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morning, I'm adding a JSONObject to an hashmap, when I use this hashmap it says it's converted to Object and I can't use JSONObject methods anymore. is there a way to cast it to JSONObject or I am taking a wrong approach?
incompatible types found : java.lang.Object required: org.json.JSONObject
            String bike_json = single_bike.getValue().toString();
            try {
                JSONObject Bike_Json = new JSONObject(bike_json);
            catch (JSONException e){

something like this?
single_bike.getValue() is the Object I've added to the hashmap as JSONObject
4 hours later…
2 messages moved from Android
3 messages moved from Android
i was testing if you want to ban me for that question, HELLO GUYS
2 messages moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
Hey I have the following code :

app.factory("defineprofileRepository", function($http) {
    var urlBaseGeneralInfo = "/api/generalinfo?username=";
    var urlBaseGeneralInfoCountry = "/api/countrylist";
    var urlBaseGeneralInfoCurrency = "/api/currencylist";
    var dataFactory = {};

    dataFactory.getGeneralInfo = function(userName) {
        return $http.get(urlBaseGeneralInfo + userName);

    dataFactory.getGeneralInfoCountry = function() {
        return $http.get(urlBaseGeneralInfoCountry);
Why I can't use this?:
        .success(function (data, status) {
            $scope.status = status;
            $scope.resultJson = data;
            $scope.currencyId = data.CurrencyId;
            $scope.FirstName = data.AspNetUser.FirstName;
            $scope.LastName = data.AspNetUser.LastName;
            $scope.Country = data.AspNetUser.Country;
            $scope.Currency = data.Currency.Name;
        .error(function (error) {
2 messages moved from JavaScript

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