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@Zirak seeing as you "know it all", please look through those three links and tell me where it says "this is how you change the background colour"
@connor.js @Zirak both knows it all, and way more than you.
@phenomnomnominal Oh dear, this child is trying to start his games again! sigh
@connor.js The first one?
According to your profile, your 75% as old as me. You should have learnt to use Google by now.
@connor.js Well, there is the part saying how you specify the foreground, and it looks like there's a bunch of boxes next to it, so my guess is...look at the other boxes.
@Zirak Yeah, see "your guess" isn't that good of a guess, I'm pretty sure I would have searched Google 10 times before i dare ever ask a question here.
@phenomnomnominal And by your age you should have learned not to assume things and grow up.
@connor.js and when you're my age, I hope you're not such a fucking douche.
@connor.js you can't make me, you're not my dad
@connor.js instead of arguing about pointless things on the interwebz with some strange dudes, tell me, have you found the fucking setting?
@phenomnomnominal OR IS HE?
@Sprottenwels yeah
Nah, my dad isn't such a little bitch.
@Sprottenwels You have to change the default text background color
did you manage to change the structure tree's color aswell?
@phenomnomnominal No, maybe he passed the "little bitch" genes straight down to you.
@Sprottenwels I only wanted to change the background of the code box
@connor.js It's such a shame that I just left the UK, i could have come and beat the shit out of you.
oh, i see
@phenomnomnominal Now you can't get any lower than to threat people over the internet, that's called a troll.
oh, both of you shut up and kiss already.
@Zirak I don't kiss little bitches, i just block them
i wonder if that "any lower" reference will lead to a sentence involving someones mother...
To be honest, I'm just bored and tired in an airport, and teenagers little boys are so easy to wind up.
@connor.js What's your probl.... Oh you're from UK
@Shea And where are you from?
@Shea Oh... The way your country is going, that is an argument you won't win.
Join the JavaScript room.
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@connor.js having a bad day or something?
@GNi33 he has his period.
@GNi33 nope, it's very good thanks
stop it.
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@FlorianMargaine Ummmm....
in Trash can, 43 secs ago, by connor.js
@GNi33 nope, it's very good thanks
I'm calling BS on that
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@BenjaminGruenbaum Dependency Injection?
You pass in the User Object, and get the email from that
@BenjaminGruenbaum But we're talking OOP here, not passing around strings
So, you pass in your User object, and use a getter for the email
Or preferably you typehint for an interface of the User
@salathe nicely done!
@AlmaDo yep - I don't mind being rebecca'd sometimes
just because I see @MadaraUchiha is not yet around :D
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@MadaraUchiha booooring
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3 hours later…
@AbhishekHingnikar You mean you want to have your standard web application use the files that are in the directory of sources for the extension ? If so, what's the problem ? Or do you want the web app to look for files in the extension that is installed in Chrome ?
What am I missing ?
Are you confusing source and deployed files ?
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2 hours later…
Q: Has anyone ever hacked Stack Overflow?

Praveen JeganathanWhile chatting with friends about hacking, a guy said that "if a site is getting popular/ or any competitive, it will somehow face severe hacks. Some used to expose it, others hide it". Out of curiosity I wanted to see if any such thing happened to Stack Overflow. Since Stack Exchange (being 5 ...

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