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6:37 AM
1 message moved from Android Smartness
3 hours later…
9:47 AM
wingding is back!
Who is Wingding?
@C0dekid A troll who's been posting garbage on the site quite a lot. this one has been known to read the transcript, so the general rule is to flag down the posts and be quiet about it
3 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
@Kyll what happened? I just told wingding is back
1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
9:59 AM
if let result:Dictionary<String,AnyObject> = response.dictionaryObject
if let errorvalue = result["error"]
if errorvalue == "Invalid email format!"
//put alert
1 message moved from iOS Developer Family
3 hours later…
12:58 PM
@Dude and @TheNightKing
1 message moved from Androidians
3 hours later…
4:13 PM
@Magisch Image not found for me.
The owner of the site disallowed hotlinking.
No more
7 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
5:05 PM
I don't get this:
> [a,b] = sprintf('kjasdhf@Q#$%GV#@$IJTqiewh5kgh2q34fdff......\nasikefh3985yv 2fhph',5)
a =

asikefh3985yv 2fhph

b =

[a,b] = sprintf('kjasdhf@Q#$%GV#@$IJTqiewh5kgh2q34fdff......\nasikefh3985yv 2fhph',5,6)

a =

asikefh3985yv 2fhphkjasdhf@Q#$6V#@$IJTqiewh5kgh2q34fdff......
asikefh3985yv 2fhph

b =

5:21 PM
1 message moved from MATLAB and Octave
2 messages moved from MATLAB and Octave

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