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Q: Once an answer is accepted, should new answers be allowed unless meeting a reputation and word count minimum?

JaredeI was looking at this question today: How do I copy to the clipboard in JavaScript? There are 61 answers (3 pages worth) to a question that has a very detailed 2500 word accepted answer already that has multiple (recent) edits since it was written back in 2015. Does allowing someone to add an ans...

Flag the question and ask for a "Collaborative Answer" lock.
@RobertHarvey I've never done that before... is that under In Need of Moderator Intervention?
Yes, "In need of moderator intervention" is the correct choice.
I don't see an accepted Answer to that Question.
@toolic ahhh crap you're right, there isn't an accepted answer. I could have sworn there was. just blindsided by the 2k upvoted answer. My question still stands though
What's wrong with that answer? Just downvote it if it's wrong, and flag if it's harmful
@oguzismail what do you think the answer adds to this question? There's an extremely detailed, 2.5k upvoted answer (, do you feel that the answer I highlighted provides any more context that the 2.5k upvoted one doesn't?
Downvote to -1 and vote to delete then, if it doesn't add anything new. The question is already protected from very low reps now, I don't see why any further protection is necessary
We already have the option to protect a question. Beyond that, new users can still contribute good answers and I see high-rep users posting terrible answers all the time - in fact, quite a few of them are high rep because they post terrible answers all the time that nevertheless get them positive net reputation since it only takes one upvote to cancel out five downvotes. So that isn't necessarily a good quality control mechanism.
Wrong Answers are accepted all the time. Locking a post for most answerers seems to be a very bad idea on a Question / Answer site. Wrong Answers can be very long and detailed, and still wrong. Right Answers can have 20 words and be very right.
@Scratte I'm not really sure how an accepted answer can be wrong? If it answered the questioner's problem, then surely it is right? It might not be best practice, but then a more acceptable best practice answer can be written, surely with more than 20 word.
"I'm not really sure how an accepted answer can be wrong?" perhaps "wrong" is the wrong word, @Jarede ; it can answer the question, but it can be a bad answer. It might have huge security vulnerabilities, might use inefficient methods, or even deprecated features that should be avoided. True, it isn't "wrong", but it's likely not "right" either. I see code with vulnerabilities being accepted as the solution all the time, and it never stops concerning me; especially if I comment and the answerer accepts my criticism/warnings poorly (and goes on a down spree /sigh).
"Viewed 2.0m times"... kind of a pain to see such highly viewed question polluted with tons of low quality, repetitive, useless answers. I think it deserves Atwood cleanup
@gnat It seems you might be one of the few that might get my point. oguz, John and Larnu seem content to allow highly viewed questions to continually get similar or low value answers. You could easily improve the site by forcing answers to provide context to their answer. What value does:,,, add to the 2.4k upvoted answer? they're poor answers.
@Larnu Why are you so concerned about a down spree? If the accepted answer is wrong, point it out in a new answer with context around why the answer is wrong. you get downvoted, you get downvoted, life goes on. We should be encouraging better answers.... few of the answers in the last year of the question i highlight add anything meaningful. Imagine if they had to put 100 words of context along with code as to why they should answer.
I'm not "content to allow highly viewed questions to continually get similar or low value answers," please don't put words in my mouth. My point was that you can't apply a reputation-based rule without a lot of false positives or negatives.
@JohnMontgomery what false positives/negatives? I see that not all answers by high rep people are wonderful - (though posted in 17, so no idea what the rep was then), but with great rep comes great responsibility. Maybe the having a high reputation is a bad idea, but what's wrong with forcing users to add a certain amount of context to their answers -
I didn't say I was concerned about downvotes, @Jarede, I never said that, I said I'm concerned about code with vulnerabilities, and even more so when they (the answerer) don't like being told their solution is a really bad idea because of said vulnerabilities. To quote myself: "I see code with vulnerabilities being accepted as the solution all the time, and it never stops concerning me". Yes, I downvote them, and yes, comment for others to avoid the answer and I will continue to do so.
@Larnu > if I comment and the answerer accepts my criticism/warnings poorly (and goes on a down spree /sigh). Sounds like you're more concerned about downvotes. Either way, you'd be able to leave a comment or your own answer. If you're concerned about vulns and such, it sounds like you'd easily hit a 100-word context minimum. Can you provide some examples of wrongly accepted answers?
Tell me this: How about an accepted Answer with 75 lines of code and lots of explanation around the code. But.. the Answer is bad because it's a huge detour. It can be Answered with a one-line code and two short sentences of explanation. Now that is not a far fetched scenario especially since software evolves and thing are improved all the time. Why would you even want to either force a lot of gibberish into an Answer to make it longer than it needs to be or prevent users from posting a better and shorter Answer? And why should one explain that some other Answer is just wrong or not good?
