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Q: Multi-language support EF Core value tables

Vitalii IsaenkoI got a problem with mapping my relation schema with multi-language support with EF Core ORM and desperately looking for help. I have a Session table (int id, text name, int typeId) and SessionTypeLocale table (int id, text locale, text name). To explain why I cannot restructure my db schema to a...

I am not sure why it should be that complex, keep foreign key in one model, and use navigation collection in another
I also think such a case should be supported by EF Core. Or do you suggest me to restructure my DB schema? I'll add example data in the SessionTypeLocale table so it's clear that it shouldn't reference Session table
you don't need to change schema, remove Session.SessionTypeLocalesand add SessionTypeLocale.Sessions, if you have one-to-many relationship. one session can navigate to only one locale, and locale can be used by many sessions
so if you need to get all sessions with Session.TypeId, you will navigate with Session.SessionTypeLocale.Sessions
True, that might work, but when I get a session I need it's type with all locales. So you just change the rule and that's not what I need to work with Session object
No, I never need all sessions with the same typeId, what I need is to get type in all locales when I get sessions.
not sure what get type in all locales means
lets operate only with 'Session' and 'Locale' as table names
Hi! thank you for taking time :) so, basically, I need to get the Session object the way you see it in the example
sure, but Locale != SessionLocale
I also have SessionLocale and it has indeed SessionId in the database
but TypeLocale table is different - it doesn't have SessionId
So when I get the Session object - it should have type. but I need the type in all languages - en, de, fr...
and then I choose the correct language (but in advance I also cache sessions with types in all languages - therefore I need them all to be fetched)
so it is still one-to-many, but you want to get all items that are not referenced by FK?
it's one to many but not the typical one.. typical one would be if I had sessionId in TypeLocale table
but it's not the case
FK for me is typeId in the Session table
maybe you could show what you want to achieve with sql query
that references 1 id BUT not 1 record in the TypeLocales table (since there will be several records with id = 1 - in en, in fr, in de, etc.
so in SQL it would be just joining
select * from Session as s
join TypeLocale as tl on ( = s.typeId)
and I get 4 rows
so what I need EF to do is to give me 1 object of session (the same in all returned records) and 4 types inside
and it can do it with the setting actually
that was proposed as a solution to my previous question
BUT since it has the setting HasPrincipalKey - when I update Session table (via object through EF) typeId field is not updated (apparently there is such a setting for the principal keys)
I'm sorry I sent you the setting from the previous post. For this case it was
.HasMany(a => a.SessionTypeLocales)
.HasForeignKey(x => x.Id)
.HasPrincipalKey(x => x.TypeId);
могли на русский оказывается переключиться)
I guess I understand now, but to be fair, I never did something like that
I would go the other way around and just add session id to locale, the prefix of `SessionTypeLocales` implies that it is in the same domain as the Session's
better not, everyone can access this chat, conversations in other languages are forbidden
didn't know that, thanks
but then I have to store type names so many times
(1,'en', 'External web session')
(1,'de','Externe Web-Sitzung')
(2,'en', 'Embedded web session')
(2,'de','Eingebettete Web-Sitzung')
it can be many-to-many relationship
through the middle table
yeah, didn't really want to introduce it since it is not possible for a session to have >1 type
you can have unique index on sessionid column in the middle table, to ensure you have only one record for specific session
public class Session
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }

public virtual ICollection<SessionType> SessionTypes { get; set; }

public class SessionType
public int Id { get; set; }
// unique index on this field to make sure we have only one session type per session
public int SessionId { get; set; }
public virtual Session Session { get; set; }

public int SessionTypeLocaleId { get; set; }
public virtual SessionTypeLocale SessionTypeLocale { get; set; }

public class SessionTypeLocale
something like this
if you add locale field to SessionTypeLocale I'm not sure it will be anyhow different from the first example
like, how is it that SessionType object has only single SessionTypeLocale? Because by SessionTypeLocaleId it will have several rows from the datavase
so once you add a field SessionTypeLocaleId -> it implies you reference several records in the database (the same type in different languages)
it will be restricted by database (unique index or PK + FK combination)
PK + FK combination: I mean SessionType.Id is not required, so primary key can either be compound (Sessionid + sessionTypeLocaleId), or SessionId can be both primary and foreign key
primary key or unique index will make sure you don't have multiple records in db
what will be restricted? for example, I got this data in my SessionTypeLocale
(1,'en', 'External web session')
(1,'de','Externe Web-Sitzung')
(2,'en', 'Embedded web session')
(2,'de','Eingebettete Web-Sitzung')

Then I got this data in my Session table
(id: 1, name: 'new session')

Then this data in the SessionType table
(sessionId: 1, typeId: 1)

Then, when I have a join
select * from Session as s
join SessionType as st on (st.sessionId =
join SessionTypeLocale as stl on ( = st.typeId)
it will basically have several SessionTypeLocale records for me
all with the same typeId - as we ask. But in different languages (locale field is part of compound key)
you can't insert multiple records for column with unique constraint
so session type join will return always 1 record
unique is id + locale
it's the compound key in the SessionTypeLocale table
I am talking about session type table unique constraint on SessionId column
SessionType table will have one SessionId - that's true, no problem here. But it will have TypeId column that will lead to several records in different languages
from SessionTypeLocale table
SessionId int unique,
LocaleTypeId int

INSERT INTO SessionTypes(SessionId, LocaleTypeId)
VALUES (1, 1)

INSERT INTO SessionTypes(SessionId, LocaleTypeId)
VALUES (1, 2)
second command will fail
true, that's correct
but once you have (1,1) in the SessionTypes table
it means you are referencing several records in SessionTypeLocale table
since there is not only 1 record by id = 1
(1,'en', 'External web session')
(1,'de','Externe Web-Sitzung')
(2,'en', 'Embedded web session')
(2,'de','Eingebettete Web-Sitzung')
ah, I get it, compound key there
i think there was something for compound keys in ef core
will check
I just know I need to set it up like this
modelBuilder.Entity<SessionTypeLocale>().HasKey(s => new {s.Id, s.Locale});
Q: composite key as foreign key

DotnetSparrowI am using Entity framework 4.1 in MVC 3 application. I have an entity where I have primary key consists of two columns ( composite key). And this is being used in another entity as foreign key. How to create the relationship ? In normal scnerios we use : public class Category { public strin...

but not more
so we just need to add locale to my session type table
and make it compound foreign key constraint
that would work of course
but I can't do it
yeah, i understand
too complicated :)
drives me crazy last days
probably I just give up for now, will come back if I have some ideas. Maybe it is not the way, and there should be some usable combination to use with 'HasPrincipalKey'
sure, thank you very much for your time!
and have a good day :)

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