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Looks good?

function cssOnload(src, callback) {
var link = document.createElement("link");
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.href = src;

if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') {
1 message moved from JavaScript
4 hours later…
@Queen k
@Queen k not bash though
@Queen k done already
@tripleee Sorry, could not understand the batch that you are referring to.
@Queen k
2 hours later…
@Queen k
14 messages moved from #!/bin/bash
is it possible to get the "this" of a even higher level of an object, by that I mean
var a = {
callme : function () {do something}
b : {
c : function () { this.callme() }
1 message moved from JavaScript
is it possible to get the "this" of a even higher level of an object, by that I mean

var a = {
callme : function () {do something}
b : {
c : function () { this.callme() }
1 message moved from JavaScript
is it possible to get the "this" of a even higher level of an object, by that I mean
   var a = {
    callme : function () {do something}
    b : {
    c : function () { this.callme() }
I have 3 tabs in tablayout, In first tab I have view pager. Now when I reach on last item of view pager and swipe it left then it switch to second fragment or tab which I want to do.
So now my requirement is that 1) I want to disable click on second tab from tablayout (1 and 3 will be clickable). 2. I don't want to show indicator on 2nd tab; if I am on second tab then I want to show selected indicator on 1st tab only.

So can anyone please help me I have tried many things but I am not able to get solution.
function setfolder(type, id)
$(".folder-box").each(function(index, element) {
if ($(element).find(".item-title").html() == type)
if ($(element).find(".item-title").html() == id)

i try to combine those 2
1 message moved from JavaScript
@Hans1984 lol
@DroidDev @berserk
Mirrors can’t talk, lucky for you they can’t laugh either. Source : sarcasm.
Sarcasm is the body’s natural defense against stupidity. Source : sarcasm
I am busy right now, can I ignore you some other time? Source : sarcasm
cat cat
sarcasm is vital
i ll go to JS chat now
trying to save caprica
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein
she doenst react there ether
yes it will be
insects with sticks and stones
cuz humans are long gone by then
function setfolder(type, id)
$(".folder-box").each(function(index, element) {
if ($(element).find(".item-title").html() == type)

if ($(element).find(".item-title").html() == id)

just asking if its possible without eventlistener and case but change something in this code
1 message moved from JavaScript
Smoking kills.but not smoking does not mean that you will never die. by lol
@brahmyadigopula, you can at least stop killing people around you by not smoking! :)
@ParthaChakraborty i will try bro....
thanks a ton, @brahmyadigopula
just chew tobacco
like tobacco cat
noone gets hurt but yourself
@brahmyadigopula :D:D :D :D :D
nice suggestion @Hans1984 but i will follow that when i start smoking.
@brahmyadigopula LOL
lazy tobacco cat where are you@kitty
hans catbot activated
Hans - Beacuse of cat stuffs ur boss don't like you...he envious...cc @MukeshRana @TheLittleNaruto
Whenever he look into ur PC he finds CAT CAT and CAT only
Zombies eat brains.YOU ARE SAFE by lol just for laugh
zcatca ctactatctatctatctatcatctattctatcatcartc
@brahmyadigopula zombie cat
CATMASTER spread "cat phobia" in this room
everyone loves cats
i could care less if my boss doenst like them
cat cat cat
@Hans1984 then u will not be cat master anymore
U r the cat of ur boss
i dare you
@Hans1984 hans is a catmaster!
@TheFlash :D
@TheFlash ROFL
i ll make you my cat@TheFlash
everytime i feel like it
like a toy
U can't catch me I m "The Flash"
Fastest man alive..!
you re a slow ass snail
that pretends to be flash
you cant fool me
@Hans1984 :D
@Hans1984 :D
@Hans1984 :D
flash vanishes in crisis
how is Tom & Jerry here.
71 messages moved from [Java and Android era ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/19132/java-and-android-era)
Hey guys I am using Tesseract.js for Kanji-recognicion (japanese characters). This code recognizes and prints the input charcter as expected.

var result = Tesseract.recognize("yama.png", {
lang: 'jpn'
}).then(function (result) {

the following code fails comparing the output to a hardcoded string though.

if (result.text == '山') {
} else {
console.log('Error comparing kanji.');

What might be the reason?
1 message moved from JavaScript
4 messages moved from [Java and Android era ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/19132/java-and-android-era)
1 hour later…
@AndrewL. Huh?
>>xkcd 1530
>>xkcd 555
@AndrewL: There is the Sandbox.
Oh yeah, sorry
9 messages moved from [Teenage Territory ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/85048/teenage-territory)
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

int myAge = 26;
bool isAdult;

myAge = (myAge >= 18) ? isAdult : !isAdult;

if (isAdult) {
cout << "You're an adult." << endl;
} else {
cout << "You're still a kid." << endl;
1 hour later…
@R.MartinhoFernandes can you explain why you moved an off-topic message here?
2 messages moved from #!/bin/bash
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
createSlot() {
// outer scope, `this` === the class instance
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// inner scope, `this` is undefined...
if (this.notReadyYet()) {

Having a hard time wrapping my head around how to access the outer 'this' scope inside of a promise. I want to run some methods on the class while inside the promise and resolve/reject based on that
1 message moved from JavaScript

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