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Q: Sending message to explorer.exe main window with a hook causes crash?

Nur1I am trying to set a WH_CALLWNDPROC hook on a window using the HWND I got from WindowFromPoint When getting an HWND through the WindowFromPoint function you sometimes get one of the children's instead of the main window. Pretty good visualized with the Finder tool inside spy++ So what I do is si...

ok gonna provide some code.
I updated my question with some demo code. Thanks so far.
No. You updated the question with links to off-site resources. That's not helpful. Please read How to Ask.
Updated it, Thanks chiefs
@RbMm It was missing in the demo I prepared, sry about that, added it!
Dynamic-Link Library Best Practices. Don't forget, you're a guest in someone else's house, so you better play by the rules.
@RbMm gonna look forward to debug this properly. The crash still occurs even without any logging.
@IInspectable I read this page and always look back to it. If we took out the logging this will be a tiny dll which should (and do) work. But as in my question, it's all about the hwnd somehow... :(
If you want to identify the issue, remove the code that is known to be incorrect. Please update the question.
@IInspectable There is no code that is known to be incorrect. I just said that it still behaves the same even if the logging is not there at all. The last update contains a full example and I adapted the entire question for it.
The logging is there. If you want help with your code, show the code you are using.
@IInspectable I am using it with logging :) "If you want help with your code, show the code you are using." I literally created a full example here and you are the only one who's still complaining buddy, just stop it already ^^
Executing C++ code from DllMain is guaranteed to be broken. Just remove it. Using global objects in a DLL is broken. Remove it. If you want to solve this all by yourself, be my guest.
Hello world
Ok it works. Hello there.
So why exactly is my code broken? Everything works fine except the case I described.

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