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A: Using Boost::Asio for http client connection with my RestAPI server, things are good but somehow 1/20 times I hit with heap corruption

sehe I see multiple shared objects being accessed from multiple threads without any synchronization in place: void WorkerThread() { auto client = std::make_shared<CSSLConn>(ioc, m_ctx, sHost, sPort); client->connect(sHost.c_str(), sPort.c_str()); m_sslConnObj.push_back(client); ioc->r...

I didn't completely understand the second part of your suggestion. First part I understood that may be instructions in WorkerThread should be synchronized. My requirement is create a pooI of threads which my main function can use to call RestAPI calls. So I created single io_context and created multiple threads under it.
From the provided link, what I understand we can use io_service with multiple threads, then that should not be the problem.
I made few suggestions. Here's a demo of what I think is "normal": Note that ctx and m_sslConnObj are now modified only from the main thread.
@rahul io_service is by far not the only object you're using from those threads though.`My answer lists a few of them explicitly.
thanks for the sample code. I will go back and do the changes as you suggested. how can you write code so fast it took me ages to understand all this details (still got only a piece). Will let you know my results. Thanks again.
I have build on your sample what I need, could you please review it for me. I really appreciate your time on this. Thanks.
Tip: do you know I still appreciate the link because I don't usually go there
I never used it. thanks for the suggestion.-- what is the correct way to post task to thread_pool. m_sslConnObj.front()->senddata(req); // what is the correct way of posting to thread pool
I did notice the question in the comment. The question is onfusingly worded. You don't want to "post to the pool", you want to run on the connection's strand. Running on the pool is just as much "on another thread" as just running it on the main thread.
Mmm. Are you conflating the concepts of a "thread pool" and a connection pool? These are not the same. A connection pool could be seen as a task consumer as well. But if you want a connection pool, why not make it one directly. I'll complete review first before thinking more about the real question (see XY Problems)
Maybe in the meantime you can take some time to describe what you want to achieve (in functional terms) as opposed to how (the code you had). So that we don't waste too much time solving the wrong problems.
Is that mean, I can call 10 RestApi call parallelly in our case. By sending it to connection's strand. Sorry I got confused here.
It's okay to get confused. Happens to me all the time. It's a key skill for programmers to recognize when there is a kind of confusion, then deconstruct it so that simplicity emerges. And since on SO we help programmers where they get stuck, I consider it on topic :)
I want to push data to RestApi server from my C++ application. The important part is that data push would be infinite and need multiple connection with server so that application can push as fast and as much it can to the RestApi Server. Its like pushing thousands of timeseries data in 1 second. So I created HttpClient using boost and beast. And brought the thread_pool concept so that multiple thread can push. And unlike other RestApi client I don't want to close the connection after one call, I want to reuse the connection so that "Connection establishment" time can be saved.
Pushing thousands [records] of timeseries data per second to the same server surely is better served by a batching/bulk protocol (where you send batches of several hundreds instead of single units). Otherwise, I think the logical approach would be to use UDP. Also, a key insight is that you likely don't need many threads at all. You can easily multiplex many many (~10k) concurrent IO operations using a single thread.
So all in all, the essential requirement that is left is "connection pooling", so that the number of (re)connections is reduced. You will want to think carefully about parameters: how will requests be scheduled (you apparently just always chose front() which is no good), is the pool fixed-size, what if a connection breaks (do you replace it? How?). After you decide on the goals, then you come up with the simplest design that matches it.
(Oh, essential choice: do you fire-and-forget or do you want to handle responses too? If so, how? Just accumulating statistics, or do you need to deliver a response back to the caller of SendRequest? It seems to me that you're not interested in the results since you declared it ``void SndRequest(....)`)
Yes, you are correct. Batch processing is the best approach. So I am making batches of 5k timeseries in one go. That reduces my number of pushes to the client. I liked your idea of concurrent IO operations using a single thread, but don't know how to do that using boost or in C++. I will try to read about this more.
Yes. I am not interested in the result, because there would be no resending :).
ERm, there wasn't anything about resending. So, maybe clarify that when you describe the final goals :)
Re: "using a single thread, but don't know how to do that using boost" - You already have the code. async_write and async_read are asynchronous operations. So if you scale down the thread pool to 1 thread, you can still have numerous connections.
how will requests be scheduled -- Because its a timeseries data that's why I am not thinking much about schedule it in correct order. Data should reach to Server in no time. Pool size is fixed - not more than 6. If send or read operation fails, I trigger reconnect because I was using different threads so I used boost::emplace and refresh the connection.
By scheduling I also mean: do you need/want fair distribution across connections (e.g. if you have different connections that may lead to a different endpoint in a cluster). I don't see what "because I was using different threads" has to do with it, maybe you mean the overhead of creating new connection is acceptable because other threads can continue working?
If I am reading you correctly. I just need to call async_write continuously as soon as its writing done. In sample code from "on_write" I can post another async_write. Is this what you are saying concurrent IO operation.
Not really. I'll show later. Completing first pass review - but taking time to comment on some thorny details. Then it's time to make dinner, but I;ll be back.
No. All threads endpoint would be the same. The basic two reasons I choose thread_pool because of parallel operation to the same endpoint and if one connection got block with any reason at least others would be actively pushing to the server. But after talking to you I am feeling that single thread approach would also work for me...I need to see its performance though :)
Here's the first pass at review, mostly commenting on observations before I went into the design goals at all: Live On Coliru (too large to compile online). There's 17 SEHE review comments, of which 8 are FIXes, the rest notes.
(Note that "I choose thread_pool because of parallel operation to the same endpoint" is still quietly conflating thread pool and connection pool, but the rest of the comment indicates that you're seeing it now)
Thanks Sehe...I am going through your comments. Also trying to understand about your single thread approach... :)
With Live On Coliru I am gettin exception at: template<class Allocator> net::const_buffer basic_fields<Allocator>:: value_type:: buffer() const { return net::const_buffer{data(), static_cast<std::size_t>(off_) + len_ + 2}; }
Probably some kind of version difference. What version of boost?
I've thought long and hard about it, and I do not see a way to configure a useful 1-producer many connection scenario without a queue - requiring synchronization. In fact, your sample ends up using strands per connection so every connection is on a mutex. The best way - without extra information - I can think of is a lock-free queue that is consumed by multiple async IO chains (optionally on multiple threads). However this either restricts the actual messages or requires an extra level of indirection, putting handles to the actual message in the queue. You get it: that becomes complicated
So I would not invest that unless the performance actually requires it. From experience the profiler will probably point at a lot of other bottlenecks before that. (Eg. you had some liberal copying of messages, and the fact that you're intending to use string_body is a sure sign that you're not optimizing allocations nor serializations).
Let me draw up a simpler - clean - example of what I think would work. Then you can measure and decide which parts require/merit tuning.
I am using 1.72.0. In my current implementation I uses a queue if strand is busy. Performance is important but not on the cost of high maintenance...:). A simple solution will also do if throughout is around 100 ops per second. Here's the current version I've tested with.
It drops the list, and doesn't have a fixed pool size.
It spins up connections as needed until max.
It requeues failed requests.
It does *NOT* require strands, so it runs full speed, except for the synchronized queue access.
I broke up all the steps for resolve, connect, handshake into async steps so no one steps can ever unnecessarily block the thread(s). This means you will have excellent throughput even with a single thread.
On my local system, it completes 100'000 requests in 3.3s (with the code shown, so 8 threads, max 10 connections). (>30k/s)
That seems to be about the sweet spot. You can give it more threads, but at some point it starts to reduce throughput.
It's important to have more connections than threads.
It's probably good to have the n/o threads match ~physical number of cores.
When there is a 'yield()' or even a `sleep()` you need far fewer connections.
From here I'd probably consider making the connection state machines, where they do reconnecting and retrying internally (so you don't have the choice between dropping requests or deadlocking when the queue is jammed full).
Also, it's time to profile. I expect the majority of time will be spent in allocation and shared pointers.
Oh. Just today I remembered this post (I got a late upvote). In case it wasn't yours, you might want to look at it:
A: boost beast memory usage for bulk requests

