@MadaraUchiha I'd say maybe. The improved support for namespaces during creation and refactoring are invaluable to me but might not be for your project.
You can never prevent someone from stealing your content 100%. So turn it in your favor.
Include links to your site in the tables, with keywords and everything. If they copy the content blindly, they'll give you free links for SEO.
@LeviMorrison Not that much of a big deal to me
@LeviMorrison How does it figure the default namespace out?
Based on the file path?
like hello/world.php becomes namespace Hello\World;?
So when you make the first file, it doesn't guess at all.
After you've made one and manually added the namespace it tries to figure it out based on the one you've created + file system.
So when I do:
world.php <-- creating this one
I have to give a namespace.
But when I do:
foo.bar <-- creating this one
It defaults to hello/nested.
That's a nice feature during a lot of project construction. More important to me is the ability to change a namespace and optionally move move the file to a new location when you do so.
Yeah just noticed the Google link I posed does not contain many chat histories so yeah you're right, it only does the chat itself. Whew, ok my script is still useful =oD
@PeeHaa someone took their finger off SHIFT a little too soon
The nicest one seems to be the XSS vulnerability in their sanitize function: "The code which ensured that URLs only contain supported protocols contained several bugs which could allow an attacker to embed a tag containing a URL which executes arbitrary javascript code."
room topic changed to PHP: Discussion for all things PHP - You don't have to ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. [php]
room topic changed to PHP: Discussion for all things PHP - You don't have to ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. [php]
The funny thing about Rails vulnerabilities is that all comments are along the lines of "Cool, thanks for your hard work on the releases" rather than "Why the fuck do I have to install critical updates every other week?"
Well, my point is that if cleaning up the code formatting effectively provides a self-answer, the cleanup might be better served as an answer... followed by a CV-localized.
@PeeHaa In that case (I'm assuming you're using some sort of beautifier, not by hand), if you try and see that the code doesn't compile, answer it, give the formatted code in the answer (after the error is fixed), and explain that he should format his code better next time to prevent such errors.
Ugh, I can't get a speed upgrade on my broadband without changing my CPE, they won't provide a modem, only a crappy all in one router thing that can't be put into no-NAT passthru mode. F*cking ridiculous.
I am really sick of commercial ISPs treating me like an idiot
@DaveRandom i have one similar, but it allowed me to set a DMZ so i specified my router as a DMZ -- problem solved. what are they trying to give you? (model)
@Lusitanian Yeh but you still have two layers on NAT there, it's bound to go wrong because you almost certainly have two layers of port translation as well, which totally screws with VoIP and pretty much anything that doesn't use TCP and relies on dynamic public connectivity
@Ocramius I tried to fancy it up with _construct() and more OOP features, but I failed miserably. Anyway, "this" will fit the purpose, or at-least I hope so :)
@DaveRandom for whatever reason it has never fucked up voip or anything else for me -- but i'm also have a network administrator and have no idea what i'm doing (TM)
@PHPNooB Don't mix brace style and non brace style syntax. Always use braces. Indent your code. Don't ever do this }else {echo 'Your comment is all clear! No bad Words';}. Why aren't you injecting the banned words in the constructor of the class
CamelCase (or Camel case) is a term which refers to the practice of writing compound words where the first letter of an identifier is lowercase and the first letter of each subsequent concatenated word is capitalized. For example, backColor.
Such words may be formed, for instance, from phrases in which the elements are joined without spaces with each element having a capital letter within the compound. Camel case always starts with a lower case letter. e.g. backColor. This is as opposed to pascal case. Pascal case words always start with a capital letter, e.g. BackColor. The name ca...
The other problem with using commercial ISPs is that I usually get the impression I know how to do the support guy's job a shitload better than he does
I phoned my work ISP a few weeks ago and told the support guy I had sync and no login, and could he please reset the node on the radius. I then went through 10 minutes of shite before he decided that I had sync and no login, and he would try and reset the node on the radius.
Now I'm on the end user hop in the chain, which means I have to talk to the numpties I used to have the displeasure of calling my peers
DSL is just not good enough for business in this country though, a lot of our copper network isn't actually copper, there's a lot of Aluminium hanging around from the 80s and it badly sucks for DSL
FTTC (whatever you want to call it, seems to have a lot of acronyms) is slowly being rolled out but until then we're stuck with crappy SNRs. Like, really crappy SNRs, even over a pretty short distance
Oh, and some exchanges that still have a lot of stranded core cable in, although BT will never admit it.
Hi, I am downvoted again... But this time by real a** h**es
Thanks for helping me here with the problem. I want to add that the values are used in a Query. But the important fact here is that the Script works OK when i access the site from my PC. The problem is when i use my Android based phone to do the same. What could possible change in the request of my phone?? — user15692797 mins ago
The downvoter is not him dear...
If you are interested take a close look...
Anyway I am fed up with this types. I am now really really pissed off.
At midnight I try to help someone and a bighead lurks in...