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hi everyone. :D
@Mateon1 that version of the chat is months old and really buggy, I haven't got around to updating yet
@Sam the lag comes because it only updates when you send a message, the new ver updates every .5s
8 hours later…
New simpler address: plus.montreus.com:3000
@JacobGray On the chat?
Like this, with sockets:
<script src="https://cdn.socket.io/socket.io-1.2.0.js"></script>
        <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.js"></script>
            var currentUser;
                              var username = localStorage.getItem('MTChat_Username');
                              if(username === null){
                              var newUsername = prompt("Welcome to Montreus Chat!\n Please type in an username. (Leave empty for no username at all)");
Are you seriously using AJAX for chatting???
I'll improve my chat a lot and them open-source it.
And you'll be able to see how it works in depth :)
Oh yes! Now, no empty-space strings will be sent :)
@ByteCode I have on the iOS store.
UPDATE: Version 1.1 of my chat is live :) Now with username updates, sidebar and no more empty-strings. Plus 3 or 4 bug fixes. Not responsive yet, but at least works on mobile devices.
Hey @Sam
Check the update
1 hour later…
@GabrielTomitsuka Did you see the xss alert pop up?
Yes, this is intended.
Your xss
This doesn't work by now
@GabrielTomitsuka Seems like you can XSS yourself because the "Welcome, ..." message does not escape HTML.
function changeUsername(){
               var returnedUsername = prompt("Your current username is " + currentUser + ".\nType in a new username:");
                if(!verifyEmptyness(returnedUsername) && returnedUsername !== null){
                                      localStorage.setItem('MTChat_Username', returnedUsername);
                                      currentUser = returnedUsername;
                                      $(".username").html("Welcome, " + currentUser);
Click View Source
The currentUser variable is not HTML-escaped.
So, that means that the "Welcome, currentUser" message can contain HTML, which is inconsistent with the other places.
@GabrielTomitsuka You should not accept the right-to-left override character (U+202E) in usernames. As you can see, it looks like a user named hello posted something, but that's actually me, because I set my username to U+202E. To avoid impersonation, this char should be blocked.
@GabrielTomitsuka No, the actual char, not U+202E as plain text.
@GabrielTomitsuka Do not use the HTML Entity in your name, just the actual char.
@GabrielTomitsuka Also, even if a name is already used, another person can still take it. This should be disallowed.
I still must do a user list on a server, that will be sent to the clients every time someone enters/leaves. That will be used for seeing if the username can be used.
Server maintenace.
Back live
Is someone running a bot?
1 hour later…
@GabrielTomitsuka The chat is completely broken :P
@GabrielTomitsuka Login into the chat, lemme show you
@Mateon1 I already said it was broken.
22 hours ago, by Unihedro
Then you don't really "know" how to "do" a chat server, just that you have a guide. I highly doubt you're able to put together something properly* that isn't broken**.
Please cut down on the loop amount when sending messages, please
1 hour later…
I just made a chat server for learning how to use sockets in depth.
@GabrielTomitsuka You mean following a guide?
Go there right now. I'll show you.
socket.io/get-started/chat That just covers how to send and receive a message.
@Mateon1 Please, show me
I'll open-source the chat as soon as the multi-room function starts working.
<- is not really interested to see the code
I know you don't care a bit.
I'm talking about Sam or eventually Mateon1.
I'm pretty sure Sam doesn't work on Javascript unless he has to.
@Mateon1 It runs stream sockets.
Aren't there standards regarding this?
How is everyone?
@GabrielTomitsuka No it doesn't, it's ajax facaded as sockets. Websockets has nothing to do with streams.
socket.io uses ajax.
just like me :)
<-- In war with @Unihedro because my chat is broken
I'm not in war with you, if this was war you would've lost before it began.
admiring the beautiful new SO look
@JacobGray Really? I think it sucks (sorry Stack Overflow designers).
@Unihedro I'm not being literal!
I think it looks nicer then it did, at least the coding
@Unihedro I think the code's new colors are crap.
But the new header and main menu are nice
@JacobGray The new code uses a monospaced font which are flat, instead of the old ones which are fixed.
oh, i just liked the new font lol
Actually, I liked the old font more. Flat ones looks bad on inverted colors.
Hashtag living on the other side..
Socket.IO uses WebSockets when it can.

Its advantages are that it simplifies the usage of WebSockets as you described in #2, and probably more importantly it provides failovers to other protocols in the event that WebSockets are not supported on the browser or server. I would avoid using WebSockets directly unless you are very familiar with what environments they don't work and you are capable of working around those limitations.

This is a good read on both WebSockets and Socket.IO.

@GabrielTomitsuka "an outstanding wrapper API called Socket.IO" typical crappy review
"WebSocket is currently being standardized by the W3C" Websockets has been standardized several years ago.
