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Q: stringRef CFStringRef <variable is not NSString> error in ios6

NAZIKI have downloaded a sample project from raywenderlich site. It works on ios 5. when i used the sample project in xcode 4.5 and target ios 6, it throws an error stringRef CFStringRef <variable is not NSString> in the line +(void)drawText:(NSString*)textToDraw inFrame:(CGRect)frameRe...

try cleaning your project
I have downloaded the project and it's working fine. My xcode version is 4.5.2 Try restarting your xcode
@InderKumarRathore, same error after cleaning the project
My xcode version is also 4.5.2 after restarting, same error, where did you downloaded the project, send the link
From the link that you have provided
I just deleted the old projct, and downloaded freshly from the above link, same error occured, what is the ios target in your xcode while running this project 5 or 6?
but i'm also using 6
Base sdk and deployment target is 6.0
wait I just ran the project succesfully while deleting all the content in InvoiceView.xib file
what may be the reason for that?
It's not any issue related to syntax
now I just added a label to that xib file and got the previous error
delete the label and clean n run the project
when there is nothing in the xib means it runs good
have u cleaned your peoject
create new xib and add a label to it
nice I'll try it
same, error, but I deleted the label and added a button, segmented control, textfield, switch control, and ran it no error it runs fine
error is around the uilabel in xcode 4.5.2
may be
but it sholdn't
what should I do
can you make a new project and use
NSString *textToDraw;
CFStringRef stringRef = (__bridge CFStringRef)textToDraw;
in view did load or any method
and try these statement
yes it's not a syntax error, there is no error in running that
Add label to xib and run again
exec bad access occured
"" is this the project that u downloaded
yeah it's the same the project
any why did it crashed
when clicking the Drawpdf button it crashes
in ur mac it runs well is it?
yep its crashing on draw pdf
what to do sir?

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