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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Hi Guys
Welcome back @MrD
Interested to know whats you take on this? news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5093721
Hacker News
They're, blessedly, choosing tech over ... investment banking.
Hacker News you should follow it, daily community based news, bit like programming reddit but more 'hardcore'
I really don't tell anyone my age.
I initially hid behind a username, but I gave up when I was 11
Its pretty useful to have your name and age corelated right now
It's the achm crazy people like cough kinected that tell peopel he is UNDERAGE (thusforth breaking US laws) that get in this trouble.
By the time you hit adulthood and lose the wow factor associated with doing all this at this age
If you let your name and age mingle right now, you'll already have a name and reputation when you lose the age factor
I don't shout my age out, but sometimes if I am working with a client that I think will react badly or underestimate because of my age I will lie about it

@RaghavSood that is exactly what I realized too
@CCInc its the same link?
If people react badly or underestimate you because of your age, then you don't want to work with them.
@MrD Working with a client?
No offense to anyone here who is an apple user, but here is the stereotypical apple user:
@RaghavSood I think its a normal response for people outside the technology world. @CCInc I own a few companies and freelance in spare time
OK, albeit ANY stereotypical computer user
@MrD Ah, I see.
I don't own a single apple product and never will!
@MrD True. But if someone isn't willing to respect you for the skills you have, then you don't want to work for them
At least I won't work for them
I own a few apple products :P I'm mainly a Android person though
Yay for unix *(ignoring the fact osx is based off unix...)
ignoring the fact osx is based off unix...
There, I combined them.
@RaghavSood I prefer to prove to them what I can do, but yes it is annoying, especially when they ask to meet in person @CCInc "ooooh the star" fitzaang.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/ooh-the-claw.jpg
It is quite nice having people in the room.
@MrD Same here. If someone reacts in a manner I don't like because of my age, I will show them my existing work and the extent of my skills, and then let them go find someone else.
Usually it is null here.
Actually, once I finish my program I think I will switch to Linux.
Likely Mint.
@RaghavSood their loss, reading over the chat history, we have similar sleeping patterns. Caffeine FTW @CCInc I only saw this last night, but I think I will stick around more, I'm considering moving my Ubuntu computer onto AWS and just using it remotely from there
Oh look
it is 10:17 PM
Monday, January 21, 2013 (GMT)
in the UK
This may be difficult
Its 3:48 AM on 22nd January for me :P
@CCInc do you not like 10:17?
No, there is an issue with my debugging.
@CCInc Timezone issue?
Memory leak, major
The issue is, the files are the exact same before and after... maybe I have to go back further
Who here has an Android phone?
@RaghavSood Nexus 4 :D
Tablet and AVM
or whatever its called
@MrD I hate you already. I want a Nexus 4 but noone sells it in india at a decent price :P
Do you use WhatsApp?
@RaghavSood they sold out hear in about ten mins, it's amazing though, nope they have a ton of security issues
@CCInc do you know roughly what is causing it?
I have a Nexus S and a Galaxy Nexus. I had more phones but my family took them from me :P
Advantage of being a mobile developer: You literally get free phones
@MrD Yes, I beleive it is a call that SQLite is making that is not disposed (which narrows it NONE)
@RaghavSood How?
And I know all about WhatsApp security issues. I'm exploiting them to make an app as we speak :P
@CCInc Conferences etc. Plus prizes. So far I've got 4 free blackberries, two free Androids and one free iPhone 3GS. I've only bought 2 phones so far
@RaghavSood advantage of being a developer in general - FREE STUFF, right now I have six displays hooked up and I only ever brought one of them :P Oooh sounds interesting, whats it about?
Why don't I get free stuff?
@CCInc I was programming for 4 years before I got my first free phone :P
How did you get it @MrD ?
@CCInc memprofiler.com that helps
@MrD Basically shows you statistics about your whatsapp conversations. I've got it about half done right now
@CCInc I just finished a project with a big karaoke firm that required songs to play simultaneously across 5 displays... I never gave them back - got a touch screen and a hard drive out of it too
Where did you get this job?
@RaghavSood Neat! What exploit did you use?
Like freelance?
@CCInc Yeah :)
@MrD Pickup the backup file from the SD card and decrypt it.
in WPF, 6 mins ago, by CC Inc
Excusev moiu while I make some
tea, that is
cc/s 3 java
@RaghavSood oooo they won't like that :D a good one would be displaying the mood of each conversation
@CCInc okay
@RaghavSood Whereabouts in India are you from?
@MrD Shouldn't have hardcoded the AES key into their app if they didn't want it :P
@MrD New Delhi
How do I retrieve stock market data from an external window for my application in Windows?
@RaghavSood I agree
@RaghavSood nice! you freelance or do you work for a company?
I don't usually work for anyone. I make my own stuff
How do I find the presence of a given word in a Java String?
@RaghavSood got many downloads?
@MrD I'd say about 30k over all my apps
My friend is developing this app, if you would take a look jabfreewaremt.codeplex.com
@RaghavSood That's not bad
I'm hoping the one I'm working on right now gets all that and more on its own
What's it on?
@CCInc I'll try it out later :)
13 mins ago, by Raghav Sood
@MrD Basically shows you statistics about your whatsapp conversations. I've got it about half done right now
Remind me to take my boiling water off the stove.
@RaghavSood You should promote it in some kind of way, even just submitting it to HN will get you a couple of hundred downloads
@CCInc in how long? :L
Dunno, maybe 5 minutes
@CCInc okay, did you find the memory leak in the end?
Nope haven't found it.
< Teenager
Hello Rudi.
Do you mean русский ?
Мъ кеъбоард гот стуцк ин Руссиан
Can anyone translate?
@RudiVisser Your characters are incorrect!
What language, then?
До свидания
...and I guess he is gone
By no means.
I think my tea is overflowing.
@CCInc I am reminding you about the boiling water now:D
chiching I did all my homework
Memory leak
Try memprofiler
Boiling water is HOT
@CCInc some may say its boiling hot :P
I didn't wrap my SqliteCommand in a Using statement!
Silly me.
@CCInc thats not to bad, its less headaches then trying to fix a problem
I dunno if that's the actual issue though
It likely is
I hate when you go to open an application, only to realize you uninstalled it last week
That has never happened to me.
Then again, I never uninstall any applications.
Diskspace is limited :P
Alright, FTW
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 2 mins ago, by Jeremy Banks
> Before collecting, using or disclosing personal information from a child, an operator must obtain verifiable parental consent from the child's parent. This means an operator must make reasonable efforts (taking into consideration available technology) to ensure that before personal information is collected from a child, a parent of the child receives notice of the operator's information practices and consents to those practices.
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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