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in my cordova twitter plugin call activity

this.callbackContext = callbackContext;
Intent intent = new Intent(cordova.getActivity(), TwitterLoginActivity.class);
cordova.getActivity().startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
return true;

in activity class call twitterlogin method using twitter4jcore jar

requestToken = twitter.getOAuthRequestToken(TWITTER_CALLBACK_URL);
this.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(requestToken.getAuthenticationURL())));
1 message moved from Java // NOT ANDROID OR JAVASCRIPT
2 hours later…
OrderId TradeId Trade Side Market Date Market Time Execution Date Execution Time Trade Quantity TradePrice
1 1 Bid 28-02-17 04:47:32 28-02-17 04:47:49 75993 0.95828545
OrderId Order Side Order State Order Date Order Time Party Name Party Id Instrument Id Order Type Order Quantity Market Id Market Name Market Order Depth
1 BUY FILLED 28-02-17 04:46:33 QMD 33 10 LIMIT 75993 50452 LON 258100
Instrument Id Instrument Name Instrument Price
7BD 1 7.021739
@Queen k
@Queen k
2 hours later…
How can I access an environment that looks like 0x000000002bae8db8?
ok nvm
@Natty tp
posted on February 06, 2017 by Michael Hablich

Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process. Each version is branched from V8’s git master immediately before a Chrome Beta milestone. Today we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 5.7, which will be in beta until it is released in coordination with Chrome 57 Stable in several weeks. V8 5.7 is filled will all sorts of developer-facing goodies. W

posted on February 09, 2017 by Michael Hablich

V8 has a hard limit on its heap size. This serves as a safeguard against applications with memory leaks. When an application reaches this hard limit, V8 does a series of last resort garbage collections. If the garbage collections do not help to free memory V8 stops execution and reports an out-of-memory failure. Without the hard limit a memory leaking application could use up all system memory

posted on February 14, 2017 by Michael Hablich

The V8 team is currently working on a new default compiler pipeline that will help us bring future speedups to real-world JavaScript. You can preview the new pipeline in Chrome Canary today to help us verify that there are no surprises when we roll out the new configuration for all Chrome channels. The new compiler pipeline uses the Ignition interpreter and Turbofan compiler to execute all Jav

posted on February 17, 2017 by Michael Hablich

Over the last couple of months the V8 team focused on bringing the performance of newly added ES2015 and other even more recent JavaScript features on par with their transpiled ES5 counterparts. Motivation Before we go into the details of the various improvements, we should first consider why performance of ES2015+ features matter despite the widespread usage of Babel in modern web developm

posted on March 01, 2017 by Camillo Bruni

For-in is a widely used language feature present in many frameworks. Despite its ubiquity, it is one of the more obscure language constructs from an implementation perspective. V8 went to great lengths to make this feature as fast as possible. Over the course of the past year, for-in became fully spec compliant and up to 3 times faster, depending on the context. Many popular websites rely hea

5 messages moved from JavaScript+Bluetooth
2 hours later…
10 messages moved from GMTs
@Queen k
3 messages moved from GMTs
And apart from salary, any racism and stuff? (Sorry if I am being rude, just want to know if safe for Indians)
1 message moved from Room for berserk and Muddz

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