seheSeveral problems with the way you adapted that example: the worker thread locks the io_service with the work instance so it will never complete you usleep some time before spawning the async tasks, but you never run any of the tasks in the first place until the loop has completed... This means ...

Shaved .5s off the execution by avoiding the type-erased any_io_executor:
        using Executor   = boost::asio::thread_pool::executor_type;
        using FastSocket = boost::asio::basic_stream_socket<tcp, Executor>;
        using Stream     = ssl::stream<FastSocket>;
Now 8 threads, max 20 conns, 100k requests in 2.6s.
3 hours later…
sehe - I cannot thank enough the support you have given to me. With so much detailed explanation of the code. I will be honest with you, I understand what code is doing, but there are many functions and keywords you have used which I don't have any idea.
You have given amazing throughput / performance results, I will go back and try to understand each line of the code, Before I ask any dumb questions :( . I will read what ever you have used in that sample. I don't know I how many hours I need to understand all this new stuff, but I will definitely come back with good number of questions.
I need to place this piece in C++ 11 project, and I think it contains few C++17 instructions too. I will try to replace it carefully. Couple of questions on measuring the performance: How did you measure the throughput, I mean which tool, Can I use the same on my Windows machine. I have Visual Studio 2015 /19.
7 hours later…
@rahul I basically just divided the n = 100'000 by the total running time. They are rough numbers. The key is to measure. Initially the measurements don't need to be fancy: as long as you look at actual measurements you're ahead of the race.
11 hours ago, by sehe
Also, it's time to profile. I expect the majority of time will be spent in allocation and shared pointers.
Actually, to my surprise, nothing jumped out. Using callgrind (valgrind suite) I found only the relatively standard bottle-neck with any_io_executor that I fixed above
Next on the list there's some hotspots regarding oft destructed variants inside Beast's message<> types. Not sure it's worth going into, so it looks okay (keeping in mind that we don't actually send any request content yet).
> Before I ask any dumb questions :(
That's ok. I actually don't mind helping when it feels like it's making a difference :)
> I will try to replace it carefully.
I appreciate that. I used to do all kinds of versions for fun, but I've grown quite fond of the productivity of C++17/20 and have less time.
Actually going through these on your own is probably the best way to closely look at each joint, how it's all held together.
At least I just checked it builds fine with Boost 1.72/c++17.
The following changes were enough to make it c++14 proof:
`std::string_view` -> `boost::string_view`
`if constsxpr` -> #if
Breaking the [if-init-statement]( into a separate declaration
Oof. The c++11 version turns out ~10x slower. I dunno why yet:
Seems some work is just being done much more often. Looks like the serialization is more expensive. write_some_op invokes a different code path and it is 24% of total execution in c++11 as opposed to <15% in c++14.
Interesting. write_some_op is invoked 50k times in c++11, vs. 10k times in c++14. In c++14, the ssl::io_op wrapping that is invoked 20k times.
@rahul Oh wow. It's a perf fix in Boost 1.74.0:
The good news is c++11 is fine perf-wise:
The "bad news" (?) is that you will want to upgrade boost 1.74 or higher
Release notes and library devs (#cppslack) don't have a ready explanation. Now I'm nerd-sniped. Again.

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