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import {EnergyCalculator} from “./energycalculator";

export class EnergyCalculatorForBrowser extends EnergyCalculator {

getKwh(zipCode?: string): any {
if (this.zipCodeIsValid(zipCode));
// other stuff
import {EnergyCalculator} from “./energycalculator";

    export class EnergyCalculatorForBrowser extends EnergyCalculator {

      getKwh(zipCode?: string): any {
             if (this.zipCodeIsValid(zipCode));
                   // other stuff
6 hours later…
Thanks for the reply. I tried but I want to display "no results found" when collection is empty. So where would I place that in my index.js.erb <% @balance = 0 %>
$('#kola tbody').empty();
<% @xvaziris.each do |xvaziri| %>
$('#kola tbody').append("<%= j render xvaziri %>");
</p></center>' );
<% end %>
13 hours later…
function outer(c, d) {
var e = c * d;

function inner(a, b) {
return (e * a) + b;

return inner(0, 1);

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