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What if I told you I was here every day over the last six days? So sad.
You made me cry a bit...
I'm sorry.
Me too...
I wonder if I can delete rooms.
Hmm... Only time i've seen one deleted was by so themselves... Afaik if it has less than 20 messages and it goes inactive it's deleted, but those over 20 are considered historically significant...
This room is so important. You can tell by it's traffic.
So we just ignore it and hope for the best...
I'm sure we get a random ill-formed question every 14 days.
The problem is I really don't want to go to C# when I have questions.
I have to justify my existence to Kendall, then convince the random bullshiters to consider my question before continuing to bullshit. Blah
Yeah, i know :(...
Oh well. Google is strong, and maybe I can help someone else.
How secure is MVC by default (out of the box)?
It's alright.
I trust it more than a roll-your-own solution
Hey Johan!
Came to join the most happening room on SO?
I always lurk here I think
You do. I'm just trying to drum up an appearance of activity in this room. Trying to draw some people who do MVC stuff.
It has a yellow star
We can use it for casual chat so it gets more visible
You've discovered the plan :D
I rarely have much web going on :)
I rarely do anything else :/
i'd like to do more web, but lack the time...
I'm really excited to launch the next rev of tipbitco.in. I know companies say that all the time, but I never really believed it before.
It is a clean site, very nice
I wish I felt as strongly about the product I do for my day job.
It's about to get slightly less clean. There's about ~10 new designs for lanyards, and I'm going to allow the user to buy them premade from me.
I think my implimentation is pretty slick. I'm stuck revving CSS crap atm, but I've got a good hour left of actual programming left.
I'm looking at $5+shipping
USPS domesticly, which should be a few cents (prolly charge a dollar) and I dunno.. DHL for international?
I'll have to work that out if it becomes an issue.
Maybe I can pay one of you guys to print stuff out.
Next rev is going to be "action shots." I'll have people submit pictures of them wearing it at work. I'm hoping strippers get into it.
Sounds like a plan, one of the Brits ought to suffice...
Does FedEx/Kinkos exist in mainland Europe?
Not that i know of.
Q: Error using Serge Zab's helper for optgroup dropdowns

nielsvI'm trying to work with the optgroup dropdown helper from Serge Zab that can be found here. This is my category table: As you can see I have a category and a category can also be categoryparent from a category. I want to have the parentcategorys as optgroup and the children as options of the o...

@Billdr FedEx exists but I don't like them much, most inconvenient way to receive a package ime. Prolly different for comppanies
Then yeah, I'll have to get someone on the proper side of the ocean to deal with it.
I was more worried about the Kinko's portion of it. I can send print jobs to Kinkos with instructions, and they'll do all the work.
I have never heard about Kinkos but that does not mean much
I think I could, in theory, outsource all the production to them. It'd be expensive, but not as expensive as shipping. All of that is moot if they don't exist over there.
I was just checking, fedex/kinko's isn't there.
I'd want a franchise printing thing so quality/services would be consistent.
Okay. "Everyone, pick up your badges in Rotterdam. No, not Amsterdam. Fly to Amsterdam and take a 45 minute train ride."
Checked the date, Bill?
Probably more like 90 minutes, once you get through all the Amsterdam stops between the airport and Rotterdam.
huh, that's before Fedex bought them.
Yes, i was just noting the historical significance.
I know linking asp.net here is like highlighting a bible at church, but asp.net/web-api/overview/web-api-routing-and-actions/…
Read that... Thanks anyway.
It's more to sprinkle some MVC related content into the room :p
Nice, that's a good companion to the top link on the starred list.
^---good article on MVC security out of the box.
Thanks ^-^.
Smartdirt? That's a welcome change.
uh thanks?
There a guy named dirt that we chat with a bunch.
I assume you're him, but smart.
Well sometimes smarter than others.
Hello all,
I am using following text box control of devexpreess
<dx:ASPxTextBox ID="tbxPrevSolids" runat="server" Width="75" DisplayFormatString="c4">

Currently I am facing a problem that when my text box have value '$0.0000' and i cick on save button without changing anything my text box showing me value as '8E-10'

Original Value = '$0.0000'
New Value ='8E-10'

Can any one please help to on this
I was wondering if anyone could give me some guidance on trying to convince my bosses to upgrade from mvc2 to mvc4.
I'm trying to find the source Troy Hunt was referring to when he said WhiteHatSec found WITM stack more secure than LAMP. I'm not seeing it.
Hrm. My hunch is you have a type issue, @Chets. Is tbxPrevSolids being saved as currency?
@smartdirt I started on MVC3, which is largely similar to 4. I understand the world was quite different in mvc2, and things have gotten easier. I would say something like, 'It's easier now, so maintenance and future development costs will be reduced.'
I can't really quantify the differences better than a google search would.
dirt is now officially:
Brock Hensley - FKA dirt, Zephyrhills, FL
1.2k 4 18
@Billdr Sorry it only displaying me on UI as a currency it saving is database as a double
That helps.
There's your problem, Chets. doubles are not currency.
you can cast between them though. I believe EF does that for you automatically.
decimal ftw!
I mean im saving like suppose my number is "$12.0000" on UI then im saving it as a "12.0000" only in db @Billdr
one moment, writing a console app to make sure I'm not smoking crack.
Seriously, don't save price as double...
Q: Bootstrap Modal Does not close after submit form

bto.rdzWhat I need to do is to show a popup to add a new record to my database, im using bootstrap 3 and I love it because im not using a single line of jquery, and I have really nice form (obvioulsy they are based in jquery). I am validating my form via ajax, but the problem now is that my modal neve...

