where's-my-sharem. From what I read in the assignment images, root uses 2 to compute the square-root, then the result of that should be passed to square. The "call" chain should be square(root(2)).
@n.1.8e9-where's-my-sharem. root computes square root of 2, then passes that as argument to square. But, even if it as you imagine, first invocation reverses the arguments of the chain and exec's.
@Someprogrammerdude you are right, I wasn't reading it correctly.

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