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The polar night occurs when the night lasts for more than 24 hours. This occurs only inside the polar circles. The opposite phenomenon, the polar day, or midnight Sun, occurs when the Sun stays above the horizon for more than 24 hours. "Night" is understood as the center of the Sun being below a free horizon. Since the atmosphere bends the rays of the Sun, "light wins over darkness" by a few degrees. Hence the area that is affected by polar night is somewhat smaller than the area of midnight Sun. The polar circle is located at a latitude between these two areas, at the latitude of approx. 66.5...
@Unihedro Single thing I'd worry about ^
Polar night in Sweden lasts up to 20 days
I don't have all days to worry about things. :P
So, you're actually going to Sweden?
When I pursue a career.
Nice. How hot is HKSAR?
Ask siri, she'll know.
I have no idea since I'm in a dark room.
Oh. 27 degrees right now.
It's 5 degrees in my home city.
(All measures are degrees Celsius)
@Unihedro Wait, now your tests are over, right?
That means we can start works in Oratio.io next week
@Unihedro You should start learning Swedish. At least they also use the Latin alphabet
@GabrielTomitsuka no
Oops. I thought you meant the Swedish thing. SE Mobile sucks
So, 1 more week tests?
2 hours later…
guys is there a a good website for learning web development
2 hours later…
@KrysselTillada No.
ohh ok
Learn from doing :D
And Google
Google is always helpful as long as you don't wreck it.
DISCLAIMER: Idon'tknowhowregexesworkIwasjusttryingtodoonebecauseIthoughtitwouldbefunpleasedo‌​n'tkillmeuni
1 hour later…
@KrysselTillada I personally like Codecademy's HTML course. codecademy.com
@ProgramFOX Aside English, which other languages do you speak?
Dutch, and some French
oh thanks
The motto thing was a joke
But i might keep it lol
does codeacademy teaches html5?
@GabrielTomitsuka All people I've met who've relied on that course for web dev are idiots...
1 hour later…
@Unihedro My first HTML lines were written there. But yeah you're right. @KrysselTillada Read Mozilla documentation, or maybe even W3 documentation, but don't follow tutorials.
@JacobGray What and who is that for?
I never checked, but I think edx.org also has a HTML course. @Unihedro Did you check it?
is w3schools good?
@GabrielTomitsuka If a person who actually has a spark of care for web design courses hasn't checked on it, don't poke me to check it out. :P
Rest assured I might have seen it and have opinions, that scope implies it not to be a good one.
@its_notjack a project i might make, storing files, then accessing them from any device
What is needed for python developing?
A Python interpreter + an editor of your choice.
@ProgramFOX what interpreter do you suggest?
That's the default interpreter, version 3.4.0.
(note that, for some libraries, you might need a 2.x version)
thanks :D
I want to learn python
Whats it used for anyway?
@JacobGray Oh, for example this tool uses Python 2.7 ;) github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector
@ProgramFOX do you do python?
Right now, i am confused
@JacobGray Yep. For example I work on the application mentioned above, and I also have this Python app: github.com/ProgramFOX/SO-EditMonitor
@JacobGray about?
@ProgramFOX About 3D game development
That's... something totally different xD
I understand how they can make chess, and 2d games
<-- never did anything with 3D applications
@JacobGray OpenGL
Its crazy
@JacobGray That's totally irrelevant
You just jumped through 4 different, sky-far distinct topics, just ask you were originally going for :P
My quest for python has nothing to do with 3D games, i want to do them in java
@JacobGray LWJGL
@Unihedro forgive the stupid question, how do i get opengl?
It's a software library. You add it as a dependency, AND THEN YOU USE IT.
nvm, il use the java thing instead
LWJGL comes with OpenGL.
3 hours later…
Python, JavaScript and Swift are like siblings

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