Start is: 12.0000
Middle is: 12
End is: 12
static void Main(string[] args)
            Decimal start = 12.0000m;
            Double middle = (double)start;
            Decimal end = (decimal) middle;

            Console.WriteLine("Start is: " + start);
            Console.WriteLine("Middle is: " + middle);
            Console.WriteLine("End is: " + end);
Soooo, what are you doing?
@Billdr You don't slap a [Test] on that one?
I am way too lazy to write a program and then write a test for it to prove a concept. I'm not going to save this project.
14 mins ago, by Chets
I am using following text box control of devexpreess
<dx:ASPxTextBox ID="tbxPrevSolids" runat="server" Width="75" DisplayFormatString="c4">

Currently I am facing a problem that when my text box have value '$0.0000' and i cick on save button without changing anything my text box showing me value as '8E-10'

Original Value = '$0.0000'
New Value ='8E-10'

Can any one please help to on this
<dx:ASPxTextBox ID="tbxFluid" ClientInstanceName="tbxFluid" runat="server" Width="75"
DisplayFormatString="c4" Text='<%# Eval("Fluid") %>'>
Thanks Stefan, that's helpful.
I am using Eval function @Billdr
Sorry, I don't know webforms. What does Eval("Fluid") do?
Is it me or does that look totally wrong?
I think you can call a serverside function like that, Stefan. Again, I did about 10 minutes of webforms once. On a dare. I was drunk.
@Billdr I did not mean it like that, I mean as an alternative to creating a console app. [Test] turns C# into a scripting language for me :)
Yes im calling server side function @bi
@JohanLarsson Huh. I do not know how to do testing the way you do it. One day I'll get there.
But it would not test anything, [Test] would just be the most convenient way to run the code ime, guess [Prototype] would be more correct
wha... I don't eve... hu...
@Chets Agreed. What does the sever side function do?
Yeah, i was just going to ask ^-^...
other than return 8E-10.
I just saving my changed data @Billdr
public string Eval(string i){if i=="Fluid"{return "8E-10";}}
8E-10 would be an approximation of 0 as a double, wouldn't it?
I think but how can i avoid this?
I'm just going to just start saying random things in case something sticks.
Try tbxFluid instead of "Fluid"
try 1.0 instead of "Fluid"
Now, now, no need to be mean, Bill...
Those are earnest suggestions to change the output. Since I can't see into Eval("Fluid") it's all I can do.
Debug by guessing, it's my favorite method.
Fluid is my property which im binding to tbxFluid text box
@Chets i'd try talking to farmers...
and it has some validation rules I assume, right Chets?
No there is no validation
Just doing _curMonth.Fluid = Convert.ToDouble(tbxFluid.Text);
Okay, then what property type is Fluids?
@Chets insta-star!
Its double
Got you. One sec.
Umm, i'll just come back when you're done then... Good luck.
i implemented paypal express checkout in webforms once... it wasn't a good idea...
And that was my first and last dealing with it.
sorry, coworker had an issue.
Don't they always...
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string start = "0.0000";
            Double middle = Convert.ToDouble(start);
            string end = middle.ToString();

            Console.WriteLine("Start is: " + start);
            Console.WriteLine("Middle is: " + middle);
            Console.WriteLine("End is: " + end);
That produces 0.0000, 0, 0.
So... what happens if you set the field to 0.0001?
It showing correct value
i.e 0.0001
And if you set the field to 1?
I think the problem is with c4, which makes it want 4 decimal points. Since it doesn't know what those decimals should be (as the double is 0, not 0.0000) it freaks out.
i really don't see the issue tbh
I don't know how to handle DisplayFormatString elegantly. I'd brute force it with javascript if it actually mattered.
with serverside validation on anything that came through. Seriously, validate your inputs.
OK, i'm out, have fun.
Later Stefan!
Can you bind Eval to a function?
Were you guys talking about different types in db storage?
Travis in the room,\o/
\o| |o/
the rubber arm move is nice
So was the whole double vs decimal thing in reference to the db or something else?
I was not paying attention, think it was Chet's question
Hey Travis
No, I think the problem was with formatting a string in UI.
There was some discussion around types, but I was wrong. Decimal and double cast cleanly.
cleanly enough that it wasn't causing his problem.
Oh okay
@Billdr - ever incorporated a graph into a view?
I used the telerek thing once.
that was webforms though.
I made one with flot, but was curious if there were other options
Johan knows more about graphing than I do.
oh neat
Flot looks cool.
bitcoinity.org/markets/bitstamp/USD <---this place has their js minified, but it's my favorite graph going right now.
comboy is generally cool though, he'd probably tell you what he's using if you asked.
@Billdr - bitcoinity uses flot lol
Then flot wins.
cool I will stick with it then
okay, time for food. brb.
@Billdr - Want to see a graph of our production in flot?
Back. It's cold out side.
@TravisJ It's like you're reading my mind.
@TravisJ gimmiegimmiegimmie?
@Billdr - Sorry had a business call i.imgur.com/LghdQCi.png
That seems pretty functional!
How rough was the setup?
The flot setup was pretty simple
I was looking at folding in BlueImp's Jquery File Uploader a few weeks back. I'd have to rip apart my entire site to get that thing to work.
var opts = {
 series: {
  lines: {
   show: true
  points: {
   show: true
 xaxis: {
  tickSize: 1
 yaxis: {
  ticks: 10
var graphData = [];
 $.plot($("#graphZone"), graphData, opts);
I answered a question here and made this jsfiddle demo: http://jsfiddle.net/LjGQY/
You can use it as a base if you feel like testing inputs
Graphdata is like, x-axis-value, y-axis-value?
there are different ways to format it. But basically it is
that's sort of what I was thinking
Allo DigitalD
6 hours later…

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