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Using -----"function query(){
var queryTerm = 'dog';

var queryURL = "https://en.wiktionary.org/w/api.php?" +
"action=query&" +
"prop=revisions&" +
"rvprop=content&" +
"rvexpandtemplates&" +
"format=json&" +
"callback=callback&" +
"indexpageids&" +
"redirects&" +
"titles=" + encodeURIComponent(queryTerm);

var request = document.createElement("script");
request.setAttribute("src", queryURL);
1 message moved from JavaScript
8 hours later…
@Jens I have an interview next monday at prokarma
they said 1st round will be coding round
so what do you think what type of questions they may ask for coding
do you have any idea?
4 messages moved from Room for SpringLearner and Jens‌​
There's only 2 things I don't suck at. Languages and my own dick (much to my own dissapointment)
1 message moved from C#

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