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@navya, ohk dear... :)
@navya, ohk dear... :)
@navya, ohk dear... :)
3 messages moved from [Java and Android era ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/19132/java-and-android-era)
2 hours later…
Science and Religions

Proposed Q&A site for the people who have good knowledge on a religion (atleast one) and willing to look for a scientific meaning behind that religion. (seeing religions in science perspective)

Currently in definition.

^ please follow this proposal
2 hours later…
i have two div one parent and one child then i want change parent div width and child div width automatically change . what i can do?
1 message moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
1 hour later…
any way to work as code first on Visual Studio 2008? any ORM is fine !
1 message moved from C#
Installing ass/cactus [=====-----] 50%
Fuck, my keyboard keeps going into French Canadian mode.
cat cactus | /dev/ass
...I'm going to have to move these :D
5 messages moved from PHP
I didn't even see those messages :'D
When I'm doing nothing, I'm doing nothing. When I'm not doing nothing, I'm trolling in room 11. When I'm not trolling in room 11, I sleep.
@LeviMorrison Spoilsport ;)
> cat cactus | /dev/ass
@AlmaDo I love this ^
It's technically incorrect anyway
cat cactus > /dev/ass
More like cat cactus > /dev/ass
@AlmaDo Give me some of your time. :P
@LeviMorrison so you know the correct way? A pity..
@LeviMorrison only if /dev/ass isn't executable.
11 messages moved from PHP
@ZachSaucier Command !!happysong does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@ZachSaucier Command !!happymusic does not exist. Did you mean: happymusic (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
2 messages moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
1 hour later…
@Zirak some user here is pretending to know your password.
3 hours later…
Promises were removed from node a while back. It uses callbacks now.
And I'm unclear what the design pattern you are suggesting does.
@rlemon I don't understand what the pattern you are suggesting does, or how to use it. Could you clarify, please?
3 messages moved from JavaScript :: Happy Birthday Zirak

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