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how r u
u are talking about this sir
I am fine, thank you:)
And you?
i am struck in this issue
and need ur guidance
can u guide me
how did u capture screenshot
Not actually
I was talking about this:
u did rooting process
The thing is, I have not created any project that captures the screen, this is an already existing project that is free to use...I have used this and I came to know this thing.
yes I did root both of my phones.
But just to capture the sceen, you don't actually need to root.
without root can i capture screnshot
of my emulator
if yes
Any phone even with out root privilege can still capture the screen
Yes you can
Actually I have a doubt
then plz guide me
You need to capture your screen just for taking screenshot or you need to do that programmatically?
programmatically i have done
i used vnc viewer
but its vnc viewer is not receiving the screen
I don't know about things like that...
tell me how to capture screenshot
If you just need to capture the screenshot non programatically, may be i could help
i have implemented code
can u check
Are you an mobile app developer
one java class
may be send it then...
But i am not sure if i could do that immediatly...
cos i am at work place now
Have you used DDMS?
i will put code on pastie
i know
there we can capture screenshot
1 class is dere
I will take a look into this
And let you know latest by tomo EOD, is that fine?
but that i need the solution
because the issue is on executable side
Hmmm sure
Leaving now, got work to do.
same here
well u from
one thing can u give me ur no
so that i an contact u
1 hour later…
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