I have a single asp.net page it contains a number of tabs and a datetime picker.
When the user selects a date from the datetime picker and clicks on the update button it does that it should do but it does not return the user to the same tab.
<ul class='tabs'>
Q: Is it possible to set class attribute for some of the Dropdownlist values in MVC? I have searched for days, but still have not found an answer. Could you pls have a look at this page for details? stackoverflow.com/questions/19765439/…
You're attempting to bind your dropdown list to a collection of objects, right?
I was not able to do a good job of it without invoking knockout.js. I passed an id as the value and query my database for it when the form was received.
First I retrieved data from database. Then I need to check the if condition and assign "class" value to these values. I can check, but not assign. On the other hand, if there is another solution except from javascript you could suggest me. For details what I have done so far on that page: stackoverflow.com/questions/19765439/set-class-attribute-for-certain-records-of-dropdownlist-in-mvc4