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A: How do you increase the Toast font size in Kotlin?

Eren TüfekçiThe equivalent Kotlin code of the answer. Android Studio also transforms Java code into Kotlin automatically. Just copy and paste it. Edit for activity : val toast = Toast.makeText(this, "Text" , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) //the default toast view group is a relativelayout val toastLayout = toast.getV...

This caused the application to close, and said java.lang.NullPointerException: null cannot be cast to non-null type android.widget.RelativeLayout, referring to lines with binding.fightButton.setOnClickListener { battle() } and val playerHitLayout = playerHitMonster.view as RelativeLayout. Not sure what's going on.
I don't know about your context if it is activity or fragment, I just changed the code
Activity, not a fragment.
The error says "playerHitMonster.view" is null. Please check it if you declared it in correct way.
Now I get android.widget.Toast cannot be cast to android.widget.RelativeLayout. Why would I want to cast the Toast to the Relative Layout? Because this doesn't seem to be working.
I jusi converted the code to Kotlin the link you pointed, please try it with ViewGroup
I got the same error, java.lang.NullPointerException: null cannot be cast to non-null type android.view.ViewGroup
I really appreciate your taking the time out to help
`val playerHitMonster = Toast.makeText(this, "$playerString HIT $monsterString FOR $playerDam!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)`
`val playerHitLayout = playerHitMonster.getView() as ViewGroup`
`val playerHitTV = playerHitLayout.getChildAt(0) as TextView`
That's what my code looks like now, but I keep getting the null error
can you send the error stack trace
Oh!! I think I got it!
What was the probem
Actually... not sure XD
I searched through the original thread a bit
it says toast view is null
yeah the solution make sense
you can achive it with Spannables
Never knew about spannables until today XD
I honestly thought I was stupid or something
I didn't understand half of what was going on
:) may you just started
dont worry
Well, thank you so much for your time and help!
üis it solved?
Yes, it is :D
with spannables ?
take care then
Thank you again!
best wishes for you
Have a nice day :D

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