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Hello everyone :)
I was going to Hangouts message you but I got distracted
What's up
Not much! Pretty bored. Released my game last night!
Ooh, what it's called?
Reaction Timer
Basically tests your reaction lol
I'll check it out
Only one minor bug, you can try it if you want :)
Also, I'm down to 49 app users :( On my XKCD Viewer
Whats the bug?
On the first run, it takes a few seconds to show your score. It never happens again
Downloading it now
Did you find it?
2 hours later…
//image kitty
Fudge, I'll have to run it on my laptop
I'm alive :)
//image kitty
Gahhhh I'm stupid
I'm dead :(
@TristanWiley I'm just a terrible programmer
Aren't we all :)
I'm alive :)
My Commands
//image [image search term] - searches for and posts images of or relating to the image search term
//choose [choice] or [choice]... - makes decisions for you so you don't have to. Can accept more than two choices as long as they are separated by 'or'
Cool beans
@ProgramFOX @JacobGray Just added a //help command (see above) and I also gave both of you the ability to use //die
Can I have the ability?
Just so I can say I have it? lol
You can probably just say it anyway :P
@TristanWiley You are not authorized kill me!!! Muahaha!!!! Please ping @michaelpri if I am acting up
That's redundant. It pings you and says to ping you if you are acting up
So you get two pings
I don't really care. The extra pings make me feel special
Yes, yes you are
2 hours later…
//choose live or die
I'm dead :(
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
The guitar solo in the end is so beautiful...
Hi Ahmad! o/
Nobody can make a song about a zombie army better than Powerwolf! ;)
By the way... What is The Right Way™ to create a new GitHub repository based on another one? Should I fork the base repo and rename and modify it, or should I somehow copy the contents or how to do this?
And I should be able to apply updates to the base repo also to my derived repo easily...
@ByteCommander Fork. Then you can easily open pull requests to be merged in the original repo.
@ProgramFOX Ok, thanks.
3 hours later…
yup what ProgramFOX said
1 hour later…
How can I move a file on github into a new directory on github?
do that with Git, locally
And how do I create a directory first of all?
Not possible with the web-interface?
Awww... :(
GitHub's web interface doesn't support that, I think.
You can create a directory, but not an empty one. When you make a file, put slashes into the filename
You know the git commands for that?
@ByteCommander Sure:
mkdir yourdir
git mv yourfile yourdir/yourfile
Depends on OS: different commands to make directories
@hexafraction Byte's on Ubuntu.
@hexafraction So I could rename e.g. readme.md to text/readme.md and that would move it into a folder?
OK: git clone [url github gives you], then cd [repository-name]. Move as @ProgramFOX specified.
Then, git add -A, git commit -m "Move [yourfile] for [reason]", git push origin master.
More complicated if you're trying to move a file on a branch other than the default. Also, the commas separate commands to be run one after the other, and aren't part of the command line
Okay, I'll try where I get...
1 hour later…
@Deep Hi.
Oh hey! You're a cake! I can eat you in one bite!
Dont eat me! >.<
I wanted to ask what you guys thought of my (WIP) site! chillibyte.github.io
1 hour later…
Just saying, I moved my blog to blog.gtomitsuka.com
Gabriel Tomitsuka has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
posted on July 02, 2015 by Gabriel Tomitsuka

I hate PHP, WordPress and MySQL. But I was powering my old blog with WordPress. Also, it was a technology-only blog. I had some multiple thoughts and wanted to publish them, but it would seem incoherent since that was actually Montreus's technology blog. So, I decided to start from

2 hours later…
Hey guys
Hello peoples :)
I'm alive :)
I'm losing my head trying to implement the OpenID standard :(
@GabrielTomitsuka On what?
@michaelpri Node.js + SQL
For your blog?
No, for my startup
Oh, cool :) What's the startup?
@michaelpri angel.co/oratio That's the out-dated description. We are working on a new one.
Oh, I remember Oratio
How has it been so far?
@Jay Welcome to the Teenage Programmers Chatroom :) Please remember to follow this chatroom's rules, but most importantly, remember to have fun :D
Not that well. I'm addressing a few team administration issues as we speak.
If you ever need any help, feel free to ask me. I don't really know Node or SQL, but I can do some front-end stuff
Thanks :D
hey @Ahmad
what's up?
nm hbu?
just tired
grown up life is hard man
Young life is da bomd :P
I've been cooking for myself the whole weak so far; it was easier when I was living at home ;_;
Ahh, I love living at home
oh well, but yeah, also lots to do at my internship
and good thing they have a stocked kitchen
What kind of internship?
so I can eat there
I'm interning at Microsoft :)
Oh, that's awesome :)
so yeah, software engineering
ty :)
the people are really chilled and awesome
and I'm learning a lot
I really want to be an intern at a big tech company like that
you're from the US right?
Ouh yeah, getting something at the big companies in the US is really hard :/
I have some time to get better though
they also employ a lot more interns than the branches here do though
I've heard that interning at Facebook is really cool
Oh yeah probably
and also Google
Yeah, that'd be sooooo cool to intern at Google
In Silicon Valley in general
(at the big ones)
hahah yeah
Some of the startups are really cool there too
Yeah a friend of mine got an internship at Palantir this summer in the Valley
I've read that they pay mad money
like 8k/month lol
Hmm, that sounds pretty cool
Well gtg to sleep
3 hours later…
//choose apples to apples or catchphrase
@michaelpri I choose apples to apples

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