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A: Display referral link to email using javascript

BarmarThis will send the message from the msgs table in the email. if(msg) { //Add Close Button and Show up message div.html( '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="CloseButton">X</a>' + msg).show('slow',function(){ //Hide On click close Button $('.CloseButton',div).click(f...

I just want the URL. How can I show display the url only to the email?
See the updated answer.
Is this correct for displaying into the email: ' $message .= '<tr><td>Referral Site : </td><td>' . $_REQUEST['referrer'] . '</td></tr>'; '
Yes, it's just like any other form field.
It displays the message not the URL.
You may need to fix the problem bfavaretto mentioned in his comment. Your HTML isn't valid and it may be causing problems. This means you'll need to use different variables for where to add the CloseButton and where to add the referer value.
I have fixed my HTML, and still getting the message instead of the URL.
The message should be showing up on the page but val(ref) should put the URL in the form that gets sent to the email script.
what does the corrected HTML look like?
hello, you still there?
This is the showing up in my email: <tr>
<td>Referral Site : </td>
<td>I am glad you remember my site URL, enjoy your stay</td>
What does the corrected HTML in the web page look like?
And how did you correct the Javascript to match it?
This line: <br /><label> <textarea name="textarea" id="textarea" placeholder="Message" rows="3" value="0"> </textarea> </label>
What happened to <input type="hidden" name="referrer" id="WelcomePlaceHolder" placeholder="Referrer" value=""/>?
It just stay in place. <input type="hidden" name="referrer" id="WelcomePlaceHolder" placeholder="Referrer" value=""/> This is what exactly I put.
As you answered, I did this to the Javascript div.val(ref);
// if not null msg found
if(msg) {
//Add Close Button and Show up message
div.html( '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="CloseButton">X</a>' + msg).show('slow',function(){
//Hide On click close Button
$('.CloseButton',div).click(function(){ div.hide() })
// Include message in form data
Didn't you read the rest of my answer, where I said to use something else if you want the URL in the email? It should be div.val(ref) and it shouldn't be inside the if.
You should NOT do div.val(msg) if you don't want the message in the email.
Try understanding the code, don't just copy it without thinking.
Right. Sorry about that. It works perfectly fine right now.
The code you have in that if doesn't work anyway, because div is an input, not a div.
Thank you so much for your time.
you're welcome

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