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1 hour later…
The effect of legalized abortion on crime (also the Donohue–Levitt hypothesis) is a hypothesized reduction in crime in the decades following the legalization of abortion, as a result of fewer children at the highest risk of committing crime being born due to the availability of the procedure. The earliest research suggesting such an effect was a 1966 study in Sweden. In 2001, Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago and John Donohue of Yale University argued, citing their research and earlier studies, that children who are unwanted or whose parents cannot support them are likelier to beco...
talking about wild studies
^this is what you get for mixing light of different wavelengths
pretty neat, no?
so the perceived colour of mixed light is only an illusion?
@jaggedSpire yes, but that's not what I am trying to get at :p
like yellow's wavelength is between that of red and green
we have three different kinds of cones, and their frequency responses mean they're activated the same way by mixed red and green light as plain yellow light
it actually creates some problems with modelling light on certain kinds of objects correctly, since the frequency response curve we perceive is not necessarily the one that exists
but most simple modelling software is designed to work with just RGB
and the approximations that come about from that
if you have a ball that reflects a narrow band of yellow light, for instance, and one that reflects both red and green light, but not yellow light
they'll both appear to be similar in color to us under white light, but under yellow light only the first will shine with the other appearing darker than expected
I wonder why it's RGB and not red yellow and blue
under mixed red/green light the first will appear darker than expected, while the other will appear yellow
our cones are RGB cones :P
red light -> dark, red
green -> dark, green
yellow -> yellow, dark
because if you mix blue dye and yellow dye you get green dye :x
that's subtractive color, not additive
but then again both yellow and green are pretty at center of visible spectrum
3 hours later…
Looking at my python code from two years ago. Can't tell if python encourages bad practices or I suck. Code not modular, no way to verify it won't run-time error.
can it be both?
We need to make a static language that is compatible with python packages like numpy
But if we were really cool we'd implement static analysis in the existing language through decorators
like there aren't enough languages
2 hours later…
> I think that it is discriminatory that integers have modulus operators but floats do not. It is unacceptable, and that is my opinion.
I had forgotten about this gem :3
Boolean doesn't have modulus operator either ... just saying >_<
template <class T, class U, class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, float> || std::is_same_v<U, float>>>
auto operator %(const T&t, const U&u) {
    return std::fmod(t, u);
totally fixed
am skeptic
#include <antidiscrimination.h>
@TelKitty :P
@nwp only one way though ... now try true % false :p
other than core dump, nothing is wrong ... like ... nothing is wrong >_<
Well, you did request it to divide by 0 and it did warn you about it. What more do you want?
It even managed to somehow produce a floating point exception, so it debunks everything!
But now we can finally do 5 %0.0f. Or 42 % std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
3 hours later…
TOR is the most widely used dark web browser.
I tried a few times, found nothing illegal
is dark web a hoax?
@TelKitty You need to know a guy who knows a guy who ... to get to the good stuff
drug dealers don't tend to come and talk to me
considering I accosionally replace values in buffers with placement new I was wondering whether I should guard shit here and there with std::launder
that would be super annoying
I swear upon all that is holy and good, if someone creates [boostrap] I will begin singing the song that ends the world. — Charles Oct 8 '13 at 2:39
WTH - I though creating tags required ample privileges
@sehe 1500 rep, not all that much
@TelKitty They did with me for a little while years ago. I was involved in a patent transaction, so over the course of a few weeks I talked with people from Bayer, Merck, Roche, Pfizer, and a number of smaller names I don't remember right off...Oh, and Johnson and Johnson. Apparently they sell a lot more than just Band-Aids and such.
@TelKitty I think since Silk Road was found and shut down, anybody doing things that are pretty clearly illegal works pretty hard at keeping it hidden. Much harder to find now, but I'd bet it's still out there.
@JerryCoffin somehow glancing those pharma names primed me to read "potent transaction" :)
@sehe meh can't even game a star or two these days
2 hours later…
@sehe Big enough that if I'd been on commission, I'd have been able to retire the next day...
2 hours later…
Refactoring a large python project be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if it will work
Yeah, having extensive test suits that expose all relevant runtime errors makes it easy to check. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Quartering troops in my home? Now wait just a second here
Too late, you used the service so you agreed.
Not sure what the solution is. Is it legal to give up certain rights (in the US?).
In the US usually yes, everywhere else usually no :P
@JerryCoffin Add "retroactively" to the end of that to make it perfect.
@nwp Why settle for only when they use the service? "By reading (or failing to read) this agreement you agree to its terms (and those of any future revision we may choose to make)."
Never too late to edit retroactively.
@sehe Good point.
where's the edit :P
I should wait 2 minutes before pointing out that you seem to have forgotten to actually add the word.
@nwp Even in the US, there are some limitations. A court can find a limitation unenforceable because it's "unconscionable".
@nwp I thought about it, and decided it wasn't necessary. You've agreed to them already, so they're retroactive if they say they are.
2 hours later…
@sehe I appreciate that you came home before I filed a missing bear complaint. I was starting to miss you.
If anyone is curious about the sorting competition I did with my students. There was one rascal that managed to sort his stuff in about a tenth of thew time I managed to sort it.
I did it in 27ms, he did it in 6ms.
give him a 6 out of 27
That sounds unfair. The prize was a proper tasty cake.
He did a getline and a strtof on the entire input line. Each line was 10 inputs.
The other contributions were uneventful.
@Mikhail How would you sort 1 million ABZ129 licence plates? The first three is 'A'-'Z' the last is three digits? equally distributed.
@CaptainGiraffe What do you mean how?
@wilx I don't understand how the question is unclear? The input is 1 million "gfd432" style data. Your objective is to output it sorted in the minimum amount of time.
@CaptainGiraffe std::sort on vector of strings? I do not get what you are fishing for other than that.
@wilx How do you beat std::sort by a margin?
@wilx I managed to beat std::sort by a factor of 9
@CaptainGiraffe So you are fishing for better than std::sort. That was what I was asking about.
@wilx Ah, yes. That was what the competition was about. Sry about the confusion.
@CaptainGiraffe What about radix sort?
@wilx How do you design the radix?
If you can cheaply compress the XYZ789 pattern to a 24 bit integer you hit the home-run.
is 0 available?
17576000 plates, 16777216 available in a 24-bit integer
25 bits would be enough
Yes. 0 is in play.
I also conceded to 25 bits. I did a radix for 8 + 8 + 9 bits.
@CaptainGiraffe Isn't it possible to pack the letters to one integer and the digits to another? Doing only two passes?
@Puppy I'm quite certain 24 bits is not enough.
yes, I know, I just calculated it as 25
where does 24-bit limit come from?
I designed it as an unobtainable limit. But the actual data file might have allowed for it.
These are my students, sometimes I'm an asshole.
18 + 12 bits?
Where do you get 18 + 12 from?
789 can be stored as a 10 bit value. a-z is 5 bits. So naively 10 + 5 + 5 + 5. The calculation 'a-z' to the third times 1000 is still 25 bits.
not sure computation wise 25 bits is any different to 32 bits
I did the last insetrion with 512 instead of 256 buckets.
one less pass of course.
@JerryCoffin Pretty sure they do, looked into Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods a few weeks ago, apparently they also sell a lot things I didn't even know existed ...
@CaptainGiraffe You can still do it in a constant number of linear passes if you effectively do a mergesort, sorting by each piece of the radix at a time.

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