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basically a is a function, and afaik it recursively forks to define a using itself, so it makes b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^...
till the end of time or gnome
I am sad now
I didn't say anything inappropriate :(
don't know what that has to do with C# but I could not draw a straight ling to it
I did i guess
just cleaning out the block ;-)
oh fuck i got a phone interview this week
C# - programming - lot of guys -penis
fingers crossed
How can one miss that?^^
@peterpep good luck
glhf :p
it seems like a combo of programming and process improvement
seems like a good first step into the software world for me
process improvement?
management management or system management?
@satibel UI've heard it works on C#
its basically looking at the workflow for the scientist and people and see what tools i can make to improve their time so its more effective
automating things, etc
so i would work to identify areas that need improvement and develop the solution
thats why i described it as process improvement + programmign
Pro gramming
Pro gaming

I saw Logan last night, pretty good film.
I saw Saw
Whats correct?
reminds me of programmers vs pro gamers
Programmers: writes scripts to win
Pro gamers: playes a game for hunderds of hours and perfects it to win
Hi to all
@Abs3akt arabic?
No Russian
Ah damn
I for one welcome our new Russian overlords.
close enough
if translate this is Abstract
@satibel LoL Sucks, dota Rockz
@Abs3akt hello my friend :p
Guys I have a question
@satibel ;)
I create a space simulator in unity 3d
but I have a problem with rotation my hero
what is the problem?
can someone understands rotations
when I turn to left my hero rotation 360
you want to rotate your model?
@satibel i actiaööy quite like that one
but I need rotation in 30
@Nerdintraining Please go and play in the Sandbox
this is my cod
transform.Translate (Vector3.forward * speed * Time.deltaTime);
rigidBody.AddForce (transform.up * flySpeed * Time.deltaTime);
transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (Time.deltaTime * -y * rotateSpeed,Time.deltaTime * x * rotateSpeed,0f));
may be you play in Goat space :D
my game is similar
you need to multiply your rotate speed by 12 (once) probably.
in Sandbox, 3 hours ago, by satibel
!!urban fucking asshole
Satibet where are you from
@Nerdintraining actually lol
@Abs3akt somewhere in the milky way I think.
@satibel talk about annoying
Omelette du fromage.
C'est domage
@satibel where are you from ?
baguette land :p
aka france
le fu
moi très causer le france, oui oui
internet facing windows 2003 vpn, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
@satibel ulalal tits
I'm at work you know
yeh, it's on youtube, so it's ok ^^
Who using Unity 3D ?
me, kinda
I have used Mono
it's been a long time.
what do you do now ?
Okay guys i will get a going
Have a nice day
seeing you
I use(d) Unity3D
@Abs3akt installing an internet facing windows 2003 vpn.
Windows 2003
too lazy to do stuff right.
doing backups is easier.
it's Thyme for me to go
wish I was home to get my backup right now
RDP home?
computer is off
went to the in-laws last night, and shut down before I left
WoL? :P
Cloud ?
Get to the Cloud!!
Never tried that, Guess I should!
Well at home, have it here at work
You can even game in the cloud
ya, graphics over the internetz
.53 cents an hour that is not bad
For the amount I game, that's incredibly good.
that is better then the graphics over the wire that some places were doing
That wouldn't be doable with fps multiplayer games would it?
If it's a twitchy game, then no, latency is killer.
If it's slow-paced, then it's not the biggest deal (think Arma)
I actually game on a 50ms latency monitor (on top of network latency)
It's fine for everything for me
So that's similar to streaming
50ms? what kind of monitor do you have? 50"? :)
But I don't play games in a high competitive setting so whatever. :P
I'm in the opposite range, 24"
I only play competitive :p
Mostly overwatch nowadays.
I guess wow would be awesome on your screen
ok Guys I need go to back solutioned problem with rotation
@scheien Yeah, 60hz 1080p on a 100" screen, totally different. I play, indeed, only SP games or non-time based online games (e.g. MMOs that aren't twitchy)
Hello :D
i dont understand this stupid ass coding assessment challenge
/// <summary>
        /// Challenge Due - Run Length Encoding
        /// RLE is a simple compression scheme that encodes runs of data into
        /// a single data value and a count. It's useful for data that has lots
        /// of contiguous values (for example it was used in fax machines), but
        /// also has lots of downsides.
        /// For example, aaaaaaabbbbccccddddd would be encoded as
        /// 7a4b4c5d
        /// You can find out more about RLE here...
i am not asking for help on the programming aspect, i will make the encoder myself
for the life of me why is the testCases a tuple<byte[], byte[]>
Guys, How can I upload multiple pictures using ASP.NET MVC Model? Currently I am able to upload 1 picture.
Input/Expected output but I don't know why they're using a Tuple. You'd have to ask them.
class product{ // Model class

