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Q: Garbage value recieved while using MPI_Pack and Unpack along with MPI_send and Recieve

Mohan SinghI am trying to send a part of the matrix from one process to another. This is the given matrix It has 10 rows and 8 columns. I am trying to send half of the columns ( 4 to 7) [NOTE--> matrix is 0 indexed] from process 0 to process 1 with the help of MPI_Pack(). For that I am using the following ...

Which language are you using, c?
yes.. I am using c
Okk..sure..wait a minute This contains the code as well as the csv file from which I am reading the data and storing it in a matrix. U must keep the csv file in the same location where the code is.
using these commands to compile and run...... Compiling--> mpicc -o trial1.x trial1.c ........ Running--> mpiexec -np 2 ./trial1.x
Which output are you expecting?
I am only concerned about the recv_buf now, as it is not printing the values correctly. It should print.. -5.15 ,-10.76, -1.22, -34.94, 0.21, -18.25, -5.34, 5.63, -24.54, -6.75 (i.e. the fourth column of the matrix excluding the headers and latitude and longitude) as the first row, and 5th 6th 7th columns as the 2nd 3rd and 4th row
My actual goal is to find minimal temperatures across all the latitudes and longitudes respective to each year. For which I am trying to divide the task among 2 processes. Process 0 deals with firt 4 columns of temperature and process1 with last 4 columns of the temperature
Why not send the half the rows instead it would be much easier?
Why easier? I am not getting it..
Because you don't even need to packing. If you want I can just show up that solution instead the code is much shorter and cleaner as well
Using MPI_Contiguous?
Hi, clean the comments pls from this question and my answer on the other one
Using MPI_Contiguous? Not you don't even need that
But why is the present method giving an error? I have followed the documentations and have used the correct commands
any idea where I am going wrong with my present code?
@dreamcrash Sure
I will have a look give some time
yaa. sure
Thanks a lot :)
Using MPI_Contiguous? Not you don't even need that

I will post there is a small trick to solve
Okk..thanks again
I will add the example without packing

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