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Q: Template default init, if there no default constructor in a class

VladimirI'm pretty new in C++. I have wrote a function template to sum all elements in a vector like this: template<typename T> inline T sumator(const std::vector<T> &sequence) { T init = T{}; return accumulate(sequence.begin(), sequence.end(), init); } All work well until the default constructo...

note that the reason you have to provide the init with accumulate is that this is used to deduce the return type and the result of accumulating lots of elements of type T does not necessarily fit into a T
what exactly do you want to fix? Your sumator or A ? What should sumator do when you cannot get a default T ?
I want that my program works for all classes, even for classes where no default constructor.
what do you want to use as initial value when the class has no default constructor?
I want that my program works for all classes In general you can't. You need to have some sort of restriction. Either the vector needs to be guaranteed it wont be zero sized and the elements are copyable, or neither of those and you pass to the function what the starting value should be.
idclev 463035818,But it logically possible, because class has constructor from 2 arguments like in example. I think I want initialize 0 init
Then just do T init = T{0,0};
@cigien That only works for particular T's, not all T's
Sorry, maybe I was written wrong. I have many classes, some of them with default constructor, some without but with constructor for 2 arg, some for 3, e.t.c. And I want to accumulate every situation well.
Then please edit your question accordingly. The provided answers will depend on that.
you could try to call the constructor with default parameters for that constructor, but that would be unecessarily complicated and just shifts the same problem to the parameters for the constructor. Consider that accumulate basically already does what you want, it has no default for the init for a reason. Your function offers a bit more by putting a bit more requirements on T
This is why Haskell, for example, has functions foldr1 and foldl1 - for use when there's no appropriate default value that can be determined from the type alone and instead the caller must supply a non-empty sequence.
@idclev463035818,@NathanOliver Maybe should I use traits or it will not helps me?
@ВладимирКавиа it really depends what you want. What are the restrictions you want to apply for T? If you don't want to require a default constructor you need to get a default value from somewhere, again up to you where that should come from
@idclev463035818 I think it's good idea to use initializer list, but I don't know how to realize it.
of course you can write a typetrait and call it default_value_for_sumator but that will require you to write much more code than using accumulate directly with explicit init argument. I don't completely understand what is your aim. Just call std::accumulate
@idclev463035818 My aim is: change something in template code to correctly processing extern classes which has constructors with 1,2,3 ... arguments or generally hasn't default constructors.
what I mean is: What is the reason you wrote sumator ? Why can't you simply use std::accumulate and call it a day. Again: If you want to get a default value for types that have no default constructor then you need to decide what that should be, nobody else can tell you what it should be
I use sumator for different type of sum, it's template function. For example I can use it for vector of double, for string, just by calling sumator(5), sumator({3,2,1}), sumator({vector<MyClass>}) e.t.c. And After coding that I have a problem with default constructor.
@ВладимирКавиа Doesn't any of the answers you've gotten solve that problem?
@TedLyngmo not yet. I'm sure that possible to solve this problem without insist to use default constructor, e.t.c. So I make a decision to use partial specialisation for traits classes. I think it's the best idea, because, e.g I can't modifying different (my own) classes A, but it's possible to use traits. I haven't realised it yet. Thank you for your answer.
@ВладимирКавиа I'm not sure I'm following the reasoning. If a class can't be default constructed what will the traits do? Invent default values for types without default values?
@TedLyngmo As far as I understood, what my colleague had said 1) I check if default constructor in the class defined. 2) If not then I before compile create template<> class summatorTraits<ThisClass> {}; and in the summatorTraits I do something special that will help me avoid to use static_assert etc. 3) Use Traits as template parameters in summator. But, to be honest, I don't know what "special" will be in Traits class
"I do something special that will help me avoid to use static_assert" - Oookay - and why is that a good thing? static_assert usually helps to make error messages a lot less confusing than those you get when failing a lot of template instantiations. So, just to be clear: It should still fail to compile if a user tries to use the sumator with a type that isn't default constructible and doesn't provide an inital value?
