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11:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

9:03 PM
Honey I'm home yea @LewsTherin Layout can be set to null/"" and it'll render without but I guess you know that now
Anyone feel like writing heapsort real quick in js?
It's weird how the two of you showed up at the same time :O
I smell something dodgy :P
Is it your code? har har har
Ha ha
Oh it is a possible candidate.
What is a possible candidate for what?
9:10 PM
My code can apply for dodgy smell of the year..
It is that bad.
fk heap sort, I am going to make one up
Sort(Type.Heap, dataset);
I don't need it to be in any super type of order, just true or false sorting pretty much
I have one in mind, it will be O(lg n)
I think it will be n lg n actually
I agree nods knowledgeably
This dialog box is a *** **** ********************************
On first "open" it isn't at the center.. and I have no idea why..
9:19 PM
//Choose ones with no arrays first
            for( var current = 0, end = ObjectArray.length; current < end; current++ ){
                var swap = true;
                    swap = false;
                    for( var key in ObjectArray[current]){
                        if( $.isArray(ObjectArray[current][key]) ){
                        swap = true;
                        var copy = ObjectArray[current];
                        ObjectArray[current] = ObjectArray[--end];
Did you just write that?
Get out!
9:34 PM
Any good date and time picker plugin?
Like the one phpmyadmin uses
jquery ui?
HTML5 Datepicker!
@TravisJ But it doesn't include time.
@RudiVisser Would it work for previous browsers? :O
type="datetime" - Screw the system
ah, correct
9:38 PM
Perhaps with a polyfill
Ok I will look up that html5 thingy
use date picker and then use a separate input for time
you could easily mock the iphone time input
9:39 PM
Seems pretty simple
Sweet, some options.. thanks again!
I had two small errors in that previous code.
But I fixed them and it works pretty sweet.
"sort by least depth"
Why did you write that anyway?
Hey @RoelvanUden
Hello there!
9:42 PM
Well, I have a button for details of a process. When clicked, it takes the JSON of that process, feeds it into a recursive function, and the outputs a display based on the JSON's structure including class names, list names, object names, and key value pairs. I didn't want to go through a whole list and then display a single object, so I had to sort part of it by least depth.
Now I feel bad.. :(
Hey Roel
A: How can I position my jQuery dialog to center?

HugoThe latest jQuery UI has a position component: $("#myDialog").position({ my: "center", at: "center", of: window }); Doc: Get:

