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A: Focus dropdown in JSP

rajesh kakawatjust try the code below <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#fault").focus(); }); </script> HTML CODE <body onload="makeDisableEnable()"> to <body> Check this working fiddle

i need the makeDisableEnable method.
just try without makeDisableEnable method.and then check its working or not,If it is working than apply your makeDisableEnable method
Have tried removing. still doesnt work.
have your check fiddle link
Yes i have seen the fiddle link. but it isnt working. its supposed to be focused in the dropdown. but it doesnt.
which browser you are checking , check it in chrome
It works on chrome. But I need it in firefox.
Trying for firefox wait
check this out
is it perfect for you
ill try it. wait boss.
im using html tag. its undefined.
this is perfect solution for you

  last day (19 days later) »