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War ist just zip format. You take the built war file and unpack it.
where is set up the structure inside the war? In the pom?
War structure is defined per JEE specification. Therefore we do not override (or customize) that definition anywhere.
The structure of the war is fest-wired in maven war plugin.
Might I ask something myself? I was wondering where does your project structure comes from? I mean the structure with buildScript, javaSource, resource, target, testsource, webcontent,web-inf, pom. How was the structure created?
I have no idea, is a project old 15 years created with Java Struts (MVC framework)
It is a multi module Maven project
there are other pom, and probably ,if I saw well, some other pom are in charge of copying files from webcontent inside target classes
Perhaps it was Ant project originally. For example, there is no need for folder called buildScript for a maven project, but with Ant project, the Ant build file might be there.
Thankx for your answers anyway )
yes correct was an Ant
That explains a lot.
1 hour later…
in target/classes should also go the index page and the other static resources?

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