Yes, that's advertisement.
@GabrielTomitsuka "Socket.IO uses WebSockets when it can." is blatantly wrong.
@Unihedro I should've sent only the link, I agree. Sorry for that.
But anyway:
Socket.IO is a WebSocket API created by Guillermo Rauch, CTO of LearnBoost and lead scientist of LearnBoost Labs. Socket.IO will use feature detection to decide if the connection will be established with WebSocket, AJAX long polling, Flash, etc., making creating realtime apps that work everywhere a snap. Socket.IO also provides an API for Node.js which looks very much like the client side API.
Socket.IO simplifies the WebSocket API and unifies the APIs of its fallback transports. Transports include:
Flash Socket
AJAX long-polling
AJAX multipart streaming
JSON polling
@GabrielTomitsuka Socket.IO only upgrades to Websockets when a connection will be established through realtime handshaking. By using only Socket.IO, you'll get only Ajax polling.
Interesting. With what shall I use Socket.IO together for having Websockets?
It's in the tutorial I've linked to :P
@GabrielTomitsuka Typical crappy review of which the author has no idea what they're talking about. Websocket has no APIs. Saying so implies that Socket.IO is a system library, which is invalid. Socket.IO runs on binary streaming, not streaming sockets. Nor is it effective for realtime apps, because apps written in Javascript suck anyway.
oops cat went on the keyboard :P
@GabrielTomitsuka You mean the guide?
@Unihedro It actually doesn't show both working together.
So, no
@Unihedro With what shall I use Socket.IO together for having Websockets?
@GabrielTomitsuka That's nothing to do with JS, that's node.
@Unihedro And I use Node.
@GabrielTomitsuka Which is a server software, not javascript itself.
@Unihedro What's your point???
1 min ago, by Gabriel Tomitsuka
@Unihedro http://www.quora.com/What-companies-are-using-Node-js-in-production
node is on the server side for coding server-side javascript
because apps written in Javascript suck anyway
@RamchandraApte Server side JavaScript is not a JavaScript application, they are Node applications.
yes, I think it's a way to use javascript to generate the responses just like you could use flask with python?
in Java, yesterday, by Unihedro
@mantic0 When I post a message, I mean what I meant, no more, no less.
I know the difference between JS and Node.js
@RamchandraApte That is correct.
Though Flask is waaay better than node.js.
remembers days of dealing with javascript null and weird bugs
@RamchandraApte Use Facebook's JS typing library.
It fixes a lot of the silliness within JS itself.
brython seems interesting too, not sure how mature it is
Why do you guys hate Node.js that much?
(I know it's only on version 0.10 and the "callback hell")
I don't think anybody here is hating node.js
@GabrielTomitsuka I don't hate Node. Nor node.js. As for Node.js, I've never heard of it.
@Unihedro For the fifth time, SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH
Oh node.js and node are different things
mind confused
@GabrielTomitsuka You are forgiven. However, technologies in different typing are different technologies.
Who's meh in my chat?
@RamchandraApte Saying that technology X sucks because Y where Y are collections of valid reasons does not imply that one hates technology X.
@Unihedro that is my point I didn't see you as hating X
If no one were complaining about PHP but still love it, no one would be developing it and improving its flaws.
Really, PHP sucks.
I've heard some really bad stuff about PHP. Seems like a pile of hacks.
@GabrielTomitsuka Using alerts to request a username is bad UI (alert for anything is bad UI pretty much)
28 mins ago, by Gabriel Tomitsuka
I just made a chat server for learning how to use sockets in depth.
> ©2015 by Montreus S-AG.
That organization is probably not legally recognized.
Not for selling or making a good software or middleware.
Better to simply copyright it to your name.
@RamchandraApte It doesn't matter.
@RamchandraApte It's on the process.
Meh, just saying.
Until August, with a little bit luck, we'll finish with the papers.
The name is optional and isn't a legal identifier unless it's part of a license.
You are right.
html injection too
(change your name to <i> HTML injection </i> and look at the welcome message)
Yeah, I should really get a username with <script> and write some malware-installing JS that only works on Windows.
Well, it doesn't work in the chatroom anyways.
It doesn't work in the chat
only in the welcome message
Really? Aww.
The server blocks this :)
(The Node.js server)!
But you can use some simple things
@GabrielTomitsuka How? With a simple regex?
@Unihedro I'll open-source this tomorrow, be patient. It's a node module, I forgot the name.
eww.. inline styles.
Now I can't load your page because whenever I try to, I get redirected to my jam site.
Your chat page is now officially broken because I can't even load it now. Do you store information in cookies so I can at least reset it?
you are 2 l33t 4 urself :-D
So, yes
Ok, I'm "undefined" now.
@Unihedro Actually, that only XSS's yourself. Because only the "Welcome, <username>" field is not escaped.
