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@jozefg Welcome again
Hows life?
Do you want the stereotypical answer or the real anser?\
Whichever you prefer to give
Badly, then
@Syfaro Hey
:/ I'm sorry to hear that
HOw about you?
Good, Potentially about to learn Emacs
Isn't that, like a code editor?
Yeah, I normally use Vim, but It doesn't seem like the language I'm using has good tool support for anything but Emacs
And what language woudl that be?
@jsksma2 Welcome back.
It is the first time anyone has actually came back to this room
I came back haha
:D so what have you been up to lately?
I come back all the time haha
I just come on here when nobody else seems to be (probably because you're all stuck in school :P)
@jozefg Testing a licensing system
@jsksma2 :) Like when?
Hows that been going?
yo teenagers
I am getting very strange errrors
"Yo" @TemporaryNickName
Today, around 12. I was just lurking though. Although, there wasn't anything to lurk haha
how old r u ?
Is anyone in here familiar with Core Data iOS?
Nice. You in school?
im already at school even though I am on uni break
I'm waiting for acceptance letters still.
What uni?
which Uni is that?
I live in Australia, the Uni is called "UTS"
San Jose, Pomona, San Luis Obispo, UCLA, Stanford.
sick, I only heard of UCLA and Stanford
The other uni's are just state/polytechnic schools.
What languages do you write?
You ever write any API's using AWS or Google App Engine?
yeah, I've used both of them before
I liked AWS more because you get more controls + 1 year free usage
Aw, no way! I'm building an iOS app right now, and I'm trying to build some API for it so I can work with either one. But the java tutorials were just shooting errors everywhere, so I switched to Python.
Yeah, I'm liking AWS more too because they seem like they have more to offer.
Like they have a thing called Elastic Beanstalk that I'm trying to figure out how to use, and it's exactly what I need to make the API I want. Whereas Google Cloud's Endpoints wasn't so straight forward.
Do you use Eclipse?
I tried using it, and I hated it. I wish I felt more comfortable on it though, because it seems like java lets you do more.
i use eclipse because it's free
IntelliJ is so much nicer
@Temporary Nick Yeah, can't beat that. There are others though such as NetBeans.
here comes the java IDE arguments...
NetBeans.. hmm
Isn't netbeans rather slow? I havent used it much
Yeah, I remember a guy used it that I met at Startup Weekend, and it came to mind haha.
Otherwise, I know nothing of it.
i think eclipse and netbeans both suck
i've used eclipse for all my uni courses and they are always very slow
it's super slow when you want to boot up
I always just use Vim
and mvn for builds
The biggest thing for me that I didn't like was just how hard it was to see errors and warnings. Also, as far as I saw, I couldn't change the color coding; and I'm pretty big on that.
But like I said before, I hardly used it (maybe for 20 minutes)
The text color or the error color?
i think eclipse and netbeans are slow when booting up because it is starting up JVM
Text color.
Vim is nice too, my teacher's really good at it\
It's fun, though I wish it had a better Slime port
They actually teach you programming in uni out there? You're lucky :)
but it's annoying when they use Vim to teach programming
Why is that?
because it is hard to learn
It's not too bad, you just have to only use it for like 2 weeks and your ok
Oh, I see.
my favorite text editor has always been editplus
I like sublime text 2 because it's easy to find text colors online and it starts almost instantly.
I write mostly Objective-C for iOS now, so I'm stuck using XCode :/
Jan 4 at 23:02, by CC Inc
pfft silly apple
Jan 4 at 23:04, by CC Inc
silly apple
Jan 6 at 23:04, by CC Inc
(silly apple)
Jan 4 at 22:59, by CC Inc
You found that pretty quickly haha
Ah, I see.
do they teach you programming at uni in US?
i heard they teach you pseudo code lol
Yeah, it's a joke.
My uni teaches Scheme for the first class :D
crap, Scheme?
Do they still use that language?
Thankfully, I've always followed Autodidacticism, so I've got a few languages down prior to uni
Yeah, its nice!
;; Sum of four rational real numbers
(define xr (+ 1/3 1/4 -1/5 405/50))
