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  NSLog(@"end of symptoms cell for row");
    if (searching==YES)
        cell.symptomCellLabel.text=[[searchSymptomsArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:@"SymptName"];
        cell.backgroundColor=[UIColor clearColor];
        return cell;
        cell.backgroundColor=[UIColor clearColor];
        NSArray *sectionArray=[mainIndexDictionary objectForKey:[allKeysArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.section]];
        cell.symptomCellLabel.text=[[sectionArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:@"SymptIndexName"];
1 message moved from iPhone / iPad
1 hour later…
@MayamAku i have just delete account of that client from our developer account
just check it
2 apps are suspended thats Y
SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetails *sreq = [[[SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetails alloc] init] autorelease];

PaymentDetails *paymentDetails = [[[PaymentDetails alloc] init] autorelease];

[sreq addPaymentDetails:paymentDetails];
sreq.ReturnURL = @"http://ReturnURL";
sreq.CancelURL = @"http://CancelURL";

paymentDetails.OrderTotal =totPrice;
paymentDetails.OrderDescription = @"Description";

[[ECNetworkHandler sharedInstance] setExpressCheckoutWithRequest:sreq withDelegate:self];
1 message moved from iPhone / iPad
9888826848 .... hale kam ch faseya hoya :(
1 message moved from Cocos2d
account delete thy gyu
@Hardik paid ne free app muki etle bandh thyu
copy right no case lago
@MayamAku have renew kyare thase and kem thase ala ??
su karsu ?
rume krsu kaik
ky app suspend thy khbr kai
@MayamAku haju got tu 60$ vada
na padi hati tane
@Hardik eni thy ke aapdi e khbr tne
@MayamAku ani
3 apps suspend thai
total 4
kai app thy nam khbr 6e
@MayamAku a yad nathi but me savare joyu hatu
3 apps suspend aavyu hatu
@MayamAku 60$ vada got haju
su yar
@MayamAku have te client na 60$ thi new account create karvu jose
rate navu create karsu @MayamAku
@Hardik maru odesk nu pn suspend thy gyu 6e
oli job muki ti ne etle
@MayamAku su yar ochinto aabh bhatyo k su
to su?
@MayamAku kai nai javade
@MayamAku and have new account create kari pachi plz plz koi ni app no rakhto plz
@MayamAku te 60$ vada na rupiya aavi gya che ?
@MayamAku to rupiya aavya nai ne te rights aapi didha hata ?
are odesk ma aavi gya 6e
@MayamAku ok to taru account cancel thai gyu to rupiya aavse k nai aave ?
ej jovanu 6e kyare aave
@MayamAku ok
@Harshid hmapps google developer account is suspended from google play store
43 messages moved from IGroup
6 hours later…
Hey guys, does anyone know if i can unsubscribe a Question on an WebSocket connection to the "sockets.ny.stackexchange" server?

If I send a message, e.g. "1-question-123456", the server would send messages back when a change in the question with the id "123456" occurs.

The StackExchange site subscribes to messages, using the "subscribeToQuestion" method of their, `StackExchange.realtime` Object, which keeps track of the sent messages in an Array `q`.

So... it also has a "unsubscribeToQuestion" method, which, when called with the parameters `a` , `c`, effectively sends a message `"-" + a 
1 message moved from JavaScript
trying to make this work
var id = $(this).attr("id").replace("update_cat_","");
type: "POST",
url: "'.CController::CreateUrl('ajaxUpdateField').'&id=" +id,
data: "var1=data1&var2=data2",
success: function(msg){
alert( "Data Saved: " + msg ); //Anything you want
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  |   |

  |   |
!!/hang service
  |   |
  |   O
e, service
8 messages moved from JavaScript
no bot here D:
5 hours later…
can someone learn me PHP?
Take an advanced course at Mumbai.
@webarto they good on PHP?
i want to learn PHP 3.0
4 messages moved from PHP

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