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Q: LoadBitmap returning NULL despite entirely valid parameters

wellinthatcaseTo put it short, this is my code: LoadBitmap(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP1)); hInstance is the same object as passed towards my wWinMain entry point. What I know the problem isn't: An invalid hInstance Resource leakage Wrong resource path. What I have already tried: The notorious str...

@Joshua No error occurs as consistent with above. GetLastError() reassures me "The operation completed successfully."
Use LoadImage, and if it returns NULL call GetLastError.
Make sure the .rc file does #include the header where IDB_BITMAP1 is defined. Also see How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example and edit the question to add all the missing context.
@dxvi It does actually. Though, the .rc file needs IDM_EXIT (etc) to be defined. That header files does it somewhere, thought it must be during preprocessing since IDM_EXIT, etc, aren't defined when I look into it. Nor is anything else included.
@wellinthatcase IDM_EXIT is a Win32 predefined symbol, but IDB_BITMAP1 is not. And if it's not defined, then you have a BITMAP resource with the (string) name "IDB_BITMAP1".
@DavidHeffernan Thanks for the advice. Alas, nothing quite changed. (HBITMAP)LoadImage(hInstance, "\\bin\\gradient.bmp", IMAGE_BITMAP, 500, 500, LR_LOADFROMFILE);
@dxvi Update on my last, wouldn't let me edit. Stack Overflow tossed in an auto-definition or something, but my point was that IDM_EXIT never gets defined unless Resource.h (the file that has IDB_BITMAP1) is included.
@dxvi I also edited my question to include a GitHub repo of pretty much my entire project.
GetLastError returns a number, not a string - what is the number ?
@wellinthatcase There is no .rc file in the repo you linked.
@M.M I'm formatting it with FormatMessage. That's what tells me that nothing is wrong. FormatMessage doesn't intervene with it tmk. It reports other errors just fine, like an incorrect file path. It says everything is fine in this case though. Not really entirely sure how to print the number since I don't have access to a stdout or anything.
@dxiv Check now
@wellinthatcase how are you viewing the output of FormatMessage? whatever that is, output the integer (possibly converted to string) instead
I buffer the output into a char array and print that by passing it to MessageBox.
fill the char array using sprintf(buff, "%ld", (long)GetLastError());
@M.M Program crashes with "Expression: format != nullptr", something up with GetLastError()?
sounds like you made some typo (or buff is too small)
@M.M FYI I had to use sprintf_s since deprecation warnings wouldn't let me build otherwise.
You didn't do what I said. You didn't call GetLastError.
sprintf_s takes different arguments than sprintf, you could disable those rubbish warnings (sprintf is not deprecated)
@DavidHeffernan I did. I just didn't include that in the comment-snippet of code I gave you since calling GetLastError() is pretty static. I included what I included since your suggestion can be dynamically implemented.
You didn't tell us what GetLastError returns if LoadImage returns NULL
@wellinthatcase If the code on github is what you are really using, first thing to fix is change the build to Unicode. As you have it now it's building as ANSI (otherwise the MessageBox wouldn't compile), but you explicitly RegisterClassExW a Unicode window class, then you use the ANSI DefWindowProc with it, which is all wrong (and also call the ANSI LoadBitmap FWIW).
@DavidHeffernan When it's buffered into a char array and tossed into output, it says the operation completed successfully. So the last code must be a success code here.
@dxiv Thanks. I did that and made sure to define UNICODE so any agnostic macros extend to their unicode variants.
Seems unlikely. Perhaps you could show the actual code, including the error checking.

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