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A: Discord.js v12 role.delete() doesn't work

Lioness100That's because Collection.delete() requires a key, not an object. Instead of passing the role object as an argument, you should be passing the role snowflake. message.guild.roles.cache.delete('<Role ID>') Also, to delete all roles, you can use the Collection.clear() method, which removes all el...

Did not work, I tried deleting a role and it still exists.
Ah, @Jakye I suppose that's why it's returning empty arrays instead.
You should try .fetch() instead, as that should delete the roles and not just the cache
@Lioness100 I did, it's the first codeblock I gave. I also tried fetching it separately (by itself, not mass) and it doesn't work either.
Alright, sorry.
Ok, that's really weird. I just tried most of the methods you showed in your question, and they all worked for me
That's why I was wondering if this was a bug.
Just to be 100% sure: try making a new role, immediately copy the ID and paste this code:

const role = message.guild.roles.cache.get('<ID>')
role.delete('The role needed to go')
.then(deleted => console.log(Deleted role ${}))
That's the example from the discord.js guide, so if that doesn't work, we'll know for a fact something is wrong
*discord.js docs, not guide
8 hours later…
Hey @MinekoKayui, did the code Lion provided work?

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