;; Sum of two rational real numbers
(define xi (+ -1/3 2/3))
===> 8.48333333333333
===> 0.333333333333333
;; Check for exactness.
(exact? xr)
===> #f
(exact? xi)
===> #f
@TemporaryNickName How do I calculate my Provisioned Throughput Capacity in AWS?
@CCInc thats the one
not sure =| 1 sec
oh, i think
if you log in and goto AWS myconsole
then you can see it I guess, but not too sure =/
Well, I'm creating a DynamoDB right now, and I can't imagine I would be able to see that kind of info because I haven't made anything on it before.
I don't want to just guess either because they will try and charge me.
is it a DB from Amazon?
Nvm, I figured it out. You get 5 units of write, and 10 units of read each month. After that, you have to pay
There is this thing in iOS called Core Data. I've been working on it for weeks, and I finally gave up today and decided that I'm just going to go with Java/Amazon mostly for what I want to accomplish.
This room is quite abuzzin
Although, I'm already quite confused with AWS's dynamoDB :/
Plus, I need to use RDS, and idk how I'm supposed to connect them together, and then into my app
do young people have to go to military in US?
I don't think... I hope not
No, are you referring to the U.S. draft?
Don't you have conscription in US
Technically, yes, but in reality, no. If that makes any sense?
It's there in case the gov't suddenly decides they want it, but they haven't used it in over 20 years
My bad, in over 20 haha
It's actually more like 35 now though
Nobody ever talks about it here in the states except for a few rare occasions I've had with friends. It's really not something we talk about I guess. Instead, we're all hell-bent on outlawing guns because "guns kill people."
i need to go and get some food
Please tell me that you guys don't eat like Outback Steakhouse everyday :P
@Usman Hello.
what discussion is going on here?
Nothing much.
What languages do you do?
and nowa days learning cakephp
Jan 3 at 22:15, by CC Inc
Ah, PHP. The impossible language.
:) how?
Jan 3 at 16:57, by jackwilsdon
There aren't really any standards
Jan 3 at 16:57, by CC Inc
Plus no debugger...
Why do you use PHP?
but i use it bcoz it is opensource...
that makes not much sense
Isn't many other technologies open source as well that would do much better in all scenarios than PHP?
i m learning CakePHP framework...
is it fine
I think he means that it isn't bound to any IDE or anything. For example, Objective-C & XCode.
You can program all languages without an IDE.
Acutlaly, that's why I DON'T like PHP
Yeah, I was just about to delete that. I realized it doesn't make any sense :D
what languages you do?
@Usman why do you use PHP?
only opensource is the reason no any other :)
But why does that matter?
i know asp.net
but it is paid one for production..
so i tried PHP
Why not use asp or node?
we use php because they're free
never tried ..
php & mysql
@TemporaryNickName you are with me :)
What do you mean by free?
no license needed for commercial purpose
however it sucks when it comes to adding web services and extra tiers to your application
I still don't understand why that's significant.
why not use frameworks for it..
CakePHPP, YiiFramework
i've never tried to create REST web services in PHP but I heard it's painful
i think there are many advantages of using web services
hi anyone ter for android?
@TemporaryNickName: i want to parse a data from php in android.Which is convinient.doing it in xml or json? the data has image,title,description etc.,
use json
Q: Sending and Parsing JSON in Android

primpopIn the application I am developing, I would like to send messages in the form of JSON objects to a Django Server and parse the JSON response from the server and populate a custom listview. From the little JSON knowledge I have, I thought this format for the response from server { "post": { ...

it's easier than parsing XML
XML has a lot of different types of parsers DOM, SAX, StAX.
And I wouldn't say non of them are easy and light weight as parsing JSON
@TemporaryNickName: thanks you so much...:)
19 hours later…
@CCInc did you have time to try the app?
No, sorry
remember mouse wheel is the only input, it does not do anything really
ok example of wpf though I think

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