@TedLyngmo Hm..I don't know is it good or bad not to use static_assert, but it seems to be it possible to solve without that, then I think it's bad? So, as I suppose (my colleague said "it's possible") in the final stage it would compile and work well without default constructor (because I provide some different constructor(e.g 2 args) ). But I'm not tried it yet. As I try to use traits I will write here (maybe I'll get a fail), but I expect it will build without default constructor due to classes traits
Yes, it's possible to solve it without static_assert. You have 2 answers that solves it without static_assert. You can remove static_assert from my answer too and it'll still work, but the errors will be uglier. static_assert is there to make it better and is not something one should avoid. "in the final stage it would compile and work well without default constructor (because I provide some different constructor(e.g 2 args) )" - How would you know how many arguments it needs and of what type those arguments needs to be? Pretend the type is Spaceship for example.
@TedLyngmo All right, for example you haven't the default constructor for Spaceship, but there are constructor, for example 3 arg. Then I create vector<Spaceship> = {{SomeDifObject(1), 5, "MySpace"},{SomeDifObject(2),7,"Hi"}}, where SomeDifObject is another class, where default constructor exist, 5- int (where 0 is default value),""-string default value. Of course I define operator+. So then I want accumulate the vectors elements and get {SomeDifObject(1)+SomeDifObject(2),12,"MySpaceHi"}. So the task is solved and I don't use the default constructor.
Ok, so, your plan is to create a set of templates that can be used to deduce the types that one of Spaceships converting constructors can accept and if those aren't default constructible, you'll deduce the types those needs too recursively until you'll hopefully found a set of types that can be default constructible? What is the purpose of all this? The user wouldn't know which one of the converting constructors you used and it's not guarranteed to succeed in resolving this anyway. Why isn't the best option to let the user supply the inital value in these cases?
@TedLyngmo Yes, I'll create traits template for Spaceship that's all. I don't understand what do you mean about recursively. If there although 1 constructor (not default) it mean that I initialize some private field in Spaceship (because I know their type -> know what is null for them (even for SomeDifObject classes, because it has def.constructor) ). Yes, maybe it's the best option to let the user supply, but for what, if he can not doing that? ( I mean my example of sum in vector of Spaceships, it works well without default) I don't understand where I am wrong? It's all ok sum previously
SpaceShip may consist of NasaBolts and AeroGel objects and neither may be default constructible either. You need to resolve all. And all may have multiple converting constructors. You can't know anything about the types people will use and you certainly can't create traits for future types that haven't been created yet. "if he can not doing that" - If the user calls std::accumulate (or your function)` with a container containing objects of a class that can't be default constructed, I'm pretty sure the user knows exactly what to provide as the initial value.
Value does not necessarily mean numeric value.
@TedLyngmo And the same problem I will get If default constructor in SpaceShip exist or not? So if it so then the best way really to use static_assert, but what if I have 99% guarantee that NasaBolt and different classes will have default constructor what then should I do? Classes Traits?
If SpaceShip doesn't have a default constructor, the user would have to provide an initial SpaceShip will the values the user wants - that's the whole point. You can't just guess what that'll be. "what if I have 99% guarantee" - Who could give such a guarantee? Let's say the user has created a template<typename T> class NonemptyContainer; class template (non default constructible) with operator+. What would you put in that?
@TedLyngmo But if SpaceShip have default constructor, the same problem will happen (NonemptyContainer wouldn't be initialized)? Then I must insist for default construct for every classes which I have had, even for NonemptyContaner?
No, that's the point of the argument I'm making - it will not be the same problem because the user will have to provide the initial SpaceShip since it has no default constructor. The user will not rely on some magic to create a non default constructible spaceship for him/her. Add to it that the user may fill a vector with NonemptyContainer<SpaceShip>s. Neither is default constructible. Whatever you come up with to create the initial object for such a type, it'll most certainly be wrong.
@TedLyngmo Sorry, I understand it now. Yes, you're right, thank you! You're really help me
@Vladimir No problem! Glad it helped! Cheers!

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