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Hi. Thank you for helping me out so much! :)
this is cool 😅
so I had an issue with my layout where the bubble at the top left is moving out of the screen
So what is wrong NavView?
because I put it in a nav view
umm wait let me see if I can upload a video
that would be good
sorry. it only lets me upload images on this chat so had to use drive
What I did was just wrap the entire body stuff in a NavigationView
like this
no, problem, I saw the video, you mean the down bubbles?
the top ones
on the top of the screen
i would say, separate it from NavView, because NavView is not pure, and it is UIKit
oh. Well is there any other way for me to move to another screen?
that's more SwiftUI
Let me bring more light, then you can see it yourself!
In the Bubble View do we need NavView?
So that is it!
I say 1 more thing
If even we had no issue with NavView, and that would be bad design! because there is no use of that in this View
I understand. I was looking for a way to move from login to register screen if the user presses register button
and this was the main way I found online
This still isn't really working well because with NavView I also get a back button when I go to the next screen. I don't really need a back button there
is there a better solution in SwiftUI?
Is this app is your hoby or your job?
Oh also the issue with NavView just on the button I need is that it adds a huge white box around it and it just messes everything up
Oh this is a hobby 😅 It's my first iOS app. That's why I'm so confused
So, let me give the best advice because I know what you feeling and thinking,
yes please!
Do not try working on one app or project, the Range of your issues are so more in this project, you work a little and come bak again, and repeat it, that is how you learn, but if you stay on one project you learn nothing just copy and paste code, go start new project and new learning and come back with that info to this project
for example your next project could be, how can I change Views in Swiftui?
I understand
How long have you been doing iOS?
After lerning how how can change Views, then you would be able automaticly solve this issue in your app
I will do that
Thank you so much for all your help!
I am new in iOS but I was programmer from long time ago
you are welcome.
How many project have you build in SwiftUI?
Oh wow. You already know so much!
This is my first project in SwiftUI
I'm taking an iOS class in university but that's UIKit
Not a good idea! UIKit is dead!
I've actually been struggling with suicide and mental health issues for a while so I wanted to make an app to help people. I thought using SwiftUI would be better since UIKit is dead
Which country? which university are u?
yeah I know 😅 but my university teaches it that way
oh I'm in the US. Washington State University
Are you paying for UIKIt or it is free?
well, I pay for university so I'm technically paying for the class
Yeah, then try learn more form youtube
yeah that's what I've been doing but since SwiftUI is updated so much and it's still new, a lot of the stuff in the videos hasn't worked for me
which country are you from btw
i am from Iran, but living in Austria
that's cool.
I'm from Pakistan :)
good, how long are u in us?
I've been here 3 years
to study
I wanna open my own tech startup here :)
how old are you
im 22
23 this year
you mean programming?
oh no no
but hey, once again I wanna say thank you. My last few questions have gotten some pretty mean responses and downvotes on stack overflow so I really appreciate you being so nice
I tell you one fact, most of the stackOverFlow "Pros" are just so selfish and stupid! the judge the question in their funny brain, It is most happend to me, I asked my question and I gave more than enough code and example for issue, but I got down vote, for the reason that they do not like the question
So i have to go, I wish you Lock in learning,bye
yeah I got it. Thank you for all your help! Can I please get the code for this because I love the animation
I am also learning on my own :)
var bubble: some View {

ZStack {

.frame(width: radius, height: radius, alignment: .center)
.offset(x: startAnimation ? -150 : -100, y: startAnimation ? -250 : -200)

.frame(width: radius, height: radius, alignment: .center)
.offset(x: startAnimation ? -250 : -200, y: startAnimation ? -120 : -80)

.onAppear() { startAnimation = true }
.animation(Animation.easeInOut(duration: 5.0).repeatForever(autoreverses: true))

but then how does the animation work and transition on button press 😓
in fact, sorry im bothering you. You have to go
I will try to learn on my own and contact you if I can't understand, if that's okay
😂😄 you are paying attention! good
Button(action: {


radius = 2000

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(3)) { viewToShow = ViewType.home }

}, label: {

.background(Capsule().fill(teal).frame(width: 200).contrast(3.0))

Oh shit! There's a DispatchQueue 0_0
Thank you!
Take care! :)
welcome, If I see your question I would try help and answer

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