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Q: How to create infinity loop of asynchronous process in javascript?

Adam Satria GunadiI want to create infinity loop of asynchronous process in multi thread way. setInterval can do this but i can't trust about the speed: var maxRequest = 20; var counter = 0; var interval = setInterval(function { counter++; if(counter < maxRequest) { asynchronousProcess(function() { ...

"without waiting completion callback of function it self" — So you don't want to run it again when the previous instance has finished.
"setInterval can do this but i can't trust about the speed" — And you don't want to run it again after a fixed amount of time from the start.
So when do you want to run it again? You've told us a lot about what you don't want to do, but not much about what you actually want to do.
use setTimeout - setting the timeout each time as applicable
@Bravo — That would only run it once though, where does the loop come from?
@Quentin - the setTimeout would be called in the callback - to be honest, not enough code has been posted - but a function calling itself using setTimeout isn't unheard of in javascript
You've referred to a "multi-thread loop," but there is no multi-threading above unless it's hidden in asynchronousProcess (which, of course, it could be, if you're creating worker threads). But just for the avoidance of doubt: Promises don't create threads.
or a while(true) { await somethingAsynchronous() } in an async function
@Bravo — Yeah, but that comes back to waiting for completion of the callback, which was rejected (probably wrongly but ho hum)
Oh, I don't read all the comments @Quentin :p
@Bravo — while + await is also waiting for completion 🤷🏻‍♂️
I just want to loop API HTTP Request and get the data, but i don't want single thread loop method like call function again after callback complete.. i want multi thread method.. If one of asynchronous looping meet the condition then i will stop the loop.
@Quentin - I thought that was the condition, wait for something asynchronous, do it again
@AdamSatriaGunadi - And what about all those other in-progress operations when the condition is met?
@AdamSatriaGunadi — "i don't want single thread loop method like call function again after callback complete" — Threads are an implementation detail you shouldn't think about when writing JavaScript. If you call the function when the callback is complete then it will be non-blocking which is what you should care about. The whole point of JS using asynchronous functions is that they are non-blocking.
@AdamSatriaGunadi - use a web worker if you want so-called "multi-threaded" solution - then you'll need to figure out how to pass data back and forth, but, that will be "multi-threaded"
@AdamSatriaGunadi - Please edit the question to state clearly what you want to do. Is it "Keep sending HTTP requests in a loop without waiting for previous ones to finish, stopping the loop when when of them finishes and matches a condition"? Please also explain clearly what it is about "timing" that you have an issue with regarding setInterval. Beware that browsers limit the number of concurrent requests to the same server (and I assume you aren't spamming a large number of distinct servers).
@T.J.Crowder The point is speed, if looping using multi thread way it will met condition more fast. Because you call HTTP request more than 1 but together.. And then HTTP response time will be dynamic.. One of them will met condition first, and when that happen i will run next process..
@AdamSatriaGunadi — "if looping using multi thread way" — Stop thinking about multithreading. Explain the problem not the implementation.
@AdamSatriaGunadi — "Because you call HTTP request more than 1 but together" — Are you trying to get the results from multiple URLs collected together? Or are you trying to performance optimise this so much that the time between Request A getting a NO response to trigger Request B to ask if it is YES yet is too long?
@Quentin Okay, sorry maybe i don't know what it call exactly. I just want to loop asynchronous process but not in single process.. like call function in repeat after completion callback..
@AdamSatriaGunadi — "but not in single process" — That's an implementation issue. What is wrong with calling the function in the completion callback? What actual problem does it create? Is it blocking something? Is it too slow? Does it throw errors?
Fundamentally this looks like an (where Y doesn't make sense at all).
Re your edit: 20 requests is very different from an infinite loop!
I think we do now have enough information to answer this question, but any answer should start with "There's almost certainly a better way to achieve your end goal." :-)
@T.J.Crowder "20 requests is very different from an infinite loop!"
20 is just limit of simultan request, it still infinite loop! Please check again my code.. I updated counter variable after completion callback..

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