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@Zirak I'll suck your pussy
Ok, guys. Whoever tells you to use Node.js is an idiot. If you do not know what Node.js is, just ignore this conversation because it won't make any sense anyway.
I was just copying BlackWaterOps.com on Node.js rant
=( I got perma banned from JS chatroom =(((
Can I pleaase get unmuted?
@phenomnomnominal @SomeKittens
@TemporaryNickName Uh, that's dumb. It's also not perma, just 30 min.
2 hours later…
@Zirak, do you see an issue here:
$.post("/ws-auth", fkey({roomid: /\d+/.exec(location)[0] }), function (data) {
      var socket = new WebSocket(data.url + "?l=99999999999");
      socket.addEventListener('message', highlight);
highlight isn't firing
Not off the bat
11 hours later…
what if you have 1K dollars to spend in web-marketing? :U
i want to do a web marketing campaign for my website but don't know where to start :/ where i can ask about this topic do you even know? :U
@rlemon oh perfect man and welcome back! :U
yeah :D
hope will be not closed :U
cause may be a better place where to ask i was not sure to ask there
@rlemon cause of bad english?
damn and how to ask about people experience ? :U
@BenjaminGruenbaum MY MOM SAYS YES! I HAVE
there is an hidden @FlorianMargaine replying my answers :D
@rlemon that i know dude, i would like a site or forum where to ask to experienced users, i will never find examples or use cases :(
@rlemon i will find the same boring soup, about the 23 guy who made 3bilion dollar via fb ads or same soup i mean, but no sostance :P
lol i'm not asking you to find me, i asked if someone knows
if not ok np :)
i need to put question in other shape, i mean which are best tools for web-marketing
like google, fb, adroll etc
yes but why i can have luck with one instead of other
geo = enteire world
@FlorianMargaine lol
marketing = fkn 100x100 banner going around many sites for me
@rlemon you'll know once you'll see in adwords somewhere :D
@FlorianMargaine that should be a great starting point yep :P
25 messages moved from JavaScript

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