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1 message moved from HTML / CSS / WebDesign
i want to loop through the table columns  and exclude some columns. Instead of using table.innerhtml property i want to loop through the table and exclude last td in my table ..how could i achieve in this script?  <script>
var tableToExcel = (function() {
  var uri = 'data:application/vnd.ms-excel;base64,'
    , template = '<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"><head><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><x:ExcelWorkbook><x:ExcelWorksheets><x:ExcelWorksheet><x:Name>{worksheet}</x:Name><x:WorksheetOp
1 message moved from JavaScript
2 hours later…
@phenomnomnominal is it the only shade?
@phenomnomnominal is the difference between shades and colours designer knowledge?
is anybody doing any amazing work with any client-side MVC framework here?
@rlemon purple green and brown?
@rlemon The other options were worse for the same image. + there's yellow in there.
@rlemon is is brown a form of yellow?
@AbhishekHingnikar not today mate, my brain is fried
@AbhishekHingnikar if i was your son, id seriously jump of the golden gate inheriting those ugly genes
@rlemon that menas you should take action
I sense a bit of nepotism from @rlemon
@rlemon I got flagged for swearing once, so I'm only doing the community justice. Unless only the big boys can swear here?
@ThiefMaster he did insult me. he called me 'son'. I take offence to that
definitely nepotism here.
14 messages moved from JavaScript

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