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hi @jccampanero. Im sorry, I didnt get back to you. No I havent found any solution yet.
but its ok. I have removed the relationship. I am now just saving static information (person_id as integer, report_id as integer) as static information
Still, thank you very much for your help
hi @farahm
sorry for the late reply
please, do not worry
there is no need to apologize
i see
thanks :)
as I told you I think the problem was related with how did you define the relationships
yes most probbaly
but I didnt see anything wrong in that
I think so
yes, but please, avoid for example the use of two joincolumns
the joincolumn should only be defined in the entity that own the relationship, the one with the foreign key
ok and what should it be in the other entity?
and define the other side of the relationship as onetomany with mappedby
very interesting
thank you
and provide there your orphanremoval=true attribute
in fact, it is the only requirement, you can even get rid of cascade delete
orphanremoval should do the trick
I reviewed code in my projects and with such relationships everything seems to be working fine
Ok, thank you for the hint :)
you are welcome my friend
please,do not hesitate to contact me if you need further help
i will be glad of help you if I can
please, take care
I hope to see you soon again
Thank you very much
my friend

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