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Hi @jccampanero. I have another question about relations, if you have time today
2 hours later…
Hi @farahm
yes, of course. please, tell me
thank you
but actually, it got solved
that is nice
i am happy to hear that
but actually, I have another question :)
I have following relation:
Person entity can have many Diary entities:
Person {

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "person", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
List<Diary> diarySet = new ArrayList<>();
Diary {
@JoinColumn(name = "PERSON_ID", nullable = false)
private Person person;
Is that ok?
because when I debug and check the diary object during debugging, I get:
It is ok, but you need to define your @ManyToOne relation as FetchType.LAZY
By default it is EAGER
oh ok. is that the reason, why I am getting all these stackoverflow exceptions
As a consequence, when you debug your program, and inspect Person, this in turn loads the diary list, and Hibernate tries to resolve the relationship with Person, with causes the stackoverflow
oooh ok
the link is broken @farahm
always define your manytoone relation as lazy
is very important
alright, thank you very much
you are welcome farahm
Hmmm, I have defined it as Lazy, but still showing me the stackoverflow
that is strange
maybe the debugger is resolving the relationship
in addition, it looks like there can b some problem with the Person tasting definition
as per your screenshot
are you including information about the diaries in the Person toString method?
no, its the default toString
I have not declared my own
then the problem will probably be the debugger
does the application work properly when you serialize, for instance, the information to JSON?
then as I told you probably the problem is the debugger
are you using Lombok or something like that in order to generate your tostring method?
one possible improvement: if the relation is not optional, please, define your manytoone relationship as such, optional=false (it is true by default)
it is a true hint to the JPA provider
when you indicate that joincolumn is not nullable, it has to do only with the underlying physical database
a diary always has to belong to a person
and yes im using lombok
public class Diary {
public class Person {
3 hours later…
hi again @farahm
then, use manytoone with optional=false in your dairy
on the other hand, as you are using Lombok and the @data annotation, it is generating a tostring for you
by default, that tostring method will contain all non static fields
including your relationships
you should never include a relationship in the definition of a tostring method
it can be the cause of a many problems
as you are using Lombok and @data, be sure that you annotate your relationships with @ToString.Exclude
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "person", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
List<Diary> diarySet = new ArrayList<>();
@JoinColumn(name = "PERSON_ID", nullable = false)
private Person person;
that is very important
very interestung. thank you very much!
please, try it if possible
and you are welcome my friend
yes I will give it a try tomorrow

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