Can anyone quickly try that answer? If you can of course..
Shit doesn't center for moi.
Wow never seen that syntax for .position, but also never seen a jQuery UI dialog that wasn't central
That said, I avoid jQuery UI wherever possible
are you using jquery ui version 1.8
Situational question; I am running code in parallel, utilizing each core in a system. When I use one core, I get a pretty good response speed, but when I use all cores, the performance degrades like a mad cow. Any clues?
It uses no locking internally, keeps one thread for the main pump, and uses several WebClient instances to download stuff from different servers.
@Roel - The system automagically merges cores and by not leaving it one you remove that benefit??
9:48 PM
@TravisJ Yeah the min version
@TravisJ Huh, what?
@Roel - Just a guess, I am not very sure about that.
@RoelvanUden Are you using the TPL or custom parallelism?
@Lews - What does your code look like
@RudiVisser Custom parallelism, using the thread pool. I'm writing this for 3.5 so no TPL.
9:49 PM
I have to deploy, be back in a few
        autoOpen: false,
        autoResize: 'true',
        minHeight: 'auto',
        width: 'auto',
        height: 'auto',
        modal: true
        my: "center",
        at: "center",
        of: window
I also tried it this way:
        autoOpen: false,
        autoResize: 'true',
        minHeight: 'auto',
        width: 'auto',
        height: 'auto',
        modal: true,
            my: "center",at:"center",of:window
@RoelvanUden And there's definitely no locking going on under the hood here? Are you queuing more tasks than there are threads available on the threadpool?
There are lots of things really
@RudiVisser Take a look,, it's not very pretty much I'm too lazy to implement reset events. After all, I just need to block one thread and do the real work on the actions.
Is that method itself running on a separate thread?
Yeah, it is a console application and I'm just blocking the main pump until all work is completed.
Oh.. wait a minute here.
I'm using image manipulation, which uses GDI+ on the background.
Is that single threaded?
9:56 PM
Likely, but I'm curious, why are you doing your own restriction on QueueWorkerItem? I'll admit to having not used the threadpool much but I thought QueueWorkerItem literally placed stuff into a queue, and would just process when a thread became available again
Oh.. man, self-owned.
"Even through the objects are independent, internally GDI+ will globally lock the drawing operation so that it can only happen on one thread."
@Lews - I am not sure :( I don't use that type of stuff for my ui
Better to be self owned than not know why
What the fuck Microsoft..
What.. the.. fuck.
9:57 PM
@TravisJ Np, later I will find some other UI
hehe Roel :D My question still stands though, perhaps I'm just misunderstanding QueueWorkerItem
See if it worked as I expected (and would just async queue stuff up and process when ready), I'd check the count in the delegate and reset a ManualResetEvent that I would wait on in the main thread... If you know what I mean
@RudiVisser Yeah that is all tested and functional. The thread pool just spawns threads up to its maximum (which is 1000 by default), so I'm limiting myself by not adding too much stuff into it.
But fuck, man, the entire image stuff in .NET is SINGLE THREADED.
Right, see I'd never expect that from a method called Queue*...
Nor from this documentation:
> Queues a method for execution, and specifies an object containing data to be used by the method. The method executes when a thread pool thread becomes available.
@RoelvanUden Why not a foreach? and copy local
Yeah and the thread pool can be configured by the user. Basically, you're adding something on the queue and the thread pool figures out it needs more threads and will create them, up to a maximum of 1000. My code limits the amount of stuff I queue to avoid making a bunch of threads I don't need.
@JohanLarsson The problem has been identified, it is GDI+ which is used to create/save images in .NET. Everything I do, thus loading bytes into a Bitmap using .NET is single threaded and no matter the amount of concurrency, I'm still literally fucked.
Because GDI+ locks.
GDI+ locks. Yeah..
10:05 PM
@RoelvanUden Yeah I understand why you've done it, just the base implementation seems a bit weird. I guess you could bend it to your will with SetMaxThreads (I know not in your case, just talking generally)
Yeah, you could, if you just need one thread pool.
But imagine adding a few downloads into a queue.. and waiting for them.. perma block! :D
Well I would also expect QueueWorkerItem to return immediately
10:23 PM
            <Image Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Height="28" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Center" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="NearestNeighbor">
                    <BitmapImage DecodePixelHeight="156" UriSource="/Resources/Images/logo-white.png" />
Image isn't scaling nicely =\
Oh I like your rep Sean ;)
@LewsTherin It's great isn't it? =D
Oh ja ;) I wonder how often that occurs..
For the past week or so. I almost shot him past it at first but took pity :P
A week? Wow, folks must like you :P
10:33 PM
@TravisJ No it's only been 1337 since this morning
I just haven't been bothered to get rid of it today xD
oh, I wonder who else had that last week then
well I did answer a question but it didn't get accepted
Too many 1337 c# users on stack overflow :P
10:46 PM
I spawned 4 slave processes to do image manipulation (one for each core).
Works like a charm.
I just need to figure out exclusive file access (mutex?) now. That, and tracking when the master has died.
Could spawn the sub-procs with -pid [parent] and check after each iteration when the proc doesn't exist anymore
That's a good one. I considered making the master responsible for termination of slaves, but it is much more elegant to have the slaves do it.
@RudiVisser Check it out,, quite nice eh? :P
Haha that is pretty awesome really
10:58 PM
Haha :D
The slaves kill themselves in quite an elegant way now, too, thanks to the pid. Nice suggestion :3
Glad it's all working for you anyway
Thanks. Yeah I was pretty pissed a moment ago, I mean, what the hell? Can't create/saves images on more than one thread at a time? It's not the most elegant way, spawning processes, but it sure works fine.
Sweet, mutex for persistent storage is in place too. <3
Performance is sweet.
11:16 PM
My query for finding eligibility is not performant :(
If it helps.. my dung isn't working at all :( :(
FWIW, everything's going well here. Although I am running out of whiskey
Whiskey would be a bloody good idea if I drank. I'm freezing my balls off.
You'll only die faster with alcohol :P
11:22 PM
Here's to hoping! clink
Yay, shit is finally working.
I'll have to go to the bottle of blended shit I have been avoiding for years if I finish all the good stuff :(
11:56 PM
Anyone still around?
Great! You can help.. maybe :P
I'm trying to remove a child element from a div.. using `remove`
Oh I tried $(div).remove(document.getEle...)
I will try that way thanks.
Feckk... u da man!
I need to relearn this jQuery stuff. It appears a lot has changed.
cool :)
11:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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