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@Marcos Welcome to the Teenage Programmers Chatroom :) Please remember to follow this chatroom's rules, but most importantly, remember to have fun :D
Hey @Marcos
Hi! thank you, just exploring new lands
9 hours later…
So quiet in here...
@tobifasc Welcome to the Teenage Programmers Chatroom :) Please remember to follow this chatroom's rules, but most importantly, remember to have fun :D
@IainGalloway Welcome to the Teenage Programmers Chatroom :) Please remember to follow this chatroom's rules, but most importantly, remember to have fun :D
1 hour later…
@HyunMi lol, upgrading to win 10 didn't uninstall my ubuntu dual-boot like people thought it would
@JacobGray Is it still you Jacob? I'm missing your pumpkin...
2 hours later…
@ByteCommander lol, I am going to change it to an actual picture of me so I look more professional when I give my profile to prospective employers
@user880772 Welcome to the Teenage Programmers Chatroom :) Please remember to follow this chatroom's rules, but most importantly, remember to have fun :D
@JacobGray What is it btw? Wooden monkey mask?
what, my profile pic?
lol, it's me
I guess I look like a monkey...
hey @michaelpri
hows life?
I hope his turtle is swimming sidewards... ;)
@JacobGray o noo I ran it in a vm anyways like to play games to : 3
@Unihedron can I ask you a question?
Yes, but just one. You just did. Goodbye!
That was typical.
yay, I have over 4k rep!
@JacobGray Me too, but I'm having it for a pretty long time now...
I'd love if I could have 5k now!
Got downvoting privilege on another site!
/me downvotes 40 closed questions
Oh... my... god...
... And what's wrong with you? O_o
It's too warm in here.
And I'm getting hungry.
But I don't get a downvote-fetish because of that!
@GabrielTomitsuka xD Good one!
@Unihedron Dear master of all languages, might I ask you for your holy advice?
In Python, what kind of Exception I should throw when somebody tries to set a variable that may be set only once?
Or, really, just RuntimeError: "Raised when an error is detected that doesn’t fall in any of the other categories."
That VariableAlreadySetException would be a custom created class derived from Exception, I think? That's probably too much, especially as I can add a message.
@ByteCommander Yes, but programmers create new exceptions all the time, if none fits.
I already have enough classes in that file...
And as it's only used internally anyway...
I just realized I wore my shirt backwards.
@Unihedron I do it all the time.
@ByteCommander Then you don't need to use an exception.
The functional programming paradigm is to define contracts only when it matters.
But if I don't throw an exception, I have to include various return statements, additional ifs, breaks, etc.
You don't, it's internal code. If the contract is broken, just return zero or null or whatever.
@Aaroninus Welcome to the Teenage Programmers Chatroom :) Please remember to follow this chatroom's rules, but most importantly, remember to have fun :D
@Unihedron Not a Python expert, but why not simply throw a RuntimeError? What if the future maintainer of the project is an idiot?
@Unihedron Return value of a constructor? Or a method that should not return anything like a setter?
@ByteCommander Why exactly are you asserting the variable not to be double set in a constructor?
No, that specific one was a setter.
Then instead of throwing an exception you can just do nothing?
Could, should, would...
I'm going for the Runtime Exception.
The more Exceptions, the easier to debug!
The easier you're screwed in production.
The proper way to debug is to, well, write functional tests (or otherwise known as functional specs), not watch when things trip over.
I have to agree with @Unihedron on that matter. If you write unit tests, you don't need to worry about this kind of issue.
You have a good tutorial on unit tests for Python for me?
As I said, not a Python expert.
This is a lecture by Google Tech Talks on the psychology of testing.
It's in Java, but the story is similar when you superimpose it to any code in any language.
No videos please, I prefer text.
In computer programming, unit testing is a software testing method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are tested to determine whether they are fit for use. Intuitively, one can view a unit as the smallest testable part of an application. In procedural programming, a unit could be an entire module, but it is more commonly an individual function or procedure. In object-oriented programming, a unit is often an entire interface, such as a class, but could be an individual...
@ByteCommander Wikipedia pointed to this
I don't think that would make my exception useless.
I have to handle file input and user input too, so it really might happen something anyway.
And I'm usually going to catch most of my exceptions somewhere anyway and print a nice error.
2 hours later…
Yay for easy SO question :P
@user3287223 Welcome to the Teenage Programmers Chatroom :) Please remember to follow this chatroom's rules, but most importantly, remember to have fun :D
2 hours later…
@TanMath Welcome to the Teenage Programmers Chatroom :) Please remember to follow this chatroom's rules, but most importantly, remember to have fun :D
@Skynet hello Skynet!

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