This one springs to immediate mind, @Jarede . I'm one of 2 downvoters vs 140+ up voters, however, the code is wide open to SQL injection attacks; and why I've upvoted this answer on the same question instead.
@Scratte I remain unconvinced that if you want to leave a better answer, that you couldn't provide an explanation why your answer is better in about 100 words or so (i said 50 to 100, i'm open). Of all the answers i've provided as e.g's that have been answered long after an accepted or heavily upvoted, have any of them actually enhanced or given a better answer than the accepted/heavily upvoted one? I propose not. They don't enhance the answer or the site and just add poor answers.
@Larnu but i don't see you adding a comment as to why the code is bad or providing your own answer with why the code is bad, unless i'm missing it? You've downvoted without context? That was answered and I assume accepted in 2010, Do any of the subsequent answers enhance the answer? Do they provide anything further for someone looking for an answer to the question? I again propose not, so would it not be better to limit who can answer or how they can answer in some way with such an old question.
"providing your own answer with why the code is bad," To quote myself again: "and why I've upvoted this answer on the same question instead. " Why repost an answer that exists? That helps no one. And why repost an existing comment, @Jarede ? All the information is there on why the answer is bad, and there's an excellent other answer. Voting is all i need to do. You asked for an example of a bad accepted answer; I gave you one.
@Larnu my bad, missed some of the links. So don't post, upvote and downvote as you wish, but the answer you upvoted, does it provide any extra context around why it's a better answer? wouldn't it be better if the answer writer wrote out why the accepted answer in 2010 is not wonderful, and that this code is better, or do we accept that SO is the meme it's become, a place for people just copy any old code from? there are 10 answers on that question, how many of them are just repeats?
@Jarede I have no interesting in Answering a Question spending 100 words explaining why my Answer is better than the accepted Answer. 1. I'd have to link to it and give attribution 2. What if it's unaccepted and deleted? 3. Why would I want to discuss another post in my post? You're actually proposing anyone providing an Answer later than at the time an Answer is accepted is trashing the accepted one?!? You are aware that an Answer can be unaccepted at any time, right?
@Jarede - Commenting about another answer in your own answer is one of the fastest ways to receive a downvote from this particular community user. If you want to refer to another answer, that’s fine, but indicating another answer is wrong is unhelpful and unwanted unnecessary behavior. If the answer is incorrect or otherwise unhelpful just downvote. As an avid answer author, I answer the question, I could careless about other answers. I don’t try to justify my answer outside of answering the question if that isn’t enough for the question author than so be it
Answering the title about "accepted answer" only: please refer to What does it mean when an answer is "accepted"? that "Accepting an answer is not meant to be a definitive and final statement indicating that the question has now been answered perfectly. It simply means that the author received an answer that worked for them personally. Not every user comes back to accept an answer, and of those who do, they might not change the accepted answer even if a newer, better answer comes along later." e.g.
As for "reputation bar to answer": Reputable people keep answering duplicates - What's the solution?. And "minimum word count": Cleaning up noise from answers
@Scratte and SecurityHound you seem more concerned about your magic internet points than having a worthwhile resource...
@Jarede Discussing posts in other posts is not preferable to having Answers be self-contained. Long discussions and references between posts is not a worthwhile resource. That's ensuring that no accepted Answer can ever be deleted, because if it is, some other Answer loses context. Your proposal is not good. (Trying to push the you-only-care-for-unicorn-points is a misfire by miles here. Also, you should discuss the topic instead of getting personal!)
@Scratte where have i suggested you MUST write about the accepted answer, my personal preference would be to enhance a new answer that you do, but you don't have to. Answers can still be deleted or unaccepted, it won't make a difference and you can just quote the code as to why it's bad, don't need to link. How many of the 60 answers on the original post i gave are actually good answers? How many of the 10 on Larnu's question are better and not just rehashes of similar answers?
Answers that require the content of other answers are problematic because by themselves they are not complete answers. What happens if the referred-to-answer gets edited, deleted, or just pushed from the top? What happens if the reffered-to-answer refers to another answer? How many answers and revisions should a new answer track to answer the question?
@MisterMiyagi I'm not at all saying you must write about another answer... Maybe you could explain the code better... perhaps you take a look at some of the examples i've given and explain how any of them benefit the site and it's users? Why shouldn't we try and decrease the amount of copycat answers and try and make users think why is my answer better here?
