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Q: Tomcat 9 specify config folder path

Stefano MaglioneI am running in Tomcat 9 an app that needs to read several .config files but I get an These .config files are located in WebContent folder. How can I tell Tomcat to read this path? Can be related to IntelliJ settings for the project? This is how is loaded the config file: Cl...

You need to get them from CLASSPATH and not from filesystem. Look on
Yes it gets it from classpath actually @Michal
could you please show us the code used to read those resources? Further, could you also show the exact stacktrace produced by the error? ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream() does not actually throw IOException as of JDK 9 JavaDoc.
Sure I am adding it. The strange thing is that the code was working before on a WebSphere server.
@Michal I have added it in the post.
Could you please add the StackTrace of the error? Further the value of this.configFile would be of interest.
Added stacktrace and value of configFile @Michal
If the value is preceded by /, i.e. /cnp-filter.config does it still not work?
I have it - they must be in WEB-INF/clases not WEB-INF.
src/main/resources or use ServletContext to read them - see my answer.
If you put the files into projectName/resources/ do they end up in WEB-INF/classes?
no web-inf is e mpty
I have another web-inf inside webcontent
where do you put your java classes?
JavaSource folder
Put the config files there, in the default package
with default package I mean, in the root of the JavaSource folder
inside JavaSource?
Inside a package?
no, at the root on JavaSource. no package
ok let me try, but is there a way to specify the path for Tomcat? to read this files
This has nothing to do with Tomcat at all.
ah ok
with what then?
You could do the other way - keep them in WEB-INF and read per ServletContext.getResourcesAsSTream
I cannot modify the code where I have get ResourcesAsStream
it was working with a websphere server
The structure of WAR file. And where to place things in project that they land in correct place.
where i can setup the war structure?
in pom?
So you have a pom?
So you have a maven project after all.
it is maven
Could you please have a look at you project structure without IDEA?
Using FileExplorer on Windows, filer on OSX, xterm on Linux...
You must have folder src/main/java.
there is no
What foiders are there under the directory in which the pom.xml is?
If you do dir in Windows command promt or ls in Linux
buildScript, javaSource, resource, target, testsource, webcontent,web-inf, pom
could you please try copy the config files into resource and build the war file?
let me try
it has been copied to target/classes and exception disappeared
my question now is , why with the previous war structure was working on websphere?
apparently websphere takes the WEB-INF into CLASSPATH. if you ask me, that is an error.
the CLASSPATH behaviour of application servers is however very different
I would argue that putting the config files into WEB-INF is bad practice. one put JSP files there, if I have it right. that is content which gets served by the container into the client. Nit directly, but served anyway. that is not something one wants to do with his config file, right?
right, webcontent is a folder strictly related to websphere?
You do not have webcontent folder in the war, right?
The structure of the WAR is relevant to your application server, i.e. WebSphere and Tomcat.
The structure you shared above - buildScript, javaSource, resource, target, testsource, webcontent,web-inf, pom - is relevant to your IDEA project / maven project. Neither WebSphere nor Tomcat sees that if I am rignt.
3 hours later…
How can I check the war structure?

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