    //product details attributes

    public string PhotoContentType { get; set; }
    public byte[] Photo { get; set; }


    class ProductAdd{

    public IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> PhotoUpload { get; set; }


    public ProductBase ProductAdd(ProductAdd newItem) // manager class
    // Attempt to add the new item
    // Notice how we map the incoming data to the design model object
    var addedItem = ds.Products.Add(Mapper.Map<Product>(newItem));var length = 0;
oh nevermind
i think i understand now
the 2nd byte array is what the encoded string should look like
@RoelvanUden How far away do you have to sit from it to make it comfortable?
@scheien I sit at 3-3.5m in a relax chair ;-)
It's essentially a home cinema with the recommended THX view angles.
Sounds pretty sweet
Then I mounted mouse + KB on the chair so I lie down gaming.
Like the chair from Grandmas boy? :D
Is it a projector, or a actual monitor you have?
I have a similar type set up (gaming PC hooked up to flatscreen/surround sound, not Grandma's Boy). I didn't bother to mount mouse/kb but I usually use a Steam controller anyway.
Good for streaming video, too.
Who needs a monitor for gaming?
I saw a couple of weeks ago (dont remember where), that you could actually buy a similar chair like that one, where you could mount the screen to the chair, and it would move in relation to sitting position.
I've tried the HTC Vive, it was cool, but I'm not impressed.
Nearly all of my gaming right now is VR
Sounds horrible
It's too low resolution for my taste.
Might be better when they can have 4k instead of 1080p
It's high enough resolution that I'm immersed, and that's enough for me to be addicted
it's cool, and the concept is great, but I guess I'd imagine it to be a bit less pixely
I've only tried the Daydream. I was underwhelmed.
Wait, I lie. I got to try a demo of the Occulus at Pax East a couple years ago. I was also underwhelmed.
"A couple years ago" was before Oculus was finished
That sounds about right. I don't think it was available to the general public.
What kind of demo was it?
I have to admit, I've only tried the VR zombie shooter that's available on steam. Don't recall its name now.
Did they have hand controllers?
Robo Recall was released last week. It's very zombie-shooter-esque. Played it a bunch this weekend.
@KendallFrey yeah
It was akin to a SNES controller IIRC
Stuffing a shotgun in a robot's face and blowing its head off is very satisfying
@mikeTheLiar Like, a gamepad? Or actual hand tracking?
Nah, like a gamepad
Yeah, that's too bad
If you ever get the chance to try Superhot VR, don't turn it down.
Anyone here familiar with Azure SQL SB ?
Cannot generate model with Data Base First approach.
Always blank
Hi all. Any thoughts on this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/42632869/…
Alex, you should run with debugging, so you can see the actual exception in VS
@DaleGardner Let me try that
Nothing shows up in the Output window
I don't hit the breakpoint in the action when clicking a number in the PagedList component
Hmm. I'm not passing a permitsVm object to the action
@Alex I'm not familiar with that PagedList library. But that makes sense. Something with that method call is not passing in your view model correctly.
@DaleGardner Changed it to this and it's not happy...
@Html.PagedListPager(Model, page => Url.Action("SearchCustomers", "Permits",
               new { page = page, permitsVm = Json.Encode(Model)})...
Anyone using log4net with dynamodb?
I am looking for a log4net dynamodb appender, the only one I could find looks outdated..
wow it's not been used in 3 years
it's on git you can make updates
Oh someone has been
@juanvan looking at log4net documentation it seems like creating an appender myself can be an option too
so you can do a pull on his request and get the latest version
@juanvan do you think it's safe to start using a version from pull request..?
ya it looks like he has a LOT updated
look over the deletes/updates
don't think he would be doing anything funny, tho kind of sad the org owner won't merge them
hmm I'll go ahead and pull from his changes then
I thought logging to cloud databases would be a popular norm by now, but the appender has only a few forks and stars strangely
ya they might not run the errors like that in the cloud?
mmm I donno... I've built a service using c# Web Api, and want to monitor any errors happening in realtime, so pushing the logs to dynamodb, and then will setup triggers to notify me of fatal errors, and create a light dashboard for monitoring those errors by querieng dynamodb
posted on March 06, 2017 by Jess Pardue