For the record, it's my preference that a user adding an answer to an old question or a question with an accepted answer, would generally explain why their answer is better than the current accepted or highly voted answer.... But i'm not at all suggesting that that's the only criteriea or way of adding an answer. they could write about why the code is better, why it should be used or any numerous reasons why they're answering an old question rather than copy and pasting code from 50 other answers on the same question as a new answer
@Jarede I do not disagree with the goal of reducing low-quality tag along answers. But I very much disagree with the criteria presented so far. None of them seem actionable without severe fallout.
@Jarede If you quote code that you do not link to and/or attribute, you're in violation of How to reference material written by others. It's called plagiarism. We have a content quality system in place already. It's voting.
@Scratte Then come up with another way why your answer is better than the current accepted or highly voted or whatever answer? this is not hard.
@Jarede I will not. I will absolutely not compare my Answer to another Answer in justification for why I should be allowed to post it. If someone wants to judge my Answer, they're free to do that. I don't like your proposal at it's core. New Answers do not need to be "better" because "better" is highly subjective. Some will think my Answer is better while others will think it's worse. So some will endorse whatever argument your trying to push me to make and others will disagree. It'll be yet another source of opinionated and useless discussion.
@MisterMiyagi propose some better criteria, this is meant to be a discussion.
@Scratte so you think it's perfectly acceptable for those 60 answers to be there, that maybe if i had not highlighted it here, that 60 more answers of poor quality, copy and pasted code could be added over time?
This is starting to feel like a "Either you're with me or you like crap"-type argument. I'm out.
@Jarede I don't think there are any good criteria feasible, and would certainly prefer no criteria over a bad criteria. That is also part of a proposal discussion.
@MisterMiyagi I think you need criteria, otherwise you end up with 3 pages and an eternal continuation of tag along answers... The site should help users grow and make them think, what benefit am i bringing by answering this question, and perhaps there needs to be criteria to that. It might not stop terrible tag-along answers, but it's one of those things that might need adjusting. The site should also think about why are so many people adding tag along answers, is it just for their points? Then something else is amiss.
@Jarede We need effective criteria, not any criteria. There is no point in fixing one mess by adding another.
@Jarede It seems as if you intended to discuss "There are many tag along answers; what can we do about it?" but instead asked "There are many tag along answers; how about these draconian rules to prevent that?". Was that intentional? You might want to edit the question if you feel that people are misunderstanding your goal.
@MisterMiyagi i do not see the two options you ask as being different. I proposed some measures and i expected people to discuss and propose their own measures, or is that not what happens here? It seems many are hung up on votes and plagiarism? I was not expecting such push back.
Any rep is good to post an answer. And thats great because sometime A dev of the kernel/compiler core of the language just find a question and post and answer. We had many cases of 1rep linked to authentic github account of S-Rank dev passing by and posting answers. And word count are not a proof of quality, I don't know if we can judge quality on those. Perhaps the system of review of new post to old question and vote can be enought ?
@Jarede The question sets a very tight context for the discussion, both by the title and the example. Basically people are discussing the rules you have presented. I do not see the question inviting discussion/proposal of other rules.
@MisterMiyagi I have to invite people to do that? I think i see the question and the purpose of this exchange in a completely different light. I don't think you need an invitation to add your own thoughts.
@DragandDrop I'm not suggesting you restrict rep to answering a question, i am suggesting that after a period of time that a question has been answered, or perhaps after an answer has had a very high amount of votes, you start applying more stringent requirements to being able to add more answers. The question i highlighted has not benefitted from any of the answers given most recently. The question Larnu highlighted doesn't appear to have really benefitted from its more recent answers, i'd even argue the answer they highlighted didn't really add anything obviously new to it.
@Jarede In case the complete lack of "own thoughts" and answers is not telling enough: Yes, it helps to phrase meta-questions in a way that makes it clear they are not just about the single, specific proposal presented by them.
We have an issue of plagiarism on old question. Because crafting a valid answer is easy and hiding upvote on them is easy. For that we have Review Late Answers, and the classical voting system. I don't think we should restrict answering, simple no so fantasist case : Imagine Jon Skeet is not an early adopter of SO. He start right now at 1rep. He find a C# array question from 2008. He is about to drop a 2 lines text + 4 lines code. The question has a accepted upvoted answers, and many competing one.
@DragandDrop I don't really get the plagiarism concern... Look at the question i highlighted, i get that c# appears to be your principal language, but surely you can see that after 3 pages, the voting system does not work? Imagine if Jon Skeet came along to a question that had been answered in 2008 and all he did was answer with a slight variant on the already accepted answer... does that improve the question and answer?

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