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Q: Text on MFC Controls - Unicode Characters such as Japanese get cut off

LampToastBackground I'm working on a C++/MFC application and we've been converting it to display unicode characters to support foreign languages. For the most part this has been successful and unicode characters are displayed correctly. But I've encountered an issue where certain text on certain controls ...

"When the text is cutoff, it typically either displays a question mark box (like the first image) or a random character/letter" This almost invariably means the string itself has been corrupted via truncation. If adding spaces "fixes" it, then this tells me that something is counting how many "unicode characters" are in the string, and passing that to something else, which is truncating at that many bytes*2. A number of spaces equal to the number of characters that take more than two bytes would cause the truncation to accidentally include the longer characters, "fixing" the bug.
I would suspect that somewhere is a method that takes a const wchar_t* string, int length, and expects length is the number of code units, and you're passing it the number of characters instead, which is NOT the same.
@MooingDuck that logic makes sense, but I'm using CWnd::SetWindowText whose only parameter is an LPCTSTR or CString
Somewhere, something in your app is counting unicode characters in a string instead of code units. If you can find that code, it's probably the bug.
LPCTSTR is a fancy name for const wchar_t*, unless you're compiling for Windows 95 or older.
But that also doesn't explain why the same string on a button in a different part of the application doesn't have the issue. Both controls are configured the same (size/font/etc) and both use the same SetWindowText function.
The bug is not in the SetWindowText, the bug is somewhere in your code where you incorrectly calculate the length. It's also possible the other strings only use japanese characters that take 1 code unit each, and that this is the only string in your app with characters that take 2 code units.
See edit. Never calculating the length of the string. Just retrieving the translation for a hardcoded string and immediately passing the result to set the text of the control. Your explanation doesn't explain why the same exact code (besides control ID) and same exact string work on some buttons/controls but not others.
Are you compiling with UNICODE and _UNICODE defined? Or using MBCS? I ask because you mentioned bytes per character was variable.
@LampToast This is all speculation unless you post the complete code that duplicates the issue, and the build and run environment details. In particular, the GetTranslation function, the Unicode vs. MBCS build setting, and the active codepage.
@MarkTolonen MBCS. The code base is very large and several years old and would take a lot of rework to compile with UNICODE defined. Instead we're using the Windows10 UTF-8 Unicode support setting.
"For my padding "fix", it doesn't matter if the spaces are at the beginning or end of the string". This also tells us that there's something stripping spaces from the string between the code that incorrectly calculates the length and the call to SetWindowText, which is also a bug. But as dxiv said, this is all theory until you produce a minimal reproducible example
@dxiv I already included code. That's the entire line of code that results in the issue. GetTranslation is just using a lookup table from a file with "original":"translation". I could hardcode the Japanese string in its place and the issue would still occur. Speculation is good, this is the kind of problem that doesn't have one straightforward answer and I'm looking for anything to go off of.
@LampToast Sorry, but what you posted certainly does not compile, cannot duplicate the issue, and is not enough to even try to guess what goes wrong where in your real code.
"we're using the Windows10 UTF-8 Unicode support setting" is probably very important to this issue. I assume it refers to… with which I would be suspicious of problems in older frameworks (such as MFC). I don't have experience with this new functionality, but first thing that comes to mind is to try the Windows API function SetWindowTextA instead of the MFC function and see what happens.
The Windows 10 UTF-8 Unicode support setting is still marked "beta", so perhaps you've found a bug.
@dxiv see Edit 2
@LampToast SetWindowText("ログアウト/終了"); This means you are building it as ANSI, not Unicode. Why? What would happen in that case depends on the _MBCS #define, the active codepage in Windows, the text encoding of the .cpp file and several compiler switches. But, again, why?
@dxiv The software was originally written to build as ANSI years ago. Unicode is a recent endeavor we've started to support foreign languages. But switching to build as Unicode would break a lot of things which is why we're using the Windows 10 UTF-8 Unicode support setting instead so we can keep/build the code as is.
@TheUndeadFish Tried SetWindowTextA instead, same result.
@LampToast If you insist on ANSI, what's still missing is 1) active codepage in Windows, 2) text encoding of the source file, 3) compiler command line, 4) any custom initialization code.
If the project was compiled with the MBCS option, then the SetWindowText() function is defined as SetWindowTextA(), ie it takes a MBCS string. And this works correctly only on systems with the "Language for non-Unicode Programs" option set the same as the text's codepage. You can keep the project as MBCS, but you will have to convert the text to UNICODE and call SetWindowTextW() instead. Unicode isn't UTF-8. Also, what's the codepage of your source files (I see Japanese in your code)? It shouldn't be UTF-8.
Active codepage in Windows is 65001 (utf-8), text encoding of source file is utf-8, SetWindowTextW has the same issue. compiler commandline is long is there any specific you're looking for? no custom initialization code.
@LampToast It is pointless to call SetWindowTextW for an ANSI window created with CreateWindow[Ex]A which uses DefWindowProcA. The BOM matters to VS and you don't say if your UTF-8 source files have one. The complete command line, just to take guessing out of it.
I have never developed or tested anything on a system with UTF8 active codepage. The setting i recommended above (convert text to Unicode and use wide-char functions and messages), is for MBCS projects. And forgot to mention, you need Unicode windows for this to work. Unicode windows in a MBCS app can be created using CreateWindowW() explicitly or change them to Unicode after creation, using messages like LVM_SETUNICODEFORMAT, TVM_SETUNICODEFORMAT or CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT. Did this in a MBCS app that displays/edits texts of different codepages and works in all cases (didn't test UTF-8).
@con Whether a window accepts UTF-16 or ANSI encoded messages is determined by a call to RegisterClassExW or RegisterClassExA, respectively. CreateWindowW doesn't magically change the character encoding expected by a window registered as an ANSI window to Unicode.
3 hours later…
@IInspectable My bad, thanks for catching that. I was thinking at RegisterClass when I wrote CreateWindow in the previous comment.

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