Welcome to the Stack Overflow Podcast #103, recorded Thursday March 2, 2017 at the Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Today’s podcast is brought to you by tree people, Purim, and She Geeks Out. The post Stack Overflow Podcast #103 : Grandma, is that you? appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

My coworker just used the term "Microsoft way of troubleshooting". It means "turning it off and on again."
Thought that was the IT way of doing things, when you don't want to deal with the customer anymore
@juanvan on at least 2 occasions I've called technical support and (unknowingly) gave them bad information, leading to an impossible to resolve issue. In both cases they gave up and made up some bullshit to get me off the line.
@mikeTheLiar Can't bullshit a bullshitter
Scenario 1) first time I built a computer. Accidentally turned off LAN in the BIOS without realizing it. Couldn't get internet to work, obviously. Called my ISP. Went in circles for quite a while until eventually the tech told me I needed to return to the computer store and "buy a new IP address".
"buy a new IP address" I Can't Laugh hard enough
sorry DHCP does not take monies
That's almost as dumb as disabling network access over ssh (cc @rlemon)
Scenario 2) I bought a Gateway from a friend of mine. I call up the ISP (different ISP this time) to add the gateway to my account. Give them the MAC address and SN. Again, we go around and around in circles trying to get this to work. Eventually we get to the point where she just says the no longer support this model of gateway unfortunately and I'll need to continue renting theirs. Turns out the box that my friend gave me with the gateway was for a different gateway.
The MAC address was wrong.
@rlemon should have a script that refreshes the connection if that ever happens
you needed to add the mac address for the ISP to allow you to use it?
!!tell rlemon rlemon
!!info rlemon
!!forget rlemon
!!undo x3
You were here when I made that command
I don't remember things
Like not disabling network access over SSH?
I did it once.
was updating openssh and needed to restart.. in my head
"okay, I'll just kill the service with one command and re-start it with the next"
How could a file have Read Allow & Deny both checked in Windows Security Permissions
> sudo service ssh stop
sudo service ssh restart
like as I hit enter I realised my mistake.
if it fails well then it sucks
@juanvan clearly. I know it might seem it, but I'm not that dumb.
@rlemon I know you are a smart keyboardist
A tickler, even
better then a stroker
I'm also a masochist. decided I wanted to write my own localization module for React instead of using one of the battle tested ones
should be fun
why use someone's else failing cryptography make your own.
no, when crypto is involved use something trusted
this is just mucking with some strings
There's nothing like your own crypto.
I use the caesar cipher
The ceaser cipher is a good introduction to crypto
jk yes
Anyone got an idea of how to keep old files (generated .txt, databases etc) during automatic update? I'm using Squirrel.windows. (github.com/Squirrel/Squirrel.Windows). I have been tring to do a copy paste + overwrite, but it just doesn't feel right. Unstable
@Jomasdf git?
what sort of automatic update
It's a variant of clickonce installer I guess. Had to use it to work with obfuscation. It has the same principle with install dir at user/apps.

So when a new version is detected, it's downloaded and applied. Problem is that files that are created using the previous version aren't carried over to the next one (or edits to databases).
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