<philosophy>You are undefined because you have no significance in the universe.</philosophy>
@ProgramFOX Aww.
mind if I ddos your site?
(not literally something similar though)
sorry I should have asked
forgive me
@RamchandraApte It broke :(
@RamchandraApte Well, it's illegal.
@Unihedro I know.
My server broke now.
@GabrielTomitsuka sorry, sorry, I mistakenly though it would only crash the browser tab
@RamchandraApte And boring.
or lag it
Just received an CloudAlert email warning that Painless Cloud servers just had a temporary downtime....
Sent 1.6 megabytes in a chat message. Sorry :-(
Ah, I suppose you didn't invest money into ddos protection.
No cent
But the server reboots automatically after something like this
Or so you thought.
Dramatic plot twist incoming...
Your perception of time is wrong. What you are living in is actually pre-DDOS
post-DDOS life ceased to exist
@RamchandraApte Nah, ReDoS is here now.
<randomly, incorrectly using tech babble>
1. It has regex so +100 charisma, 2. It's practically harder to spot because you can blame the developer and disclaim the doing, and 3. more effective with less work done
Please, but please don't do it in the Montreus Chat...
"don't hax us pls"
Totally not calling in on pwnt's.
Hey, it's back up!
@RamchandraApte I'm serious! If there's a Painless Cloud user downloading his/her file right now...
@GabrielTomitsuka I'm being satirical to show that simply saying don't do X is not a very reliable way to stop X.
the chat is going crazy with exploits
Is it @Unihedro, @ArVID220u, @ProgramFOX or @Mateon1 online in the chat right now?
Not me
@GabrielTomitsuka not me
@GabrielTomitsuka I'm not - I'm busy working on SmokeDetector
I'm busy setting up everything on my phone
So... Who's the third person in the chat?
I'm busy working on {some other project you probably won't meet ever}.
@ProgramFOX Is it a real electronic smoke detector?
I just installed CyanogenMod on my phone, very disappointed by the terminal emulator. All the commands are so limited
@GabrielTomitsuka no, it's an application that detects spam on Stack Exchange and posts alerts to chatrooms. github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector
Ludum Dare game, not bad
Montreus Chat: Now open source!
I'll still do the chat rooms thing
@Unihedro Nice game
Thats a awesome name...
anyone on?
@GabrielTomitsuka ?
@JacobGray negative
you sure no ones here?
I'm here now.
I was failing to open a virtual machine, but it opens fine now.
Hiya @ProgramFOX !
@GabrielTomitsuka is your chat working?
@GabrielTomitsuka your chat refuses to load
I think your chat hates me, it will not load
@GabrielTomitsuka i am playing with your chat, and if i post a large message, it dies
It just died again, i will stop, sorry!
@GabrielTomitsuka does the chat dieing pose a problem to painless?
55 mins ago, by Gabriel Tomitsuka
@RamchandraApte I'm serious! If there's a Painless Cloud user downloading his/her file right now...
TL;DR: yes but you should totally keep doing it
Oops >.<
I am reeaaaallllyyy sorry @GabrielTomitsuka
I posted this pastebin.com/yASJD6dr >.<
Quite large...
That’s 231,543 characters, totaling 231,543 bytes.
Yeah, srry :(
@GabrielTomitsuka that poses a major problem!
No, it's fine. Actually, I'm sure Gabriel wouldn't mind if you crash their server a few more times.
i could make a program that keeps your server out by posting every time it comes back
Heya @bjb568 !
Hiya @sam
I finally returned from the weekly shopping assault course.
I was wrecking montreus-chat by accident
lol, what did you do?
His server died >.<
... wow, how long.
so if you want to be a horrid person, and ruin Gabriel's day :ipsum-generator.com/loremipsum/paragraphs
Set to 500 paragraphs, and click generate, copy the 231625 byte string and send it in his chat
Tada, you were just an annoying idiot!
Lol, i just tried it on my server, and was blocked
Hey @Ahmad !
Now i have a search page!
@JacobGray hiya
@bjb568 Hiya!
Oh, i changed my name from @imaginewebdesign to @jacobgray
Anyone know where excel VBA compiled files are stored?
2 hours later…
When I test my app on a device I don't get signed into Game Center even though I already have a Game Center account signed into on my device, why is that? In the simulator I have to sign in everytime, but that's no big deal... I'm just confused why it won't work on a real device?
@JacobGray Congrats!
@JacobGray Did you set up the thing that crashes his server whenever it's back up yet? :p
1 hour later…
@Unihedro not yet :P
1 hour later…
I have no idea what I'm watching but the cinematics, mastery and the choice of music are extremely impressive:
@Sam my camera keeps throwing error 99 :(
it has something to do with the lens i think, i need to clean the contacts

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